I wanted to give u an update on baden. after doing a blood test and a an all over body examination baden is 100% perfectly healthy! the test showed nothing such as we all feared diabetes or an infection . so they said for the next week to bring him to work with me and watch him like a hawk at home. turns out even after putting the cat box up hight he was somehow able to get in it and eat some cat litter which is what was causing the smell. now that i have the cat box out of reach we no longer have horrible breath, just normal dog breath which i can live with!

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Gross! Glad it was nothing serious. Little stinker. :-)

Where there is a will there is a way in corgiland

Great news.  Happy the Vet results were good and spurred you on to find the real solution to this mystery.  Now, when someone else writes with your question, we'll have one more answer to offer :-D

That is good news! Sometimes I notice sterling's breath is really awful.. I'm going to keep a closer eye on the cat box from now on.

How can such endearing creatures have such revolting habits?

I like the way my dogs smell even when they stink, but there *are* certain manners to observe.  You're supposed to wipe the cat litter crumbs off your face before you lick you person on the lips.

My dog's poop don't stink.  The cat's is another matter.

Oh yes...who'd have thought BUT now that you mention it...mine think it's great and get into it every chance they can:(

Glad you figured it out...

big WHEW!!!

im just so happy that its nothing serious. just funny to think it was the darn cat box this whole time. i have been keeping a close eye on him now and so far no stinky breath, little bugger got me all worked up these last couple of weeks lol


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