Every year a park near our house has a big fireworks display the weekend before 4th of July weekend. That would be today. The fireworks are so close the house shakes and it hurts my ears. Every year we have people over, and generally we board the dogs. We have reservations to drop them off this afternoon and pick them up tomorrow morning.

This morning, at around 6:30 am, Jack had several bouts of liquid diarrhea over a half-hour period or so. My husband had fed him breakfast before he went out, so he's eaten.

Now, 4 hours later, he seems ok. I just had him out and he did not go at all (except to mark some bushes), despite having a full belly from his breakfast. He is alert and bringing us toys (though I think he's a notch or two less energetic than normal) and when I took him out, he was looking around to see if any of his friends were out. No vomiting, he's not lethargic, and he doesn't seem feverish (I don't have a thermometer to check).

On the one hand, I hate to board a dog who has so recently been sick. On the other hand, if we don't board them, we need to spend the fireworks display driving them around in the car somewhere; it's entirely too close to have them here (as I said, the house rattles and the booms hurt my ears; we've had lingering sparks fall on our roof, they are that close). There is really no one I feel comfortable asking to "dog sit" between 9 and 11 at night who doesn't already have dogs of their own.  And we can't even put them in the basement to get some relief from the loud noise and flashing, since our basement is almost completely above ground on the back half of the house.

Jack likes being boarded and does not get stressed by it.

So, do I board them? Or drive them around in the car?

The boarding facility is top-notch and the staff are combinations of trainers/breeders/owners and all are certified in doggie first-aid and whatnot. We would be home so if he did get sick again they could call us. I'm tempted to take them, but I feel a bit uncertain about it.

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I would board him but tell them that he had diarrhea. Mine get loose stools periodically when they have found something disgusting in the back yard with no ill effects later. That is probably the case with Jack. Enjoy the fireworks and try not to worry too much!
I agree with Bev! It will probably be easier for everyone involved! Good Luck!
My vote is for boarding too.
Thanks. It makes me feel better knowing that some very knowledgeable Corgi owners would also choose to board.

We're taking them. I talked to the kennel and was upfront about it, and they were fine with it. He pooped once at noon time and it was solid, so I guess whatever it was cleared his system. Poor guy was NOT happy when he was having his backend showered at 7am this morning (come to think of it, Shawn and I were not too thrilled either). But other than that he seemed none the worse for wear.
I would board but mention to them that he has been sick recently so they know to watch. I worked at a boarding/day care facility two years ago and we were very careful about watching certain dogs if the owners mentioned something like that so if you trust your boarding place I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Edit - just saw you decided to board :) hope your pup starts feeling better
Another vote for boarding :)
How is Jack????
We boarded him and he was absolutely fine. I really appreciate all the input. I have noticed, though, that as he's matured he's much happier to see us when we pick him up from boarding! And the first thing he does when we bring him home is roll on his back on the carpet, yapping happily.

The fireworks were awesome and we had a great time with old friends, so it all worked out very well.
Great to hear :)
Do you ever sedate the dogs before fireworks? Just curious, as I have started doing this for thunderstorms, but fireworks are much, much worse.
Hi Julia,

Mine aren't too bad with normal fireworks. They'll woof a little, because they don't understand where the sound is coming from, but they don't get nervous (they'll eat, they'll follow commands). So no, I've never tried sedation. Honestly these are so close I'd be afraid I'd damage their hearing if they were at the house. We had some ash from the fireworks falling on our deck.
Our FL house is right next to the space coast stadium with fireworks every other weekend during baseball season. My dogs would bark during fireworks and the sonic boom from space shuttle re-entry, Vienna usually hide between the sofa and the wall. When we do remember, we keep them inside the walk in closet inside the master bathroom with frozen peanut butter kong.


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