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Christmas is over boo hoo

Well after opening a lot of cool new toys and eating special food for Christmas and having company it is back to kibbies and cheese for me. Mom and Dad both have the upper respiratory flu and are really boring. I had a cold too with a runny nose but I am all better.My sister Katie brought Lucy over today with homemade soup for mom and pop. She gave me a belly rub too. That was the best of the day....
happy new year to all my corgi buds!

Added by nancy and daisy on December 28, 2008 at 8:31pm — 5 Comments

Ein has her own blog!

I finally got Ein's blog up and running. Her domain is The site is up and it has some content, but I need to make her a logo, and I need to finish updating to get to the present. :) I'm mostly keeping the blog to remind myself of how adorable she was/is as she grows. It's like a virtual scrapbook! She's already 12 weeks, and it seems like she's grown so much. :)

Added by Alia, David & Ein on December 28, 2008 at 2:40pm — No Comments

Doris Daylily's Christmas lessons

Are we past the honeymoon yet? Heck, no! I still absolutely adore this puppy!

So, in keeping with the theme of my last blog post, I just wanted to list a few lessons that Doris has taught me through the holidays. They're good for anyone who, like me, hasn't had a dog in a few years.

1. The golden tulle and hand-beaded Christmas tree skirt isn't as necessary to the holiday decor as I thought. Doris thought it made a fine fire hydrant. Or stump. Or general, all-purpose… Continue

Added by Bay in TN on December 28, 2008 at 2:22pm — No Comments


Simply put, for every puppy or kitten who is deliberately produced by any breeder, a shelter animal dies. Producing animals for sale is a greedy and callous business in a world where there is a critical and chronic shortage of good homes for dogs, cats, and other animals.

Added by Mochi on December 27, 2008 at 11:45pm — 18 Comments

Sibling Rivalry?

I need your advice. We adopted Ein in July when he was 4 months old. He was neutered around the time that he was 6-7 months old and has been through 2 training classes. We adopted Ed in November when he was 1 year old. He had been neutered shortly before we adopted him. We haven't enrolled him in any training classes yet, but we are teaching him what we learned while teaching Ein.

Here's the problem, they fight a lot. I assume it is just because they are figuring out who is top dog, so I… Continue

Added by Tina on December 27, 2008 at 11:24pm — 2 Comments

New Addition

We have a new member to our family. We are keeping my Grand dog Shelby now. She is a playful 5yr old girl. She is making herself right at home with Toby our 9 yr old boy and Lola our 8 yr old girl. She loves to give kisses (baths actually) and can do a few tricks.

Added by Carolyn Rosner on December 27, 2008 at 10:07am — 2 Comments

Very Interesting about Obama & Corgi's

My boss came in yesterday telling me that she was listening to NPR radio and they were talking about Obama and how his daughter wants to get a dog but she is allergic. Then a caller called up and said "I will tell you what dog NOT to get, Dont get her a CORGI, they shed and if your a first time dog owner you might be able to handle them, they can rambunctious and bossy. I thought this was funny, because I am always talking about Wyatt in the office, everything is CORGI talk! I kind of agree… Continue

Added by Erica on December 27, 2008 at 6:37am — 2 Comments

The Roomba

I guess I won't be getting a roomba vaccuumany time soon.. Max and I wee at my mom's and she has a Roomba. Max being as nosy as he is found it.and put his paws on the top checking it out. Some how he turned it on. It started out after him. it seemed everywhere he went it followed. He finally ran behind my legs. I didn't know those little legs could move that fast. They were a complete blurr. We laughed our selves silly. We went over again Christmas eve and he gives it a wide berth. It really… Continue

Added by Renee on December 26, 2008 at 8:35am — No Comments

Christmas with Gimli

Today we went to my sister's house. Gimli had a blast. He got to play all day with Maybeline, my sister's Yorkie. They played then slept then played some more. She even got him a new ball and a chew toy for Christmas. We all had a great time. Both babies got to have a special treat and taste a little turkey. Everyone just loved him especially Maybeline.

He gets to go and meet two other Corgis this weekend, Shorty and a new puppy. We are very excited and can't wait. He will also get to be… Continue

Added by Robin & Gimli on December 25, 2008 at 11:57pm — 4 Comments

Chesneys first Christmas

Well Chesneys first Christmas was pretty eventful. We went up to my mother in laws and her cousin was there with his Golden Retriever, Shadow, who is very friendly! Sometimes a little too Anyway, as soon as Shadow walked in he went straight for Chesney to say hi to her and she freaked out and ran whimpering. It was sooo sad. But after some time she got used to him and started to play with him. It was so funny because she really doesn't understand that she is as little as she is.… Continue

Added by Corgi lover! (Misty) on December 25, 2008 at 11:11pm — No Comments

1st Birthday Today

Today is Harley's 1st Birthday. I can't wait to get home from work, so he can have his birthday cupcakes i made for him. The only thing is today is christmas and then its his birthday so he will get extra spoiled today. lol Before I left for work this morning he found his xmas stocking so he pulled out a bone and he was in heaven with it. Merry Christmas to all!!

Added by donna g on December 25, 2008 at 10:09am — 2 Comments

Rosa is 2 monthes old and the love of my life.

I got her on December 17,2008.And I love her so much.She is my first and only dog.

Added by Emily loves Corgis on December 24, 2008 at 7:15pm — 2 Comments

Merry Christmas to all that Celebrate it! And Happy New Year! Hopefully mine will bring joy instead of sadness like this past year. Again thanks everyone for being there for me! Happy holidays!

Merry Christmas to all that Celebrate it! And Happy New Year!

Hopefully mine will bring joy instead of sadness like this past year. Again thanks everyone for being there for me! Happy holidays! Continue

Added by Sir Riley of Pembroke on December 24, 2008 at 6:56pm — 11 Comments

Puppies at 3 weeks old

Added by Wendt Worth Corgi's on December 23, 2008 at 6:02pm — 12 Comments

Big Sister KC

The first day Taz was here KC pretty much ignored him. Sunday she still pretty much didn't pay attention to him. Monday she went into full big sister mode. Whenever he is out of his crate she follows him around and if Levi gets after him for something then she is right there letting Levi have it. Last night after Levi went to bed in his crate I let Taz out for a last play and potty and she followed him all over the yard and taught him how to get up the step into the house. I let them play in… Continue

Added by Laura Jones on December 23, 2008 at 5:55pm — 3 Comments

Rosa update - the first week

We finally agreed on a name - Rosa. It seems to fit her and she responds to it. Rose is adjusting well to her new home. I am off from work for a while so I have a lot of time to be with her. Her house breaking is going very well (at least as long as we take her out for LOTS of walks). She as also learned "come." Pretty smart for a pup. She seems to be scared of cars and planes, mostly I think because she can hear but not see them. Otherwise she is pretty brave and adventurous. Her herding… Continue

Added by corgiluvr on December 23, 2008 at 9:43am — 1 Comment

My life with Gimli

December 23, 2008

I've had him 3 days now and he amazes me everyday. When we got him his left ear was still floppy and it bothered me for a little while but then I just didn't care. Well yesterday it stood up and he is even more beautiful. It took him one day to learn his name and what no sir meant. My daughter taught him to fetch in an hour, well he likes to take the ball and run around the room first but it does get back to her eventually. He sleeps with my husband and I and did… Continue

Added by Robin & Gimli on December 23, 2008 at 8:01am — 3 Comments


Oh puppy training.

Today I attempted leash training. Definately harder in the snow. Chloe definately resisted! I think tomorrow I am going to try training with food. I feel bad for poor Cooper going at puppy speed during activities! :)

Chloe is still so little, but she is just a fire ball--so fiesty. Kevin nick named her "Little Kujo" and I call her "Sarah" from " The Land Before Time". She is so funny, not afraid of anything!

I don't think Cooper knows what…

Added by Bree on December 22, 2008 at 1:38am — 2 Comments

New pics of Chesney!!

I just loaded up a bunch of pics of Chesney and Oreo!! Check em out! We are having soooo much fun!

Added by Corgi lover! (Misty) on December 21, 2008 at 10:51pm — 1 Comment

My New Sister, Ruby

Hey, Everybody!

It's been a busy year, and I've got news to share! I got a little sister!

When she gets a little bigger, I'll get her signed up here at mycorgi.

Stubby Little Hugs,

Added by Herbie and Ruby on December 21, 2008 at 2:59pm — 8 Comments

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