I'm sure there's been plenty of discussions about this before, but spring is here and it's time for fun! One of my favorite things about coming here is hearing about the wonderful things people like to do with their dogs, be it a sport like agility or herding, or camping, hiking or trips to the dog park. Or that lovely dog beach that I'm so jealous of!!

So, what do you do with your dogs for fun? We love to go hiking, though our work schedules mean we are at the mercy of weekend weather. Jack likes camping and we're excited about seeing how Maddie is with that this year. We're lucky to live by a large park with some short (1 to 2 mile) hiking trails and a nice stream that they can paddle in off-leash. Maddie goes crazy for a nice lake she can swim in and we'll have to get there soon before the beach is officially "open" (to humans) for the season. And of course mine love tennis balls and frisbees. We're not really dog park people here, but we do like to let them play with dogs we know and see regularly.

How about y'all? What are you most looking forward to, now that the weather will be (hopefully!) more pleasant for fun activities?

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I wish there was enough time to do everything I'd like to. We all have started our walks to get the mail. One of the pups decided she is going to herd chickens,Livvy likes her fetch ball and will run forever. Laying in the sun. I hope to try camping this year and I believe every week when the weather gets nice the people that adopted Rosie go with friends for weekly Fri, night campfires by the lake...I hope to join them at least 2Xs a month! My dogs love being by me when I plant flowers or work in the garden...so just being outside is great for them. Playing outside with the grandkids! I'm sure there's more I haven't thought of yet.
We have started our several walks a day in the woods behind us. It brings back memories of when we first moved here and the park behind us was not too strict about leashes. We used to walk with a group of dogs from our neighborhood off leash. Sparty loved racing everyone up and down the path in front of us and Buffy never saw a body of water she did not love. I wish I had some photos of her rolling in the black mud in the swamp! Now we all walk leashed as required but it is still fun. We are also ready to start our camping trips. We got a Motor Home this winter and are a little anxious about driving it! The corgis love camping between the fact that they are with us 24/7 and meeting new folks! So far our first trip is the first of May to the Tulip Festival but we may try something in April depending on the weather. Can not wait for the spring wild flowers!
We have a Tulip Festival in my town, too!! That is so funny! Our warm winter already has the daffodil fields in full bloom! They are absolutely stunning. I am participating in a booth at our downtown Main Street "party" for the Tulip Festival to help raise funds for our very first off-leash dog park! Exciting!

But to reply to the entire discussion, we live pretty close to everything [mountains, lakes, oceans, etc.] so we get access to a bunch of areas to explore! My mom lives in a neighborhood that has an enormous field and forest at the end of a cul-de-sac and all dogs are allowed to basically do whatever they want! A couple of the neighbors have some unruly Chihuahuas that are on leashes, but for the most part the dog owners who live in the neighborhood will bring their dogs out and let them run wild! It is great! The owner of the land is never going to sell it and loves animals and nature!

We also are near an airport with TONS of trails [we usually take the 2-mile loop but it can stretch quite a ways around the entire area -- 5+ mile loop with mini trail loops mixed in] and by the Padilla Bay Shore Trail, a 2 1/8 mile straight path along the dike of a bay with tons of birds to watch [many birdwatchers, runners, cyclists, and dog walkers out on a nice day] that has markers every 1/8 mile, so if you want to walk 2 miles, you walk to the 1-mile marker and turn around. There are parking lots at each "entrance" and garbage bins / Mutt Mitts about every 3/4 mile [very convenient!].

We also enjoy driving a half hour north to Lake Padden where they have a beautiful off-leash dog park, designated dog-swimming area, 2 3/4 mile loop around the lake, and a 2-mile off-leash trail up in the woods. Bellingham, WA is probably the most dog-friendly town I've ever been to: tons of trails to walk from uptown to downtown to old town, pets allowed in almost all stores, water dishes everywhere you look, and multiple dog-gathering areas at all lakes [4+ major ones that I can think of] and bay areas.

Of course, my dogs also love riding in the car, even if it's just to the coffee stand and back. It might be because they know there are dog biscuits waiting for them every time ;-).

We have been working on different training commands: counting to three before they can get a toy [and making sure they know the difference between 1-2-3 and 1... 2... 4...], "no peeps" -- not barking when they see another dog, and learning the difference between "sit" and "lay down"... which Murphy is melding into one movement. Haha! But when they do something correctly, they get major praise! And they love this!

And massage is also a good way to spend the time. I just got a book recently and have been practicing on the [very willing] babies. Imagine getting a massage every night! Wouldn't that be nice!
Oh, that sounds great!
Sounds like you live in a very dog-friendly area. I wish it was half so enlightened around here.
We love dog parks, Sheep herding, the beach and next week we will be starting agility training : )
Our weather is a little bit different than the rest of the country (southern AZ) but from now until June when it gets to HOT to do anything, I hope to get in a little outdoor painting (plein air) out in the desert somewhere, and take my Quin along.
Great thread. Bear, Goldy, and I are looking forward to spending some time at my cousin's horse farm, away from all these damn leashes!!!!
We are lucky to live three blocks from a dog park with a large off leash play area and I try to take Jackson every day.

This weekend we had SO MUCH FUN and went camping in Coastal CA and went to our first real beach (the ones in SF don't count). Jackson had a great time in the woods too, except he is a puppy and I cannot fully trust him off leash. Case in point: off leash on the campsite and the poor guy fell into the river. From a small height. Totally my fault, but we all learn our lessons. He swam to a safe spot and shook it off... he's amazing.

I think puppy just really, really loves to run.

I am traveling for work this week and was able to bring him with me, and we have gone to some neat dog parks (fenced! with lights! and grass!) in Southern California and our first ever "dog beach." Jackson loves the sand and hates the ocean. Which is strange because we've gone to the lake and he very much enjoys the lake.

My most fun with my guy though is when I play with him one-on-one. We have some great little bonding sessions which involves a lot of barking and tummy scratching. Plus the early morning cuddle sesh is one of my favorite things ever.

I look forward to going to lots of parks this Spring/summer and maybe do some more hiking and beach trips. I also want to start agility this year and I know he's going to be amazing at that. :)

Corgis are such wonderful, active, happy little creatures.
We have so many small lakes around here and I wish one of them had a designated dog beach! There are areas you can get to water with a dog but most of them are mucky; fine for the dog, not so fine for the humans who want to try to coax their reluctant dog into the water. There is one place where we go that has a sandy beach we can use in the off-season, but of course in summer when it's hot the beach is open to people and therefore closed to dogs.

We are lucky to live near enough a creek with some natural pools that we can get to and let the dogs cool off on hot days. I love where I live and there is a lot of natural beauty and some wonderful hiking trails, but for formal dog-designated areas, the western coast area seems to be leaps and bounds ahead of most of the east.
Hey Beth,

I totally agree with you. My family lives back East and they do seem to be a bit behind... Even the "dog park" in my parents town is a forgotten little area.

I have a feeling though that you guys can make your own fun until you get in trouble for it! Plus, what trouble are you really going to get into?

Haha... best of luck!
Oh goodness lets see. Of course we do the usual indoor play. Tugging, chasing around the house, throwing balls and using the laser pointer for roxi.

outside we do the balls and frisbee thing.

other activities. We like to go to BBQs where everyone elses dogs come. Go to corgi meets and fun fairs in the area :). There's a dog park just 10 min away that we go to twice a week and a water dog park about 30 min away that we try to go to at least once a weekend when its warm enough.

Then there's camping every summer for a week (Charlie's first year!) where we do short hikes and swim in the Shenandoah river. Then lazy tube down with the dogs in out laps hehe. Of course you have the ball and Frisbee there too and them drying next to the fire pit.

We take them to friends houses a lot just because almost everyone we know have a dog or are dog friendly.

One of our good friends here owns two corgis as well so sometimes we trade off visiting one another. She'll come over and steal my kids for the day or I'll go over and steal hers. It usually involves one of us having to go out and do something and its a great alternative to leaving the kids locked up all day.

That sounds about it hehe besides the usual rough housing ^_^


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