Today is one month that we adopted Tucker into our family.  Now as time goes on, Tuckers personality will come out more and more, we have alot to learn about each other.  What a difference it is having a puppy vs an adult dog and not knowing everything about them.  I do know that he is very sweet and loves attention, what corgi doesn't!  I also know that he loves food, once again, what corgi doesn't!!  I did find out that he will pick up a sock if its laying around, luckily he dropped it right away, when I went to go see what all the noise was about.  The noise I was hearing were coming from Lance and Tucker and then all of a sudden when I saw them Tucker had a sock in his mouth and as soon as I said, what do you have, he dropped it.   Good Boy!!  His basic obedience seems ok, but I still want to work on it with him.


Lance and Tucker from day one seemed to hit it off really well and I hope it stays that way.  Tucker just seemed so comfortable to be in a place he could call home.  A month later and I would say that they are trying to figure things out, which is making me really nervous!!   When they "play" lately there is a lot of growling, snarling going on.  Lance will approach Tucker to play and start play nibbling on his ears and Tucker doesnt seem really interested in playing but eventually Tucker will give in and they will play, but eventually leads to the growling.  Tucker will approach Lance to play usually by going at his legs and they play and then leads to growling as well, I let them "play" but if I think its sounding too nasty I will stop it as I dont want a dog fight on my hands.  When they are both upstairs and come running down, that usually is a guarentee play time, but is it really a play time, or are they fighting for dominance? 

I want them to go back to playing how they first did when we brought Tucker home, more play, less fighting!


We gate Tucker in the kitchen while we are not home and Lance gets crated, which he is used to.  In fact, before we had Tucker Lance rather be crated than be gated in the kitchen, wonder how he feels about that now, lol. He actually goes to his kennel when I ask him to, so I think he still is fine with it.  Tucker will lay in a crate but we are slowly introducing him to one, so we do not overwhelm him with too many new things at once.  I would like to have him crate trained for when we travel. 


We also are working on making sure the kids treat Lance and Tucker equally and not to favor.   They like to take one of the dogs up to their rooms with them, which I think is ok, so they have alone time at some point too.  Should Tucker and Lance be spending the majority of their time together now. At night time, Tucker is gated in the kitchen with his comfy bed and Lance usually falls asleep on the couch waiting for hubby and I to go up to bed.  We still put Lance to bed upstairs, hopefully that is ok and wont cause issues but Im not sure how else to do that.  Would we be better off having Lance sleep in his crate on the same floor as Tucker?


So here we are one month and counting, trying to get out for as many walks as possible!  I am not looking forward to the rainy days of April but so thankful the warm weather is getting closer and closer. 

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well it sounds like you are very busy lol and tucker is lucky to have found such a good home and a new buddy to play with :). I too am in the same situation we adopted our dog valentine when she was 7 she now is 8 and we just adopted zeus 4 weeks ago, it is alot of work but he is so worth it, he looks alot like your baby lance, i picture zeus to look like that grown, lance is sure a cutie :), at least your 2 play well together valentine is so not interested in zeus at all lol, I sure hope that will change, well congrats on your new baby i hope it all works out for you guys :)



You are doing great Nat! Always remain calm, A shake of the penny can usually snap them out of it.

Luke is about 10 months now and I think he and Henry are in that "figuring out who's in charge" phase too. Luke is VERY vocal when he plays, lots of growling, snarling, squealing, etc. that sounds absolutely awful. One half of me always thinks "break it up before it gets nasty" and the other half argues "let them work things out, you'll mess it up more by intervening!"


Now I've sort of made it a habit to watch their interactions and try to pick out their "dog language" and just ignore the noise. I try to watch for a relaxed tail, open mouth (teeth showing is okay), tongue flicks, rolling onto their backs to invite the other dog back to play, shaking off afterwards, things like that.


There was one occasion where I think it would have escaled into a real fight, and you could definitely tell the difference between that and their normal play noise. A favorite toy landed inside our tunnel, they both went for it and in that tight space things just went nuts. I pulled Luke out by the butt and they were both fine, but it was definitely an eye opener.

My two girls go at it all the time.  Playing that is.  They chew on each others legs, necks, ears, any where they can. You think they are going to kill each other sometimes.  BUT it's all for fun.  I have raised many breeds and almost always when more than one male is present, somebody has to be the alpha.  They will work it out, I believe without problems.  My two are also big sniffers.  They track squirrels all over the yard, and run them away if they see them.  Mine go where ever I'm going and sleep when I sit down.  Unless there is a call to bark, then outside they go.  They also like to follow behind me and bump my leg with their noses.  All young couples need to have at least two Corgi's for birth control.  Winnie and Belle get in bed with my wife and I and root around till they have most of the middle of the bed for themselves. lol
HI Natalie, WOW...a month:) I would continue doing exactly what you're doing if that works for you. I still separate some of my dogs when I'm gone as I would rather make sure all will be well than to take a chance. That's fine letting Lance sleep where he does.
It sounds like things are going really well so far so keep up the good work! Of my 3 dogs I have 2 that really want a lot of attention and one that doesn't. I find that once you figure out what they need it all works out. I do not allow one to decide that the other does't deserve attention. It is great that Tucker and Lance are getting along so well.


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