...his stomach is as tight a s a drum. He is a 3 year-old male, but looks pregnant. Labored movements. He looks so pitiful. He can't go up or down stairs. I have to carry him outside to do his business. Daily diarrhea. Still has appetite though (He's on Wellness Adult). The vet told us to get Zantax, and said to bring him in if he doesn't get better over the weekend, but I can't bare watch him suffer. I wish there was something I could do......

Anyone ran into this? 

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Hi Natalia,  I am so sorry to hear that the news wasn't good.  Prayers and corgi hugs for you.

Natalia, so sorry to hear the bad news.  It is so hard to see them sick snd not feeling like themselves.  Prayers for  Tod that the vets are able to help him.  I'm so sorry.  Hugs

Ow.  No, that doesn't sound good.  Just remember, you're all going to take this journey together, and you're the best friend he's got right now.

You must be devastated.  I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry to hear the news about Tod.  Give him lots of love and kisses. 

as with all your friends here, I'm so sorry about all these difficulties and wish only the best for you.  Please keep us up to date...we're all pulling for Tod.

Tears are falling right now for you and Tod...it's hard to see what I'm typing. I know how devastated you must be. I'll be wishing for a good outcome and praying for blessings on the vets and techs that they figure out how to take care of Tod. I am so very very sorry.


I am so sorry.  I was praying it would be different news.  I will be thinking of you guys, and praying for you.

That does not sound good.   I'm sorry to hear that.  Please do keep us posted when you can.

Natalia, I'm so sorry to hear the news.  Baron hugs and kisses coming your way.  Hoping for a miracle.

I was praying for better news for Tod, so sorry to hear. We are all pulling for Tod that by Christmas you will have some news that he can be treated for what is going on with him. Keep us posted. Super prayers and paws crossed for Tod and you.

Sooooo sorry! I hope that they can help Tod. Hug him and hold him tight!


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