Update: Maddie has now come down with the intestinal thing too, so Flagyl for her. Ugh.

It never rains but it pours.... after years of having very healthy dogs (except for Maddie's seizures), I have two sick dogs at once. Maddie has what appears to be conjuctivitis, and it has not cleared after waiting it out for a few days.

And Jack has some serious intestinal upset that has not significantly improves over 48 hours.

So off they BOTH go to the vet today. Wish us luck. Maddie is easy as pie to examine and I fully expect that some eye drops will clear her up.

Jack is nearly impossible to do anything with. They said he might need blood work and I replied I'd be fine with that, but he'll need to be sedated....

I will update back. I'm hoping it's dietary indescretion and not giardia or something else nasty. We are all exhausted after 3 nights of very interrupted sleep.

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Foxy just had conjunctivitis about a month ago.  It did clear up but took longer than I thought it would have.  The vet gave her an antibiotic and eye drops.  Luckily she is such a good girl.  The vet had to swab all in her eye and even behind her third eyelid and she just sat there.  Poor thing, I couldn't even look.  Now she's as good as new.  Best of luck to your two babies.

Oh Beth!  Lots of good thoughts headed in your direction.  I'm betting salve for the eyes for Maddie.  Hopefully Jack will only need nothing worse than a dose of kaopectate (or whatever they use for dogs today) and an easy diet.  Of course getting that stuff into a dog is far from easy.

As for Jack...I hear you.  Max is like that.  Katie will stand for an exam...her show dog training.  Max...you best have someone holding on to the front end or else. 

Awww hope it goes better soon!

Hope they are feeling 100 percent very soon!!!

Sorry to hear both Maddie and Jack are sick at the same time. Hopefully both will be feeling better shortly and that you all get back to normal sleep.

(When Noodles was taken in a few months ago for having intestinal issues, they did both bloodwork and x-rays and they both came back just fine. They gave me a months worth of Purina Veterinary Diets EN wet and that worked just fine. He was slowly transitioned back to his dry food and after one day of being on the dry only, he had the issue again. He is now permanently on that new food, mixed with a little bit of dry, with no problems since then & he is given a probiotic as well.)


Ok, Maddie got some ointment for her conjunctivitis.

Jack seems to have Clostridial Enterotoxicosis, based on the rectal swab they did (which Jack assures me is exactly as fun as it sounds).   He got a shot of penicillin, a shot of anti-nausea meds, 10 days of flagyl, 10 days of probiotics, and is to be fed small amounts of boiled hamburger (he can't do chicken) and rice 8x a day for two to three days before (hopefully) transitioning back slowly to his normal food.  

Luckily he was not at all dehydrated and doesn't seem to have a fever.  They didn't do a blood panel since they found a likely cause with the test (and his symptoms exactly match the information sheet they sent home).

We are still waiting on the full panel from the normal fecal test to come back, probably tomorrow, to rule out anything else.  

Hopefully he will be on the mend soon.  He was up every two hours all night (he strains to go even when he's empty) and we are all exhausted. 

He is surprisingly cheerful and bouncy, considering he's lost a couple pounds. 

Sounds like Maddie's beautiful eyes will be back to normal soon.  Glad they didn't have to do exhaustive testing with Jack.  I will have to look up what that is.  Hopefully he will be back to normal quickly poor guy.  Hopefully you will all be able to get some decent rest tonite.  You will be hoping with feeding him 8 times a day and you know the others will be saying "hey! how about us".  I take it that it's not contagious to the others?

Yes, I'm not very worried about the eye.  In fact it seems to be improving on its own so I think it may be viral, but the ointment should speed things along.

When they did the rectal swab, Jack screeched a bit and tried to run away and Maddie came running over to him and nuzzled and sniffed at him.  It was so sweet.  They are not especially affectionate with each other, but they definitely look out for each other.

The bacteria can be contagious (it's one of the most common causes of food poisoning in people).  But it's one of those weird ones that is in the environment all the time and for unknown reasons in some dogs it becomes aggressive enough to make them sick.  I wonder if he got it eating goose poop at the state park.

We have cut back Maddie's food so she can get a little hamburger too.  :-)   The cat is out of luck.

So sorry Beth, my Wynn would be just like Jack...he actually loves hanging out in the vet office and even the exam room until he gets on the table! Hope you have a better night tonight!

Jack's chart says to examine on floor and use minimal restraint.  He always gets the bare minimum exam.  They check Maddie's teeth and scrape tartar and take her temperature and look at her nails and all that.  For Jack, they check his lymph nodes and try to look at his mouth and ears and that's about it!   In this case they had to palpate his belly and stuff.

Oh yay, goose poop will do it! I moved my bird feeders out of the fenced part of my yard because Sparty kept getting stuff from eating bird dropping! Conjunctivitis is no fun either, it can be passed around from dog to dog. Hopefully they will both be better soon.

I just looked up bird droppings this evening and never realized how germy they are!  Salmonella is also common.  Yikes!

Having dealt with conjunctivitis going through a human household, I've been very careful to wash my hands thoroughly after checking or cleaning Maddie's eyes.  We have also kept both of them away from other dogs and people on walks.  The poor dogs are very confused as to why we are suddenly anti-social. 


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