Yes, the snow is finally melting, hooray!!!!
Well that is good and bad, depending on whose perspective it is!!! I wasn't thrilled with having to clean up the mine field, gross. I swear next year I am hiring a company to dispose of the winter waste. Hmmm, didn't I say that last year?

So today I let lance out to do his business after dinner, as I hold the leash from the other side of the patio window, I am watching him pace bak and forth and then looking at me with those pitiful eyes, like I really have to go in that wet soggy grass.

In between those pitiful looks I have to shoo him away from the cement blocks that the grill sits on, because he so desparately wants to pee on those to get off the wet, soggy grass!!

This must have went on for like 10 min, lol.
I also had to go out there twice from his pacing back and forth he managed to get his retractable leash wrapped around his body, so then I finally gave up and went out there with just socks on so he could find the perfect place to pee, which ended being on a patch of snow not melted yet!!!!

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That's a Corgi for you:) We still have plenty of snow and slush but lots of water on the ice:(  Change is hard!
LOL!  I hate winter waste removal as well!  Have only completed about 1/4 of our yard so far.  Frosty is completely on the opposite end of the spectrum from Lance.  He is like a little kid when I let him out.  "Look Mom, mud puddles!!!!"  Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh through everyone of them.  I am not a fan of owning a corgi in the spring.  He will come inside every time with wet muddy belly for the next 3-4 months.  Ugh!
Reminds me of my misspent youth in Duluth, MN, where nobody ever leashed their dog and anybody seen picking up poop would've been picked up by the nice men in white coats. When the snow melted in April, and 5 months' of frozen dog exhaust made itself known all at once... oh, to be young again....
Y'know, if everybody would just get corgis, who eat their own poop, there would not be this problem.

Haha, he sounds just like Ragnar, who will balance precariously atop a snowbank to avoid getting his feet wet in the street where the melting snow is running.  He HATES rain, he hates melting snow, he hates mud.  Loves the fluffy snow, can't get enough of it, but he just will not go in anything wet if he can possibly avoid it. 


Maybe it's a blue merle thing?

We live in Oregon and that means rain. Noodles hates getting his belly and piggy toes wet.
Sparty could care less whether the ground is wet muddy or frozen. He walks through it all. You can tell he comes from farm stock! Izzy, the Princess, is much fussier. Although Sparty does love to climb the highest snow bank to pee. He has height envy!
The bigger the puddle the better.  Our boys love water, snow, melting snow they just love wet.  Our problem is keeping them dry when we go for our daily walk.  They will jump into any half frozen stream or puddle and sometimes lay down.  I can understand when it is warm they love the lake and live in the water.  There is not much worse than a wet dog when it is in the 30 or 40's trying to dry them off and keeping them warm.


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