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Figuring it out or do I have a problem here?

This last week my corgi's have been in 3 altercations over seemingly stupid things not food or toys just odd objects in the house like this morning I was replanting house plants and Teagen was sniffing the bag of potting soil when Jordan freaked the time I grabbed him he was completly on top of her I couldn't even see her under him she was on her back and not fighting back when I checked her out it was just slobber on her so I think he was not biting to bite? but he was loud which… Continue

Added by christy fry on March 18, 2010 at 11:37am — 7 Comments

Hey all

well Ace lost that tooth... I dont know what he lost it in or where he lost it but he lost it .. but the tooth right below it is loose now.

His balance has gotten better, he now sits Pretty =) its so cute~ <3

He went for his first ride outside the kennel in the car he told me he does not like the booster seat or the harness lol whined during the whole car ride because he wanted to sit next to me.

Im currently pet sitting right now so i have to drive back and…


Added by Ace and Jen on March 18, 2010 at 1:02am — No Comments

Wynstan and Red Bull

No, he didn't drink any.

Next year, we are going to enter the Red Bull Flugtag. I jokingly mentioned to a few friends that we should enter, and they ran with it. We are starting the brainstorming part to see what whacky flyers we can come up with. Then start building.

Wynstan is going to be our mascot, we are going to get him some old timey aviator goggles and a scarf.

And if you have never heard of the Flugtag, here this year's ad:…


Added by Buddy & Wynstan on March 17, 2010 at 9:00pm — 2 Comments


May you always walk in sunshine, may you never want for more, may Irish angels rest their wings right beside your door!!!

Added by Edward and Gemima on March 17, 2010 at 11:00am — 4 Comments

Our vet visit

Today was our trip to the vet to have Ein's eyes checked out. He wasn't sure and referred us to a ophthalmologist, of which the nearest if 2 hours away. Vet thinks it may be juvenile cataracts which can be corrected with surgery. But the good news is the vet says he probably still has 95% of vision in both eyes!

Added by Goober and Emily on March 16, 2010 at 10:33pm — 3 Comments

Actual Costs of a Puppy

Just about one year ago I decided that I wanted to get a dog. Not just any dog - I had red and white Pembrokes on the brain. I did all sorts of research: How to potty train? Answered! What to feed him (because it was most definitely going to be a he I was sure)? I love you guys on MyCorgi - totally Answered! Where to get one? Found a breeder in New York who had my Killian! How much did it cost to raise one?

Hmmm... Answered? Kinda. Rough estimates mostly. So what have I decided to do?… Continue

Added by Jessica on March 16, 2010 at 7:36pm — 25 Comments


It seemed it would never happen, but spring is finally coming in all its muddy glory. The daffodils are coming up, the cardinals are singing their breeding territory songs, I saw a robin, and the park is packed with people and dogs.

I love the warm weather and all the activity, though I must admit I also love the quiet of the park in winter, when there is just a hard-core group of joggers and dog walkers. But from now til school starts back, on every decent day we will share it with… Continue

Added by Beth on March 16, 2010 at 6:43pm — 3 Comments

I usually agree with Victoria Stillwell...but....

on a episode I had on my dvr she talks about how mean it is to keep a dog in a crate. My dog trainer said the exact opposite, now of course you don't want to keep them in there for long hours all day everyday, but Stillwell said no more than three hours.

My dog trainer described a dog in a crate like a teenager in their bedroom. Relaxing and enjoying their own space. Mine don't even bark when I come home in the afternoon, they wake up as I'm unlocking the door and are…

Added by Stephanie on March 16, 2010 at 5:42pm — 5 Comments

Any Corgi bloggers out there?

I used to have a blog a while ago, but ran out of things to say, but I restarted it, and it is now all devoted to Bailey's adventures. If you wanna take a look, here you go:

But, I am really interested if there are any other corgi bloggers out there, I would love to follow you. I found a few people on the site already, but haven't gotten my fix yet. So I you could please tell me your blog address, so I can check you out and add you,…

Added by Miri, Bailey and Cali on March 16, 2010 at 4:00pm — 6 Comments

Growing relationship but still a mama's boy.

I'm so happy, I could just burst! I went to Florida last Thursday and was very nervous because me and Copper have never spent a day away from each other. He is only six months and I do leave him at home by himself sometimes but I've never stayed the night away from him. My boyfriend, Scott, loves Cop but has never had a dog that he had to take care of by himself so I was worried. I left a LONG list of things Scott needed to… Continue

Added by Ashley and Copper on March 16, 2010 at 1:19pm — 4 Comments

He's Such a Baby When He's Sick

We had a case of the doggie throw-ups last night....of course he waits until bedtime...upstairs...on the bedroom floor. He's only been sick maybe once every other year as I'm pretty careful as to what I feed him. It's what he gets into in his turn-out that causes the problems, I think. he insists on going outside at 11 p.m. and I have to stand with him while he chews on grass for an hour (doesn't eat the grass...chews on it and spits it out). Then he has to be…


Added by MissB on March 16, 2010 at 10:31am — 5 Comments

Im excited

Well I noticed it last night but forgot to mention it~

Ace is my frist puppy, I mean i have had dogs but ace is my first puppy we usually get dogs from the humane society or we are given them (or inherit them) but ace is my first puppy so bare with me over my silly moments of Excitement lol

So i noticed yesterday that Ace has his first loose Tooth! lol its the tooth closest to his right fang =) i know its silly getting excited over a silly little tooth but i AM excited…


Added by Ace and Jen on March 16, 2010 at 1:06am — 3 Comments

Super Picnic

Great Corgi Picnic on Mar 14, 2010 with AZ Corgi Rescue and WagsnWiggles group. Great weather, Many, many awesome Corgis. A super time was had by all!

Added by Frank Eibl on March 15, 2010 at 10:03pm — 1 Comment

52 Weeks of Corgis - Gnawing On Trees

Cody is enjoying the Daylight Savings time change this evening as the sun isn't even ready to set yet. He finds his own entertainment.

My concern...where did he find this branch?

Added by CorgiTales on March 15, 2010 at 8:30pm — 4 Comments

Lola got solicited yesterday...

While walking downtown yesterday, a woman complimented us on how beautiful she was, then asked if she was fixed & if she wasn't, if we'd consider breeding her because she has a male Corgi. We laughed & said sorry, she was fixed. We chatted with her for a little bit about how wonderful Corgi's are & then went on our way. It wasn't until later that afternoon we realized this lady was a Corgi Pimp! haha We thought it was pretty funny that a stranger basically asked us if we'd be ok… Continue

Added by Laura & Lola on March 15, 2010 at 6:14pm — 5 Comments

7 Month Corgi in Tulsa, OK

Added by Sky and Lyla on March 15, 2010 at 11:26am — No Comments


MY HOW THE TIME FLIES. My little Tulip is now 1.

Added by Susan Temple on March 15, 2010 at 10:05am — 6 Comments

violence at my dog park, very sad.

Weather's been nice and I've been less busy so Eddy and I can explore the park more often. Today a 7month old golden retreiver puppy was attacked (and bled) by an aggressive unneutered dog, I don't know what kind, maybe a mastiff/pit bull mix. The mean-dog-owner even tried to claim that it was the PUPPY that attacked the other dog. Anyways it mauled its face and we all argued about it, colorful language and all... finally the guilty party left, with no justice for the golden retreiver.. The…


Added by Sunni A. on March 15, 2010 at 1:40am — 6 Comments

AZ Cactus Corgi Rescue picnic

Gromit, Holly the wiener dog, and Debbie and I made the long drive up to N. Phoenix today for the fund raiser picnic for Arizona Cactus Corgi Rescue. The count on the number of Corgwyn in attendance varies with some people, those probably more alert than me, counting over thirty Corgis including some Cardies.… Continue

Added by Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug on March 15, 2010 at 12:00am — 4 Comments

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