I used to work at a vet and we always did neuters around 6 months. My vet said she won't do it any younger than that, but 6 months is just fine. Now an acquaintance of my boyfriend said dogs shouldn't be neutered until they're 1 years old. I was quick to brush it off and assume I was right, but then I figured I should ask around and get a more unbiased opinion. So, what age did you neuter your pup?

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Linus was just about nine months.  To this day, he turns away from me and lifts his chin whilst going potty!!!

That's a good tip, thank you!

when we got helix at 8 weeks he was already lifting his leg! im not sure if we should wait till hes closer to a year or if i should get it down now (hes 4 months right now!)

Our little boy was lifting his leg shortly after we got him at 10 weeks.  I don't know if he started imitating our other male dog (Luigi) or what.  He also tried to mount us the first week which we quickly stopped but he will still try to mount new dogs and Luigi from time to time.  However he has never marked in the house and he is still submissive to Luigi but we have him scheduled to be neutered in 2 weeks.  He will be 8 1/2 months old.  Luigi did not lift his leg until he was much older but he was raised with a female dog.  He was neutered at 5 months old.  My first corgi when I was a teenager was never neutered.  He never marked in the house and he lived to be 16 1/2 yrs. old.  Interesting how different they can all be.

Potus was neutered around 5 months old. Our vets didn't seem to think there was any reason to wait.

Hi Helix's owner. I would NOT neuter at 4 months unless there was some medical condition. Testosterone signals the growth plates to close. Without that, they stay open longer and dogs neutered young tend to grow taller. And there is a fair body of evidence that seems to indicate that can lead to increased risk of certain orthopedic problems. There may also be cancer risks to early neuter.


Both my boy dogs were snipped at 3 months. No behavior issues and no orthopedic issues. The older one did have an ACL tear but I don't know if it was related or if it was because his foot got caught in a hole.

We had Frosty neutered at just over a year, but that is because that's how old he was when we got him.  I would say if it is not a problem for you, waiting for a year would probably be recommended.

Ellie was spayed at 4 months and Yuki was neutered at 6 months.  Both are healthy, happy dogs.

I just want to clarify a couple things.  FIrst, as I think I mentioned earlier in the thread, Jack (who is 5) was neutered at 6 months, which was following the advice of the best research I had at the time.  I don't regret my decision at all and he's had no health problems.  However, NEWER studies have put the wisdom of juvenile neuter (and to a lesser extent juvenile spay; the results are more mixed with females) in doubt.   There is not conclusive evidence either way yet.  But knowing what I know now, I would try my best to wait til 1 year with a male, despite my earlier decision.

Secondly, let's say there is a 3 in 100 risk of an intact dog getting a certain condition, and a 4.5 in 100 risk of a neutered dog getting the same condition.

Your risk has doubled, which is a HUGE statistical increase.  But the fact still remains that 95 dogs out of a 100 will NOT get that condition.  

So if I say that I neutered my dog at 6 months (which is true) and he has no issues (which is also true), that doesn't mean much.  If I look at 1,000 dogs and compare neutered to unneutered, and adjust my statistical results to account for other factors like diet, exercise, weight, breed, size, etc, then that tells me a lot.  And if I look at 10,000 covering a decade and all ages, that tells me even more. 

Here is the best review I found.  Someone else posted it a couple years ago and it radically changed my thinking on spay/neuter and when/if it should be done.  If I lived in a different environment, I would keep my males intact BUT where I live it's just not practical.


Great post. Our little guy is 4 months and fast approaching the vet's recommended neuter age. I am apprehensive about neutering at such a young age after researching. I think it is best to wait a year and keep a close eye on behavior until then.

2 years old - that is when his behavior started to change...


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