Melissa Bee's Blog – June 2009 Archive (6)

Daisy's Eye Iz OK ...............Yay! Yahoo!!!! Arrrrooooooooo!!! Can you tell we're happy???

Dear Weeders

I knows it's been some time since I last powsted in my blawg . . . it's been a busy and sometimes twying 7 dayz, but we iz all fine now. Although I would like to write dis powst, I am turning my typer thingie over to the Girl of the Week, Miss Daisy, who wants to tell her story her ownself. I will weturn to my normal reporting duties verwy soon. ---your faithful correspondent, Skeezix

Hello, dear Weeders from ME, Daisy! I cans SEEEEEE out of bofe my eyes.… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on June 18, 2009 at 10:20pm — 6 Comments

Daisy: Post-Op day 1

Dear Weeders

Miss Daisy spent a peaceful night in her recliner chair nest in the bedroom wif all the rest of us fambly. She rested well and is enjoying her special foods . . .Momma boughted her a bunch of baby food so she will not have to chew anything tough. Glad there is special foods like dat! We wants to do eberyfing possible so dat she will heal pwoperly.

Me and Riley, whom Momma hasn't interduced pwoperly yet cuz of all the busyness around here lately, we iz… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on June 13, 2009 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Daisy had a 2nd surgery today

Dear Weeders

Today was an unhappy day here. Daisy's doctor called yesterday to see how she was doing and asked Momma if Daisy's eye had started tearing when she ate as it should be doing. Since there wasn't much and since there were other signs that Daisy needed to be looked at to be sure she was doing ok, Momma drove her down to Greensboro this morning.

The doctor found that there was a leak in the repositioned salivary duct. So Daisy had to have surgery to fix that… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on June 12, 2009 at 10:00pm — 12 Comments

Daisy is Home!!

Dear Weeders

Momma took Daisy to the doctor this morning for her surgery. It was an early morning trip. An' Daisy didn't like riding for the first 30 minutes; she shivered and was scared. But after Momma petted her a bunch an' talked wif her, Daisy wents to sleep, whitch was verwy good.

Momma got Daisy to the hospital about 8:45 and den Momma spended the day in Winston-Salem trying not to worry so much. She tried to distract herself by going to PetSmart an' she boughted us… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on June 10, 2009 at 8:30pm — 2 Comments

Tomorrow is Daisy's Big Day

Dear Weeders

We iz all excited and a liddle bit scared cuz tomorrow morning Momma iz taking Daisy to Winston-Salem to have her eye surgery.

We are excited becauz we wants Daisy to have an eye dat works bedder, dat haz tears so it won't hurt, and dat will help her to see betters so's she isn't scared by things she has twouble seeing.

We iz scared becauz we wants her to have a good experience an' not be any more scared about her world than she iz alweddy cuz of… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on June 9, 2009 at 10:24pm — 7 Comments

Miss Daisy's Eye Update

Dear Weeders

Just thought I would bwing you up to date on Miss Daisy's eye pwoblem az well az a couple of her, what Momma calls "mile stones," whitch she says akshully mean what I thought they did: stonez to mark a mile. Funny though, I mark lots more times than just once every mile. Can't be too careful about leaving my business card for all to read.

Daisy wents to the eye doctor speshullist this morning. Her dwy eye iz only a teensy bit bedder, so Dr. Kelly an' Momma… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on June 3, 2009 at 11:30pm — 5 Comments

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