Well Sparty got his bandages off and the stitches will come out next week. The biopsy indicates that he did have a cancerous tumor but the surrounding tissue was cancer free. Apparently it is a very localized type of cancer so is unlikely to have spread. If we had waited too long to remove the toe it could have metastasized so I am glad it is done. I will find out more next week when we get the stitches out. Sparty still has to wear the cone and have a sock over his paw when he goes out. Boy it is really fun trying to get the sock on him...he really does not want anyone messing with his paw! So potty breaks won't be fun anymore! I am glad we have apparently dodged a bullet with the cancer because if he hadn't bumped it we may not have known about it until too late. On the other hand, I am having a little trouble dealing with his mortality...really can't imagine being without him in the future.

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Sounds like Sparty received a miracle. I'm glad you found it early and it sounds like Sparty is on the mend. He will remain in my prayers until he is back to his normal self.

Glad to hear that you caught it in time. I know how you feel. My border collie mix is 15 years old, and we have had him 14 years. It makes me so sad to think of him not being around.

I'm glad it was found in time.   

I know how you feel about Sparty.  I love every pet I've ever had, but some are just extra special.  When my cat Alice was getting old, every little moment made me realize that our time left together was limited.  I love my latest cat very much, but not in the same way I felt about Alice.  She and I had a special bond.  Boo would have been happy in most any home, but Alice probably would not have made it without me and she seemed to know it.

I think my Jack is a lot like your Sparty.  Jack's not just a pet; he's my partner.  He helps me run the house.  He makes good decisions (usually).  He helps keep schedules.  He's the smartest dog I've ever met.  Half the time I'm not sure if I train him or he trains me.  He has a sense of humor, he invents games, he gets stubborn and throws mini temper tantrums.  He outsmarts me more often than I care to admit, and I would not have him any other way.  Of all my pets he is the one I can't bear the thought of losing.  

I know Sparty is your special boy.  Give him his favorite things, play his favorite games, take him on his favorite walks, and build lots of great memories with the time you have.   All we have is the present.  The future will happen whether we worry about it or not.  

Hugs, and Corgi kisses.

So glad to hear the cancer was contained in just the toe! And glad to hear he got his bandage off. Poor Sparty. 

Whenever we love someone, we open ourselves to the vulnerability of getting hurt.  Nobody gets outa here alive.

I find the Stoic philosophy of Epictetus helpful -- pretty much the AA thing about changing what you can and accepting what you can't, and nobody but yourself can control what goes on inside your own head.  Think like a dog.

Think like a dog is a good thought for me to remember! Thanks John.

I'm so glad that it was contained...I know how you feel as Wynn is only going to be 7 and I worry about "someday". I guess giving them the best life they can have and being there for them and saying "good bye" whenever the time comes to not having a quality of life is all we can do for our loved ones that give us so much. Good luck with the socks...I can imagine with each time it gets a bit tougher:)

Glad to see better days are ahead for Sparty.We have friends here in Ca who are having to do radiation for a mouth cancer in one of Their Westies who's only 6 yrs old.It's so hard dealling with these things that We can't explain to the dogs,and They can't tell Us what's hurting.I lost My closest dog soulmate over 5 yrs ago and I still miss. him dearly.It's a heartbreak to think We will lose them all someday,but We have to try and live in the here and now,to totally enjoy all Our time with them,and to make their days the best.Enough of that!!Gonna take Our 2 and Our grandpup (and daughter :),out tomorrow to the off leash park and watch the crazy 3 corgis frap allover the place!!Take care,My Friend.

Well getting a sock on that foot is a real challenge when I am by myself! This morning I tried putting a baggie on instead and it took Sparty about two seconds out in the yard to get it off! Aggh, Sparty is a tough old bird so makes things a little more difficult than they need to be. I am very glad that radiation is not indicated. Between Sparty being old and also being a very nervous Nelly at the vet, I don't think I could have put him through it. Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts!

So glad that everthing appears to  be good. Dino is glad as well. Please keep us updated and we hope the stress is about over

Glad to hear all is well.  I don't think I could get Chepstow outside with a cone and sock.  He is so vain.

No way was Sparty wearing that cone outside! From the first day home he refused to potty with it on. He is so far refusing the sock also and has figured out how to get the baggie off too. I bet Chepstow would be proud!


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