I'm sure there's been plenty of discussions about this before, but spring is here and it's time for fun! One of my favorite things about coming here is hearing about the wonderful things people like to do with their dogs, be it a sport like agility or herding, or camping, hiking or trips to the dog park. Or that lovely dog beach that I'm so jealous of!!
So, what do you do with your dogs for fun? We love to go hiking, though our work schedules mean we are at the mercy of weekend weather. Jack likes camping and we're excited about seeing how Maddie is with that this year. We're lucky to live by a large park with some short (1 to 2 mile) hiking trails and a nice stream that they can paddle in off-leash. Maddie goes crazy for a nice lake she can swim in and we'll have to get there soon before the beach is officially "open" (to humans) for the season. And of course mine love tennis balls and frisbees. We're not really dog park people here, but we do like to let them play with dogs we know and see regularly.
How about y'all? What are you most looking forward to, now that the weather will be (hopefully!) more pleasant for fun activities?