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Just a goofy dog story!

Hi everyone I just wanted to share this funny story...

My dogs sleep in the bed with us (all you naysayers just hush we like it! to each his own ok?)

anyways, the Beagle (Galoot) likes it under the covers, the Corgi (Pengu) likes it above. Galoot freaks out if anyone climbs on her while she is sleeping under the covers.

Before Pengu came if a kitty climbed on her she would start barking wildly out of a deep sleep and scare the crap out of the kitties. (yes we let the cats sleep… Continue

Added by Arrow and Pengu on August 27, 2009 at 1:41pm — 11 Comments

How To Ditch the Crate

Oppy is going to be 9 months old on Saturday and I was thinking it may be time to start working on not using his crate while we're at work (he'd be alone for approximately 6.5-7 hours). We've tested leaving him alone while we go to the grocery store which usually lasts about an hour or so and he's been doing really well as long as we puppy proof everything (make sure there's nothing on our desks that he can reach/steal/shred). But 6.5 hours is a lot longer than what we've currently tested him… Continue

Added by Matt & Hilliary on August 27, 2009 at 10:38am — 18 Comments

Ear Infections

hi all, i am treating my corgi's ear infection for 3 weeks now.

baytril is in the ear drops and oral antibiotics.

i am considering using oli-vet from kv

has anyone else used this?

what were your results?

thanks! kim

Added by Kim Kochis on August 27, 2009 at 9:20am — No Comments

Saying Goodbye to a Friend

Hi everyone,

Today is a sad day in our house. Our 14 1/2 year old, Cody, is being sent to the Rainbow Bridge. As you may know, we rescued him from a woman who was going to dump him. He was almost 13, shaved to the skin, filthy. He had been thrown in a back yard with no human contact apart from food thrown to him. He came to the store with an old belt around his neck and a rusty chain attached, non-ambulatory and scared. Fortunately, he was heartworm negative and his fur soon grew… Continue

Added by Cindi on August 27, 2009 at 8:55am — 10 Comments

not Neutered..

Romeo is only 4 months old. He isn't neutered, and i don't want to neuter him yet T___T. Is it okay to neuter him after he has babies? Like when he's 3 or 4?

Added by Rachel & Romeo on August 26, 2009 at 11:41pm — 15 Comments

Tucker has a new sister

In the past week we added a new member to the family. Tucker, has a new sister named Greta. She is a 3 yr old Petite Yellow Lab. Tucker has not enjoyed having to share his Dad's affection. And Chester is none too happy to have another "inferior" four legged sibling in the house.

Added by Laura J on August 26, 2009 at 7:35pm — 3 Comments

Petie: Back to normal!

Petie is back on his regular senior food, and eating with normal corgi enthusiasm. He is eager for walks, and playing with Elliott. He will be 14years old in two days. Go dog, go! Thank you, Saint Joe Vets- angels all!

Added by Mendy Miller on August 26, 2009 at 5:02pm — 12 Comments

Layla in Labor

Well we are just shy of Labor Day weekend which is fine by me. Layla for the last couple of days has had not much of an appetite and she is a chow hound. Last night her temperature had dropped so I was on high watch checking her every couple of hrs. which made for a restless night. Better to be safe then sorry. This morning she is hiding, panting, pacing the whelping box, tearing the paper, whimpering, vomitting some and denying all food. We are ready for this event and my vet is waiting for my… Continue

Added by Wendt Worth Corgi's on August 26, 2009 at 10:49am — 11 Comments

Walking the dog

My puppies are almost 6 months old and I want to start taking them on walks in our neighborhood. My question - how far is too far for their little legs?

Added by CJ Rostad on August 25, 2009 at 9:51pm — 9 Comments

Thank you

Once again, my daughter and I are overwhelmed at the outpouring of support and care from all of you. I am of course saddened to hear of others' losses but am thankful to those sharing experiences and empathy. We are so grateful we found this website. You are all so wonderful and your messages have been very cathartic in dealing with our grief and loss. It's been a rough 5 days and you are helping us get through it. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Added by Renae J Ekstrand on August 25, 2009 at 9:40pm — 2 Comments

If anyone is interested, I love doing Corgi portraits!

Check out my Corgi art at:

Also, check out my prints:

And, my YouTube videos (Corgi Morph Drawings):

Thanks for looking!

Added by Jenn Shepherd on August 25, 2009 at 6:58pm — 1 Comment

My first Corgi!!

We just got our first corgi!!! She's a 4 month old tri-colored Pembroke (I have pics up!) and we love her so much! We've named her Yumi but I want to make her registered name from her parents. I just can't decide on what name though! Her sire is Little Red Speedy and the dam is Lily Red Flo. So I was thinking maybe Little Red Lily? But I would like to include Yumi in her registered name as well, I just can't think of a good combination. Maybe Flo's Little Yumi? Or Little Red Yumi? Lily's Speedy… Continue

Added by Kricket on August 25, 2009 at 5:55pm — 7 Comments

How to cope with death

We lost our beloved Ollie last Friday morning. He was hit by a car after a crazy chain of events. Our daughter's first day back at school, so everyone was busy in the morning and a door got left open without anyone noticing. Our Scottie Angus loves to go down our long, long driveway (we live on 5 acres surrounded by cornfields and soybean fields!) and out onto the road to go visit the neighbors so we always put him on a tie-out if we aren't out with him. Ollie followed Angus down to the road… Continue

Added by Renae J Ekstrand on August 25, 2009 at 4:23pm — 25 Comments

Wecome home, Mister Spock.

Added by Erin & Phil on August 25, 2009 at 11:57am — 13 Comments


I have had a busy week! My mom traveled and so I traveled with her as far as my Gram's where my Aunt T became my companion for the week. Mom went to the Keys and Lauderdale to work. I was a bit worried that she wasn't coming back, so I did not sleep well. Paced a bit in the bedroom each night. Aunt T was fun though. She was working in Jax for the week and would come home at lunch and run and run with me in the yard. I love to run!! Then she would take me for a walk and we had so much… Continue

Added by Debby on August 25, 2009 at 11:00am — 4 Comments


Hi everyone!!!! It has been a while!!!! Just an update, all but one pup sold, without any problem. I saved one for my daughter who is now here from Fla and the pup is making the trip back with her, I will post some pics of the "kids" as they grew, thoroughly enjoyed every minute of them.

Want to breed her again in the spring, Hopefully to the same male."Elvis"

Have told each buyer about the MyCorgi site stated they would all log on.

Take care everyone and thanks for all the great… Continue

Added by Nancy R. Dunker on August 25, 2009 at 10:56am — 2 Comments

Oh what a silly Corgi I have.

Wendy had a well visit yesterday at the vets office just to get her weight and to get her some more Heartgard Plus and Frontline Plus. She weighed in at 22.7 lbs. They said she looked very happy and healthy. I can't believe she is 8 months already ... time flies when you are having rum I mean fun.

Her new favorite toy is this large ball that she can barely carry around the house, but she loves to throw it and chase it. She is such a nut and I love it.

Added by Christina on August 25, 2009 at 9:52am — No Comments

Cutest Pet award

My Corgi Minnie was recently selected to be in this years Cutest Pets 0f 2009 book.

Look for it at Barnes and Noble or Amazon . com I'll keep everyone posted on the release date of the book =) !!!

Also I am running for Miss Texas USA in the Donald Trump pageant next weekend wish me luck!

LaLa and Minnie the tri-corgi

Added by LaLa on August 25, 2009 at 4:00am — 2 Comments

Romeo likes my hands more than his toys?!?!

Romeo is only 4 month old. He's keep bitting me on my feet, hands, and ESP HAIR. what should i do?!?!

Added by Rachel & Romeo on August 24, 2009 at 11:47pm — 4 Comments

Question about Cats and Corgis...

Loki attracts cats. Cats LOVE him. When we go for walks, neighborhood cats run out from under cars and behind trees to greet him and rub against him. He is rather indifferent to these "stranger" cats; not hostile and not welcoming. When we go to the pet stores that sell animals or have adoption days, the kittens and cats try to get to him through their cages or want to play with him through the glass... It is REALLY strange.

We have a rather large Bengal mix cat (Milton) at home that… Continue

Added by Elizabeth Elmazahi on August 24, 2009 at 11:06pm — 3 Comments

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