Hi, Everybody.

I´ve just found this nice community and immediately signed in. I´m from Brazil ang got my puppy a week ago. It´s nice to know that such a great community exist so I can interact woth other Corgi lovers. They are very rare in Brazil. In fact, my own came from Argentina. His name is Braddock, is 12 weeks old and a very handsome little fella. He is very smart too. It just took me a couple of hours to finish potty training and he never missed again. He also learned a couple of tricks as well. 

You might have had this kind of discussion before but the thing is: He is too quiet and sleepy. I know there´s the adjustment thing but I thought he would be a little more energetic between one nap and another. By the way, some naps can take hours!! I think he could release more energy had I taken him to the street for walks but the breeder from Argentina strongly adviced me not to take him to the street (I live in a condo) until after the last vaccine shot, which is due for April 25th.

Is it normal? He doesn´t complain, growl or bark (except during plays). I want him to be a quiet little gentleman. I´m just concerned that there might be something wrong.


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Hello and Welcome,

Have you had him checked by a vet yet? My Wynn was very mellow and slept a fair amount. He might be missing his littermates. Have you tried holding him and playing with him when he is up? Is he eating and going potty well? Did you change his food? Just some thoughts.


I agree to keep him safe he should stay off the streets.

I agree, best for the vet to rule out any serious issues. Do you have a digital thermometer? Our breeder said to check the temp first at any time we are worried. Our Bogart was 6 months when we got him and he did sleep much more than we expected. Also, we noticed his energy level was very low when it was close to meal time. As soon as he had eaten it was like he has new "batteries" and he suddenly got very active and playful. Try giving food 3 times a day if you are currently only feeding twice a day, that way he may not get as lethargic. Let us know how it goes!

No, I haven´t taken him to the vet yet. I thought I´d take him by the time he is going to get the last shots. He doesn´t show any sign of illness and likes to play with his toys but just for a few minutes then he goes back to his nap.. He is going potty pretty well, many times a day (pooping too). I didn´t change his diet and bought the same food the breeder used to give him. Same amount too (100g, twice a day, approximately 200g). I don´t have a digital thermometer though. What really concerns me is the fact that most people say their corgis are playful and moves around all the time while mine is a too quiet so far. Maybe there´s nothing to worry about but it´s always good to hear from owners with larger experience. 

Was he shipped to you by air? I suspect he is still recovering from that experience, which for an 11 week old puppy would be quite stressful. It might be wise to have the vet check him out sooner, rather than waiting until the 25th.

Yes, he was shipped by air. Not a very long flight though. From Buenos Aires to Rio is less than 3 hours. I´ll wait a couple of days and if he stays too sleepy and quiet I´ll follow your advice and take him to the vet before scheduled time.

definitely get him to the vet for a well puppy visit (generally advised within the first 72 hours bringing them home) and at that age, puppies are still very much babies and sleep a lot. we were told to expect 2-3 naps a day of 2-3 hours a piece.  some pups are more mellow, too, it really varies from dog to dog. but with a new environment, potential travel, and all sorts of new things, it's overwhelming and that could cause stress.

if he's eating, sleeping, and eliminating normally, there's less cause for concern.

i saw your puppy's sire is from the heronsway line, is that correct? our puppy is a heronsway corgi too :)

Yes, his mom is a Heronsway. Her name is Taylor (Heronsway The West Wing). His dad is Alenclaud Cosentino. He doesn´t look stressed but I`ll keep checking. If nothing changes in the next few days, I`ll take him to the vet before the scheduled time. 

one thing to keep in mind is that stress isn't always outwardly visible in animals.  plus, if there was travel, you may want a fecal test to rule out any parasites a puppy could pick up in transit — usually from water.

good luck with your puppy!

rae....Max's dam is CH. Hersonsway Front Runner which is Katie's grandmother.  Her dam is CH. Heronsway Chrystal Clear which is one of Max's sisters.  Both came to us thru Chrystal Corgis.  Ann Bowes (Hersonsway) and Karen Baker (Chrystal Corgis) are close friends and partners.

It's always awesome seeing where the lines go, I think.  Or at least, now that we have our pup, it's fun finding other Heronsway corgis along the way.

Even though I got Fauna as an older puppy (5 months old), it took about a few days for her to fully adjust to her new home.  She actually didn't reach her high energy level until about 7-8 months old.

Air travel in cargo is very stressful.  I had to ship my boyfriend's dog to him last year from New Orleans to Newark (about a 6 hour trip).  Even as a 4 year old dog, she spent most of the next few days sleeping.  (Fauna, however, loves to fly carry-on with me.  Probably because she gets to meet so many new people.)

rae....I agree, every time I see Hersonsway my ears perk right up.  Amazing to see one in S. America but I don't know why...Max's sire is from S. Africa and Katie's is from England.


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