My little corgi who just turned 1 in January has started to behalf verry badly to the point of bitting myself and my boyfriend  thru the skin.Once I had to go get a tetnus shot  that's how bad it is.

Okay so seems like everytime we go to take him outside to put the leash he turns around and snaps at us and growls and bites us VERRY badly. What is going on ? this never happended when he was a puppy at first the vet told us it's because he wasnt "fixed" so we got him fixed about 4 months ago and he is still doing it and now it is on a daily basis  we cannot even take the leash of of hes neck it has to stay tied to hes collar at all times then we just go out with him like that . What is going on? We are verry frustrated and it is stressing me out that we may have to bring him back to the owner. He is our part of our family now it would be my last attempt .

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Hi Hotboubou, testicles are not the root of any behavioural problem, getting rid of them will not make a dog calmer. In your case, hire a private professional in your area, someone who can observe you in your setting, give you feedback and correct you on the spot. Good luck and update us on his progress.
Thanks for the feedback. We are contacting a "Dog whisperer" in our area hope this works!! Ive never known a small dog like this to be so agressive verry disapointing. I will surely update on this ! Thanks again
My Frodo acted like that. He got worse if I yelled at him. We did the shock collar for awhile with one word when he started to act aggressive, "Stop" in a sharp tone, but not yelling. Now we give him his squeaky ball at the beginning of his walk, when is is so excited. He chews madly on the ball for a few yard, then puts it down for us to throw. After chasing the ball awhile he calms down and doesn't care about biting his "sisters" . If he shows the first sign of aggression, the word "stop" now does the trick.
Good Idea with the ball .Ya Winston when he was a baby he always let us put the collar and so on.. just been lately really agressive . We taught it was the whole neuteured thing. so we got that done but we had a harnest on him and it was to tight so my boyfriend had to tried to take it off of him and he completly snarled at him and bite him pretty bad on the hand so now we can't even put a collar nothing on him to get him to go outside. well have to let him pee inside until we can get help :S.  I am a first time pet owner of a dog and I have NEVER heard of this much agression with a small dog like this . Seems like I shouldve got a rott weiller or boxer instead geesh:\
Keep in mind that a corgi was bred to herd cattle and keep a small farm free of intruders and pests. They can be very bossy! They are fundamentally a very social little dog so respond well to positive training and not so much to rough and aggressive training. It is like fighting with a two year old, they will win at all costs if pushed too hard. Treats and toys will help with most things. Unfortunately at his age, the bite inhibition should be farther along so I would recommend a trainer but make sure it is one that concentrates on positive training. Someone that is too rough will only make him worse. If the trainer is physically and find a different one. Be sure to look up NILF, it really works.
I would definitely agree with seeing a behaviorist. Any chance he's in pain around his neck for some reason? Did anyone ever grab him by the scruff a lot when he was younger maybe? Being small doesn't make a dog less likely to be aggressive unfortunately.
Good advice to see a trainer. Meanwhile google Nothing In Life Is Free and start it immediately. It will help you take back control and find positive ways to reward the behavior you want. Good luck, hopefully you will be able to turn the little tyrant into a good boy soon.

Here are a number of past discussions about biting that might help.  Have you taken him to obedience classes?  That is my #1 recommendation!!  It makes a HUGE difference!  Good luck!!


Biting, biting...and more biting




Too much biting


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Biting Us - HELP


Good tips to discipline biting

i really suggest taking him to some classes as they will be able to help you. i really recommend NOT using harsh corrections such as a shock collar. if he is biting u now when u get near his neck, imagine how much worse it will get with that on and it will make him see u in a more negative light, u causing him the pain. find a POSITIVE method trainer. and like Beth said start "nothing in life is free" that will start make him understand more of who is is in charge.
I would get some help from someone that knows corgi's this should be an easy fix, and I would try using a slip lead and a treat with him so you do not need to get by his face to get the collar and leash on, that way you can still take him outside, otherwise you will have to re-potty train him if you are letting him go in the house. I had 3 female adult corgi's that I rescued from a puppy mill, they would literally try to KILL one another, it took some work and patience to teach them I was the alpha of the pack, but within a few months they all lived peacefully together without any fights, He can be fixed with the right help. Good Luck


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