well, just got back from the vets office and i am less than pleased. i showed the vet what i was concerned with (crack in badens tooth) and she just kept looking at me like i was dumb. she took her nail and then a tool to scrape over the crack but all she kept saying was "i really think its nothing" but still wants to do blood work and then do a teeth cleaning for that one tooth which will cost me about 300. she says its not like a crack but more of a groove in the tooth so its confusing on what i should do at this point

another thing is she feels like baden needs to be on anti anxiety pills. while we were there he was trembling horribly and growled at everyone and every noise but the growling at people has always just been something he has done and then runs right up to that person for attention with ears back and nub waging (i visited the breeders house and he did this at 6weeks) so it may just be something he does? 

once we were in the exam room he was growling because he could hear another dog so he wouldnt stop. the vet walked in and he growled a lot, even when she was looking at his teeth. but once the dog was gone he stopped. he NEVER gave the indication that he wanted to bite. she didnt believe me he was acting like that because of the other dog until the dog left and he stopped instantly. so both the vet and assistant scraped his teeth with the tool and he sat there the whole time and waited patiently.

dont get me wrong baden is super sweet and affectionate but there are times where he just growls and i correct him and he just cant stop. i have no idea why he does this. but maybe meds will help??

ugh idk what to think right now, the whole visit was just a horrible experience and i wont go back there. i did the right thing by taking my dog to the vet to be sure hes ok and the vet thinks im dumb for coming in, in the first place and then says baden needs meds. what a day :/

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My Sparty was very fearful at the vet. He would shake and pant and growl. I had one vet tell me to tranquillize him before coming! My regular vet (the owner of the clinic) said not to and promptly sat down on the floor and calmly  talked to him until he was calmer. I did have them muzzle Sparty for visits when he couldn't see him but it showed me that some vets can handle a frightened dog better than others. So I would look around for a vet that is better with him. It sounds as if the entire attitude there was not good. Some dogs are more anxious then others and if treats don't help him like the vet better just look for someone that is more patient. I am glad the tooth wasn't cracked! Nylabones are very dangerous for dogs that are heavy chewers. 

Becca needs to be muzzled for blood draws. She was "red dotted" during her spay stay. She totally flipped out on them. Since then my vets office has worked with me to make her more comfortable. She doesn't need to be muzzled for vaccinations or exams, but I agree that it is a safety precaution with blood work. They have a party with her to celebrate behaving after the muzzle comes off. She is so much better than she was. I agree that you need to be comfortable with your vet. I am lucky that I like both of the vets in the practice I go to.

My first corgi the vet had to muzzle, none of us trusted him in that situation.  He was a rescue that had some issues.  But that was the only dog out of the 6 we have had over the 33 years we've been going to this vet and never has he suggested meds.

Our male Irish wolfhound had chronic "water on the knee"  actually both front "knees" from sliding from a sitting position to laying down and banging his knees on the floor.  My vet adored that dog, Duffy would walk in the exam room to have it drained and would lay down on the floor and put his leg up in the air.  When we finally had no option but to have surgery to remove the sac that kept filling with fluid, we took him to an ortho vet.  When the doc walked in and saw the size of Duffy he started to get a muzzle.  We told him no worries.  Duffy laid down on the floor and put his leg up.  That vet was so surprised he could work on him without having to muzzle or sedate him.

aww that wolfhound sounds like a sweetheart. thats impressive for him to just lay there while he drained the fluid

Rebecca....are there any other dog/cat owners that you have made friends with or just people you see walking their dogs?  Start asking around as to who they use as a vet.  If you get a number of recomendations for one in particular then try going there.  That's how I found my vet and I've been with him for 33 years.  He has added 2 vets to his practice...he is getting up there in years but the 2 women has with him now have the same attitude he does so I am more than happy to have my critters seen by either one.

Linda, i have made a few friends here but only one person has a dog and that vet i went to was recommended by her. i seen her today and told her what happened and she said the vet i seen yesterday is always rude when she goes in but the guy, minard, is very nice and she has been requesting him. but after witnessing what i did yesterday i think it maybe best to just find another vet.

i read the reviews on line last night and i wish i did before hand as all the reviews but one were negative. i found another vet not too far who had 5/5 and they were recent so i will try them

A friend has 2 Belgian malinois, scary-looking dogs.  One will growl suddenly over trivial things, and it sounds really menacing until you know this dog does it predictably over nothing and will do no harm.

You can use benadryl for short-term episodic anxiety relief.  The owner lives in a high-firework area near a reservation, and gives benadryl to calm the dogs on 4th of July.   One dog got really upset with flies bothering a recent wound (shaved, stitched) on a hike, and benadryl really seemed to calm him down while we re-bandaged it.

Benadryl dose is easy to remember:  1mg per pound.  25mg tabs, so 1 tab for a corgi (approx 25 lbs).

John...Max is 35 lbs and for allergies he gets 1 Benadryl (actually Walgreen's brand) tab twice a day...with his breakfast and then again at supper.  This is per the vet.  It will make him sleepy when he first starts them around the 2nd week of August but within 2 weeks his system gets use to it and he is fine with it till he can stop the Benadryl after the first hard frost.  But I do use it on July 4th..he is not good with fireworks either.

I actually used Benadryl on my Aussie after he was hurt before taking him in to the vet (he doesn't care for men much)...it worked well! I need to remember to try this on Wiley in a thunderstorm as she's terrified of them!


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