What job would your dog's choose if they could??

I find it interesting how different my dog's interests are. Sparty would have loved being a hearing assistance dog. He loves to bark and always runs back and forth from the door/phone etc to let us know it is ringing or someone is here. Izzy would be the beauty queen at the dog show. She always wants to be the center of attention and loves to be petted or talked to. Misty would have loved to be a search and rescue dog. She loves walking in the woods with her nose to the ground and is the first to see deer, squirrels etc. What would your dog be?

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Carly would be a rebellious teenager stealing everyone's socks and panties! and a keeper of the ground hunting squirrels and possums, chasing them off to keep the family safe... lastly shed have to drive the cattle somewhere because shes herding us all crazy around here..

Aber:  Restaurant critic or taster

Ragnar: super model

Kelso:  teddy bear, if that could be a job :)

Buddha:  The embassador of morale and inquisitiveness, would be a good teacher ( elementary or college) of earth science/literature; he always seems like he's learning stuff from TV or everything else going on, lol. 


Maddie:  House wife of Dakota County, lol. 

Asta would have been an ambassador or a restaurant hostess (although she would have eaten up all the profits!).

Sophie would be a philosopher or yogini; she does a routine of elaborate stretches several times daily.

Bugsy would be the WalMart Greeter or the doorman at an apartment building. He loves saying a wiggly hello to everyone he meets. He would also love day care. He likes to make sure every child has a clean face.
I think mine would be a MMA fighter.  He LOVES to wrestle and box with other dogs.  Sometimes he plays a little too rough and little dogs can't handle his 30lb body slams :(  He is now shunned from the small dog side at the dog park :P
That is funny Lynette, when Sparty was young he loved to play with other dogs, Once we were walking and encountered a friend and her mild mannered husky...Sparty ran over to him, body checked him in mid air and did the play bow. The husky was so surprised he just stood there. We all laughed. In his old age Sparty doesn't do crazy stuff like that anymore. The neighborhood lab he loved to play with is gone now too.
Morrison would absolutely be a food tester making sure it is all safe to eat. In his spare time he would work security and announce everyone who even comes close to the house.

Amadeus would definately do something that involves giving lots of love and care, maybe a nurse or something.  He loves to give kisses though, so maybe he'd be the guy at the kissing booth!

I think Holiday would be a good horse trainer she loves telling all the horses up at the stables what to do, Talieson would make a good TV chat show host, he's always talking!
I know mine would be a contractor, she tends to chew on any uneaven surface that exists.
Tracker would be a spillage control worker in a food processing plant.  The cat would happily join him if it was a seafood plant.  They'd make a good high-low team for a thorough job.


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