Hi I'm new here. My name is Laurie and Tedi is one of my corgis.

My 4 year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi (Tedi) started yelping while trotting around in the yard late yesterday afternoon (yelping lasted around 30 seconds). He never limped but kept stopping, sitting down and looking at his right hind leg. He has also recently been reluctant to jump up on the couch and walk up the stairs (for a little less than a week). He does not yelp at these times however (when he does jump up, walk up stairs).

Anyway, later last night when he was lying down in the kitchen I went out to pet him and check over his legs/paws gently. He seemed okay until I touched a certain area on the back of his right thigh...then he let out a yelp. I have no idea what happened to him.

He is overweight and has been on R/D dry food for 6 months with no real improvement seen weight loss wise. In general he just is 'off' and not his usual self.

I am taking him to the vet tonight to get him checked out. I'm thinking/hoping perhaps he has a soft tissue injury in his right thigh. But I'm also worried that it might be something worse. Have you ever experienced this with your corgis? Just wondering if whilst I'm sitting here worrying about him, if anyone has any thoughts on what might be going on?

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I hate to say it, but it sounds a lot like when my Sparty partially tore his Cruciate Ligament. I did not recognize it at the time but when I took him in several months later because of the occasional limp that is what it was. It is also possible that he got stung by a bee or something. That would be easier.
For the green beans, I put in maybe 2 tablespoons worth of the french cut frozen ones, cooked in the microwave and cooled. You can do several days worth at a time and keep them in the fridge.

As for loose stools, different dogs handle veggies differently. I don't notice a problem with Jack for 2-3 days, but if I feed more than that in a row his start to soften up. That's why I interchange with yogurt or pumpkin. Pumpkin is a safer bet for firm stools, but does have slightly more calories than green beans (about 80 cal per cup for pumpkin, compared to 40 for green beans, so both are quite low).
Beth - I'm going to start doing the green beans for sure. Maybe that can be like his afternoon or evening 'snack'.
I hope Tedi will be alright!! I hate to see them get hurt, but also know how resilient they are! We have made it through wearing a cast and some sort of horrible bug sting reaction within the last two months. I am glad you are taking him to the vet. I hope they can help!!!!

Well we went to the vet last night. He was poked, prodded, palpated, manipulated and the whole nine yards. He never yelped once (although he was pretty nervous and may have been masking any symptoms).

The DVM felt no irregularities in his knee joints, no swelling, no heat, everything looked and felt good/stable.

And even though he is on flea/tick preventative, I had her pull a Lyme titer on him, just in case. Bloodwork was negative for any tick-borne disease.

So, she deduced that it could be his hips bothering him (beginning arthritis) or he could have just pulled a muscle. Was prescribed Rimadyl x14 days, 1x/day and I need to keep him from jumping around, etc. Need to check back in a few days time to see if there is any improvement with the Rx.

Basically, we have no idea what happened to make him be 'off' his usual rambunctiously stair climbing/couch jumping up on self.

Oh and we also did a 'wellness' blood profile to check his TSH (Re: his overweight issues) and overall bloodwork. Those results will be back in a few days.

I believe most of the time when something happens for them to get hurt we don't see it or it takes a few hours for them to get sore...glad all sounds good and maybe his med will help. I occasionally have to give a steroid for a few days due to something like this and then he's back to normal...Good Luck! Sounds like a good plan with thee food too! Good luck!
I use a corn free Premium Edge(salmon or chicken) dog food and I give my dogs a handful (1/2cup) 3 x's a day...they all weigh exactly what they should except my Rainy who is spayed does weigh the correct amount but looks bigger due to her middle being bigger.
I also consider that they get a few treats everyday and every 2-3 days they get 1 TBSP yogurt or a whole raw egg! Green beans is an excellent low calorie food to supplement!
How often do you feed Tedi...I would try to feed him at least 2 x's a day to spread out this food.

Good Luck and I hope his trip to the vet went ok!!

Keep us updated!
Update posted just above your post actually. :)

I'm thinking of switching him to Innova reduced calorie, adding the beans, cutting way back on the treats (a major problem in our house) and splitting the feedings from 2x/day (current) to 3x/day.
Get the weight down. It's extra wear & tear on the skeleton. Makes mealtime quicker, too -- 42.5 sec, usually. :-)
Treats can be tiny. I often use kibble, but train everybody to keep treats, like, match-head size.
What a pretty dog.
I know the concern. Gwynn seems perfectly healthy, but she also seems not as spry as a puppy -- hesitates to jump up on things, insists on having a firm surface (not the bare hardwood floor) for springing up -- we keep a step next to the bed, which she uses but Al doesn't. Al is such a rocket, he'd make anybody look slow by comparison, but y'know, you worry...
Just a spectators comments: it sounds like the amount of food is the problem, and like you just mentioned, treats ;) I'd just emphasize giving less and not trusting the labels.

Also, you said yourself he's a real wimp with ouchies which is a clue to me that its probably not that bad and that he was able to mask it when he was nervous kind've affirms that he might be yelping for the drama of a minor pain. HOPEFULLY!

Pooka woke us up late one night (well, early 6AM) with a big scream and I went out, and she was up on the couch and lifting up her hurt paw to me and she was limping for weeks after. I took her to the vet when they opened and of couse, as soon as she gets to see new people and places, running around like nothing. Vets can't find anything if dogs are gonna act silly like that! He said her neck felt supple, which was a good sign it wasn't... something else, i don't remember the name, but I'm sure it had to do with joint inflammations or nerve damage. In the end, she got over it with really minimal pain meds. It was very hard to keep her from jumping and being active.
Well I stopped after work yesterday and got Innova low fat adult dry food and will begin switching Tedi over to it soon. I also picked up some glucosamine 'treats' while I was at it; figured it couldn't hurt if he's developing joint issues!

Funny, last night he yelped when I touched his FRONT foot and was a little gimpy on it. Ugh! I swear I don't know what to make of all this. Maybe he is just being oversensitive now.
We alternate between the Innova EVO reduced fat and the Wellness simple5mix weight control. We cut Soffie back to 1/4 cup in the morning and 1/4 cup in the evening. We then give a handful of cut green beans (still frozen) at each mealtime. We also use the green beans in her kong as a treat. Soffie has lost 6 lbs since August. Additionally we give her cosequin ds twice a day. The vet was extremely pleased with her weight loss since she is on restricted activity too since her injury. I guess the point I'm trying to make as several of the previous posters have said as well..... Portion control is vital to successful weight loss. I hope Tedi is feeling better real soon!!


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