I've had Corgis my whole life and that's a lot of years. Corgis are working dogs that need meaningful activity and discipline. The time to start training is when your baby Corgi comes home. Corgis are very smart and they will be a step ahead of you, if you let them. DON'T let them. They love to know the rules, work hard and be praised. The earlier you start lovingly training your puppy, the more rewards you will have later with your adult Corgi who listens for your command and happily performs it. A rescue dog needs the same training, but first needs to trust its new family. Knowing that your rescue is experiencing a hard transition will hopefully make you more patient and compassionate. Be loving and earn the trust of your rescue. But whether a puppy or a rescue, train your Corgi well and as early as you can. Every Corgi and owner thrive through combined work and effort.

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All of the above - marking his territory, asserting his alpha and being a P & A! Maybe you should take the stairs down? Is he mad at you? Odie was our perfect dog, and went thru a stage of acting out and letting us believe it was Lucky who had been bad! He had a very long time out when we discovered it (I am not so sure he knew why he was in his crate! This had gone on for weeks) Rafa is such a cutie, it is hard to imagine his behavior - I do know he is doing it though! Good Luck!!!

@Jane, what in the world would we call such a group?
@ Carol - Thanks for your words. I have the stairs for Lucy. He just snuck into my room. Lucy sleeps on our bed. Rafa sleeps in his crate next to our bed. Once his crate was consistently dry in the morning I gave him many opptys to sleep on our bed, too. He always chooses his crate. I try to think about why he could be mad and acting out. I really can't think of a thing. We're just soooo perfect. haha. Sometimes I think he's testing us. Who knows. I just worry because we're going away for Thanksgiving and I'm afraid it will set off all his separation anxiety issues. Rafa is a cutie, but he is w/o question the most difficult Corgi I've ever owned. It's like he has a screw loose or some faulty wiring. I've tried to contact his breeder but she doesn't return my calls. I know very little about his first home. We are making progress, poco a poquito. I just don't want to lose ground over Thanksgiving week. I've tried to get out of the trip, but my kids won't let me.
Can he go with? HAHAHA
@Jane - Jack thinks he's a reincarnation of Rookie, who loved to be bad. But, like Rafa, he was oh so sweet. What a charmer. My vet wanted to hire him as a greeter. He's the Corgi protecting Lindsay, HIS baby, when she was about 5 mo. in the Corgis Remembered Group. Lindsay had her hand on his neck. He was my swimming fool. What a guy. I loved him madly.
Sparty started peeing on the toilets in our house so I had him neutered and that put an end to it. Some folks might call that extreme but it worked!
@Bev - I had Rafa neutered at 5 mo! I wonder how long the testosterone stays in their sturdy long bodies? He's 7 mo. now.
* Lucy- hahahahahhahahah....Jimmy's testosterone stayed for 5 years and until now he has some problems( basset hound size...) huge pee =(
@ Renata - HAHA. Rafa saves his huge pees for my down comforter! I wish I neutered Rafa when we first rehomed him. But, I wanted to give him time with us before the surgery, which was a piece of cake. I should have had him neutered immediately. The best advice I've heard re. neutering age is that when your boy begins lifting his leg it's time. How old was Jimmy when you neutered him?
I absolutely give up! Sonny, the 40+# good dog, got UNDER the fence today. HOW, you might ask? We are asking the same question!!! You can see the foot prints in the sand going down the hill side, but not how he got under the fence - we think he goes over the BIG rock, then under the fence and down the sandy hill and then across the pasture and ended up in the pole barn with Mike! BUT... UNDER??? He is HUGE! At least he was just going to visit Mike and get a treat. What that dog will do for a treat! (Mike thought he should give a treat so that he would stop at the barn and not go on to the river!

Then there is Lucky! He came in from an hour outside and PEED, back outside for an hour, came inside and looked at Mike and PEED! Incontinence or obstinence? OR another UTI - he just got over one! But these wheeled dogs are prone to them. Mike is suggesting wall to wall pee pads or towels. Uh, Oh, I just heard him tell the neighbor that he was cleaning his gun and it fell apart! I hope he is not planning on shooting the dogs!
We've had the same fencing around the perimeter of our property since we lost our beautiful Annie, way too young, to a car accident 30 + years ago. Immediately after that, codes be damned, we put in 6 foot fencing. None of our corgis since have gotten through the front fence til Rafa. Jack figured out where his exit route was and fixed it. Next, Jack noticed that Rafa was walking along the perimeter of our pool INSIDE the fencing. He found another route. He has also found the way into the garage to get our cat's food. He often greets me inside the garage. Scary. He's like the Corgi Houdini. Happy Halloween all!
Happy Halloween to you too! I have to say I am glad none of mine are Houdinis!


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