Hi all,

I suppose those of us who still frequent the site have noticed a big slow down in site traffic over the past year or so.   I miss all our old friends!

I finally discovered (a little late) the official MyCorgi Facebook page.  That gets a lot of traffic. And it is great for sharing photos, birthday wishes, puppy announcements and those sorts of things.

But for conversations about training, health, behavior and all those other things, it seems to me that the website works so much better.  It is hard, with Facebook, to archive.  Or find a conversation from 3 days ago to check the status.  Or follow up to a response to your own answer if there are lots of other responses.  

It seems to me it would benefit both the Facebook group and this website if more people surfed on over for conversations.  

Any ideas on how to increase traffic?  It seems the owner/ moderators are not very active any more on this site, and I understand completely that life changes.

But I would have to see this website die a slow death.  I have learned so much and it's been so valuable.  Can we cross-promote on the Facebook page?  Any other way to get the word out?


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Great idea !

I've noticed it as well, but since I'm one of those people who don't have Facebook (I know, shocking right?) I do really look to this site for words of wisdom. It is nice to search out topics and know I'm not the only one going through it OR if I can't find some words of wisdom, posting a topic and gathering advice. Have no fear, I won't go away from this site.

Alison....you are not the only one without a FB page, I don't have one either.

So that's where everyone is going, I didn't even know there was one.  I know it's much slower here than when I first joined and I am sorry to see it that way.  There is a wealth of knowledge here plus wonderful support when someone needs it.

I have noticed that as well... i didn't realize there was an fb page so will have to check that out, but I agree fb doesn't seem as good for finding articles, etc that have been written. This site has been such a wonderful resource for me (being a first time corgi owner). Hard to believe we're coming up on our 5 year gotcha day anniversary with Chewey (which would make him around 6 we think).

I'm another one who isn't on face book! I have noticed this also Beth...I agree that it would be nice to get things going on this site more again.

 I don't check this site as often either.  I'm aware of the FB site, but its mostly just the fluffy stuff.  This is where the issues are discussed.  Maybe its a good thing - not as many issues out there. ;)

I also think that with the ability to tag posts, many people are able to find answers by searching older discussions. I also know that some of the more popular discussions will even get hits when you do a Google search.

Hi Beth, thank you for raising the issue, FB is a very shallow platform, mostly for instant gratification purposes, something for a quick Q&A with no long lasting relationship / explanation, the main site still holds its value and a better place to explore topics. What kind of cross promote did you have in mind? maybe we can pitch in and see what would work best :)

Sam, so nice to see you!  :-)      Hope you are doing well!

What got me thinking is someone had a post on the FB site with a medical question, and they got lots of answers in a hurry but as they updated the information and more comments came in, it was hard to find the comments giving specific answers and updates.   That problem doesn't happen here on the website.

Here's my idea:  I was thinking of doing a quick intro post on the Facebook site, directing people that they can come here and :

Search archived discussions

Continue to follow or update conversations that are days or weeks old.

Search conversations by member name to get more information to get to know individual people and their dogs better.  

Then, maybe once a week or so (maybe on Throw Back Thursday?) I or someone else can post some links to some of the more popular conversations.  Food topic, fun topics, training topics like recall.   Maybe that will get people to surf on over and see what they can do.

The idea is not to take away from the Facebook page, but to enhance it by getting more cross-platform users.  

I LOVE IT, Beth!

We should consider designating a day MyCorgi Day! and "sponsor" through encouragement a hashtag photo contest. Or do we do that now? LOL! (It's only day 2 in my new found family here). Post it on FB and drive people to our site to apply for membership and communicate it as a safe place for advice and friendship as we already have established. I have seen posts in the past fly around FB about dog questions and sometimes the comments are not worth the read.. besides teh fact that it's hard to navigate to a past message as you stated.

Both of those are great ideas! There must be a corgi hashtag on Twaddle...sorry, Twitter. If we had a "MyCorgi Day" publicized on FB, Twitter, and Google Plus (maybe Pinterest, too?), it could drive traffic over here.

What if we had a giveaway for the purpose? Don't know if this site can accommodate Rafflecopter, but a very easy strategy is to have people subscribe and then simply number their names and run a free random generator to come up with a winning number. Do we have anything that would fill the bill?  I could donate a .mobi or ePub version of the 30 Pounds/4 Months cookbook, but it has no direct corgi hook in it. Dog toy? Nice corgi photo? Maybe an Amazon gift certificate? Free membership in your local corgi club?

OOOH!!!!! Those are AWESOME ideas!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! We could even offer a feature on our page of the winning Corgster!!!

One thing we need to remember is we have to be approved for membership... and that is HEAVEN!!! I am not a fan of social media and love face to face or v2v... however, I see this as a super positive and safe place for me to be the Corgi Momma that I am with no judgement. I am proud to be accepted as a member!!! I think we should promote the pride of being the people of the Corgis. Also, the breed needs more exposure.. GOOD exposure. We seem to get the short legged end LOL!!! :)


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