
'Talking' Corgis

For all of our Corgi's who are telling us all sorts of things.... (but we just can't make out exactly what... ?!!? LOL) This group is for YOU!

Location: If I could make out what my Corgi was 'saying' I would tell you! LOL
Members: 60
Latest Activity: Dec 31, 2013

Discussion Forum

What types of tricks have you taught your corgis?

Started by Lilo Bandit & Koda's mom Shannon May 21, 2013. 0 Replies

Mine do pretty much the standard tricks. Once you have more than two corgis the individualized attention is a bit harder to make time for, so my poor Koda really only knows how to sit, lol!Bandit can…Continue

Tags: funny, fun, training, Tricks

About Rowdy

Started by Ana Cervantes. Last reply by Lilo Bandit & Koda's mom Shannon May 12, 2010. 1 Reply

I'm so sorry Shannon about your loss, some times like in children, they could be an extrange immune delay response to it, I have heard of some vaccines in humans doing that, I know it doesn't make…Continue

When does your corgi talk the most?

Started by Jane Christensen. Last reply by Diane&Dakota May 10, 2010. 9 Replies

My Wynn always says" good morning" and will talk very politely while sitting next to me if I'm eating on the couch! Wynn knows better than to bark so we just talk back and forth and if he's…Continue

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Comment by Jane Christensen on March 22, 2010 at 7:53am
I am so sorry for your loss! We'll be praying for you and Lilo!
Comment by Bev Levy on March 22, 2010 at 7:42am
I am so sorry for your loss! I also never heard of an immunized dog getting Parvo! How horrible! I am praying for Lilo!
Comment by Kricket on March 22, 2010 at 2:52am
Oh, I am so sorry for you, Shannon. I had a chocolate lab puppy die of Parvo when I was younger, broke my heart having to see her like that. It is indeed very quick, one day she was bouncing around and playing, the next, gone... If you have any neighbors with dogs you might want to let them know so they can get their dogs checked. My pup caught hers from the dogs next door, they had died a week before and I didn't know, just thought the neighbors were keeping them inside or had gotten rid of them. It's REALLY contagious and stays in the area even after the dogs are gone.

I am so sorry for your loss and will be praying that Lilo will continue to be safe and healthy. Hug her tight for me!

@Geri & Sidney - Here's a link to a site with parvo information:

I don't remember all the symptoms exactly, but I do know one of the first things I noticed with my lab pup was that she wouldn't touch her food or water and just laid there like she was completely drained of energy when she had been perfectly fine the day before. My mom used to work as a vet assistant, so I always call her when something seems to be wrong with my furry friends and as soon as I told her what was going on she rushed to get us to the vet, but it was too late for my poor little pup.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on March 21, 2010 at 10:47pm
Oh no...
Shannon, that is terrible, sad news! I've never heard of immunized dogs getting Parvo, so I'm so glad you had the courage to post about it. My heart breaks FOR you and Rowdy and Gidget. I'll be praying that Lilo stays healthy and strong.

What are the symptoms to look for?

I still can't believe it. I feel so sad and sorry.
Comment by Lilo Bandit & Koda's mom Shannon on March 21, 2010 at 9:33pm
My heart is broken, my Rowdy & Gidget passed away 3/17 of Parvo despite being immunized. Lilo has managed to stay symptom free, but, please PRAY 4 HER. If she can manage to stay symptom free for the next week or so, she will have dodged a bullet. Parvo takes them so quickly, they were dead within 24 hrs of symptoms, I didnt even realize they were seriously ill until it was too late. They were immunized so I didnt even think of something like Parvo. Apparently even immunized dogs/puppies can come down wth Parvo, many times the vaccinations do not make them completely immune, especially as puppies under a year old. Rowdy was a 25 lb beautiful boy who had recently recovered from having his fractured foot in a splint for 8 weeks, and Gidget was a petite little girl who was really filling out to be a beautiful young lady. They were 9 mos & 8 mos old. Lilo is almost 8 months, and missing her buddies.
Comment by Kricket on February 10, 2010 at 11:35am
Just joined and read through the comments, the videos are so cute! Yumi perked up and jumped in my lap to see what all the commotion was about. When she saw it was other corgis her lil nub went crazy and she started whining and grumbling, I think she wanted to go play!
Comment by Laura J on January 8, 2010 at 12:04am
I can't even watch its so scary. The first time he did it last year, he ran across it during rush hour evening traffic. And he not only crossed it once but twice! I honestly do not know how it made it across unscathed the first time. 9 times out of 10 he behaves, but every once in a while he gets that crazed look in his eye and poof he's off.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on January 7, 2010 at 11:54pm
Oh geez Laura, isn't that scary??? I'm so glad you got Tucker back home safely!
Comment by Laura J on January 7, 2010 at 11:39pm
That is too funny. Rowdy seems to have mastered the cast. Last night with the frigid temps we decided to order pizza. Pizza is Tucker's favorite. When the the delivery came to the door, Tucker slipped out like a greased pig. Once he's out the front door he's off on an adventure...only heart stopping problem is that we live one house down from a busy a road and notoriously he makes a B-line for it. It took 10 mins to get him to come to us. Not even the pizza crust we used to lure him did the trick. Such a little bugger at times, but gosh do we love him something crazy!
Comment by Lilo Bandit & Koda's mom Shannon on January 7, 2010 at 10:00pm
Oh yeah... I wanna hear more about Tuckers 'adventure'... LOL

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