Hey guys,

My husband and I are getting our Pem Corgi puppy on April 6 and are wanting to prepare as much as possible. Our breeder is giving us an info packet on certain training and food choices along with a few other things, but I want to be as prepared as possible. What are some big suggestions you guys have? And what are things that happened you may have not been prepared for?

We also have a natural dog/animal grocer by us that sells raw and dry food from companies that try to have the most natural diet and don't advertize their merchandize at all. They really suggest doing an all raw diet for any dog but was curious how you all feed your Corgis. I know Corgis need to be watched weight-wise and I've always had this weird feeling about packaged dog food. I want our pup to be healthy and just like I don't want to eat a lot of crap food, I want to make sure he is fed as well as possible.

We're so excited for our little friend we want to prepare as much as we can for his arrival!

Thanks in advance as well!

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There is another post here going over the same topic with another new corgi owner.  It discusses what to get, feeding and all sorts of good stuff.  Take a look at it and it may answer many of your questions.


Thanks a bunch Linda! This helped a lot!

Definitely have stuff for when they shed. The kong zoom groom is great for that!
As far as the diet goes,
Check with your vet to see what foods you can add to their diet!

Here's a paragraph from the book "The Art of Raising a Corgi Puppy" by Joshua Fairbairn
Back in the herding days, Corgis would regularly consume rabbit, fish, other meats, potatoes, cabbage, and carrots.

Most welcome....I figured it would be easier to read the advice already given then everyone writing it all down again tho I'm sure you will get some info that wasn't covered.  I would suggest you read info on raw feeding, not what just a corgi owner writes but look into actual animal studies.  Raw vs packaged foods has been discussed here a number of times with good links to studies.  It is most definitely a subject that has fans on both sides of the issue and it's best to really educate yourself on the pros and cons of both in order to make an intelligent choice.

I have always fed my pups 5 star foods which you can check out on Dog Food Advisor. Stick with the food she sends until you can find a good one and then very slowly switch over. Make sure you feed large breed puppy food as Corgis are considered  a large breed. I have fed my dogs/pups Taste of the Wild and Canidea(both are grain free) for over 8 years and like them both. I like the different flavors that TOTW has.

"Things that happened you may have not been prepared for?"

I had no idea how long it would take to house-train a corgi pup. Be prepared to practice your patience. A lot. :-D

read my "Food Bags Kill" post (main page, top center).  Babyproof your house and teach everybody that snack food bags are now verboten.

John is correct....baby proof your house....especially electrical cords....I lost my computer to a puppy chewing on a cord...luckily the pup was fine!

Ditto that!!!!  Ruby has chewed the cord off a particular lamp TWICE (others don't interest her). Mercifully, the lamp plugs into an outlet controlled by a light switch and wasn't live when she decided to snack on copper...but that was raw luck.

Once had a puppy decide to kiss an electrical outlet. Burned his lower lip off. Ever since, I've used those plastic plug things you can get in the baby section -- they're cheap. Stick them in every single electric outlet that's down near the floor.

Thankfully no wire chewing dogs here but I did have an Irish wolfhound who thought chewing wood was the best thing for teething.  He ate the footboard off my daughter's bed, 2 wing chairs, 2 trunks, a couple of wooden kitchen chairs and the cross piece on the kitchen table my husband made.  We won't mention the woodwork or the phone cord that ran up the side of the kitchen woodwork.

My grandmother's cat was laying on wires when he decided to chew thru one.  Thankfully it was ok but he burned all the fur off his belly.

Also keep things like purses, backpacks and such up high or in something.  My first corgi...he was an adult rescue...decided to take things out of my purse hanging on a doorknob and proceeded to find a small bottle of aspirin.  Luckily I caught him before he chewed thru the bottle.  Another important thing...be very vigilant about access to things like sugar free gum.  Xylitol is the ingredient in many sugar free foods and it is extremely dangerous to dogs.

Wow! What a dog!! That definitely beats out the GerShep that ate the eucalyptus tree. Fine animal. :-)

Toothpaste also has xylitol -- watch out that Pooch can't grab that off a counter and that a tube doesn't drop on the floor. And also dental floss...they think that stuff is great, and if they swallow it, it can do them in.

I found it really helpful to have a local emergency contact who has a key to your house in case you are detained or there is an emergency, like a fire and someone close by needs to get to your pet. It really saved me or rather, Sully, a couple of times when she heard Sully howling and checked to be sure she or I were not hurt, and when there was a small fire across they way. The peace of mind is invaluable.


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