Hi All,
Our Cardigan, Rusty, has published a blog where she shows that Corgis are not posh dogs. I hope you enjoy reading it: http://intelligent-dog.com/dog/posh-dogs/
Added by Peter Reynolds on June 30, 2013 at 2:53am — No Comments
Good morning All,
Thank you to those who sent some lovely comments!. I was asked would we run the property as a B&B more than likely not!. I have been in the Hospitality Industry for 30 years as of next year! I could run it as a B&B with my eyes closed!. We want to keep it as a private home!. we will always have people stay not paying guests though!. Paul works in Mental Health so we help people in need but I find with most of Paul's friends they are always around when they…
ContinueAdded by Brian D Graham on June 29, 2013 at 7:16pm — No Comments
Hi All well the latest update is we exchanged contracts on our house late Friday June 21st we are going thru the 10 business day cooling off period which effectively started Monday June 24th and ends at 5pm Friday July 5th!. Normally it is only 5 business days but a lot of the time an extra 5 is requested. Last Thursday June 27th we had the building & pest inspections done we passed with a good report!. It has been a very stressful time for Paul & I the real estate agent has been a…
ContinueAdded by Brian D Graham on June 29, 2013 at 4:30am — 3 Comments
Rusty was our first corgi. He was born in April 1999, and we adopted him in November of that year. He and I bonded extremely tightly right from the start. He was an extremely sweet boy and went everywhere with me that I was allowed to take a dog. Most of our relatives live several states away, and he loved to travel with us to visit.
When he was 7 1/2 something went horribly wrong with his back. The vets never did figure out exactly what happened, but Rusty lost the use of his…
ContinueAdded by Netta and Becky Lacy on June 28, 2013 at 3:47pm — 9 Comments
I live in East Lansing, MI right now because I'm attending Michigan State University. I was wondering if anyone had a corgi near this area because I'd love for my little Chiba to socialize with other corgis. If so, please let me know!
Added by Bella & Chiba on June 27, 2013 at 10:27pm — 12 Comments
Added by Netta and Becky Lacy on June 27, 2013 at 10:16pm — 5 Comments
Tomorrow Luigi goes to the vet for the first time. I'm nervous because this is the first time I'm going to the vet too, so I don't know what to expect. I just hope everything goes okay. How is the first visit and what should I expect?
Added by Ashley Vicari on June 26, 2013 at 12:24pm — 13 Comments
I got my corgi in Gilroy...from a breeder named WIlliam D Simmons....
I'm ashamed to say I didn't do my full research when I got my pup, but he's healthy and doing great! I know he had a fairly big liter but when I contact the breeder about any info (I know it's probably private info too) but he doesn't know. isn't that weird? *shrug*
but if anyone here has a 2.5 year old corgi that was born on Dec 10, 2010! You may be related to my Einnie! He's just like his…
ContinueAdded by Christine Ma on June 26, 2013 at 10:11am — 1 Comment
Today is Noodles 8th birthday! My how the time has flown by. I made his peanut butter birthday cake last night and first thing this morning, he ran downstairs and started licking his lips. I told him we will party after work. I don't think he appreciated that statement because he gave me a little grumble under his breath. We purchased him a food & water stand in order for his bowls to be up off the ground. Of course I had to measure him first to make sure what size stand to get, but I…
ContinueAdded by Alison Prasavath on June 26, 2013 at 9:54am — 3 Comments
There are others of us in there, too. Al is there twice; he is also #18. Snickmom's #15.
Added by John Wolff on June 25, 2013 at 4:30pm — 5 Comments
After years and years and YEARS of waiting, I am proud to be picking up my first show puppy in less than a month!! Am Can CH Kingsbury Tail Ridge Road (Jake) x Am Aus CH Cambrian My Way (Casey) born March 29, 2013.
I am already planning to take him to a specialty 4-6 mo puppy class on Labor Day weekend, and then our first show in Rockford-Freeport the day he turns 6 months on Sept 29.
So excited I can't hardly stand…
ContinueAdded by Chris West on June 25, 2013 at 4:27pm — 2 Comments
Hi Everyone!
My boyfriend and I just picked up our 8 week old Pembroke Corgi on Saturday (6/22) and we couldn't be more excited to have Frolic with us!
We love playing with her, but she gets tired of her rope and bone within 10-15 seconds and then she bites us.
Can anyone offer any play toy suggestions that will keep her occupied and challenged?
Thank you!
Tracey, Michael and Frolic
Added by Tracey Jones on June 25, 2013 at 1:33pm — 3 Comments
Added by E.B. on June 24, 2013 at 4:00pm — 7 Comments
Added by Jan Mackintosh on June 24, 2013 at 10:05am — 3 Comments
My baby boy is 11 years old! I can't believe it! He is my buddy, my shadow, my sidekick and I don't know what I would do without him.
Hubby and I had a disagreement as to when his birthday was, I had to pull his AKC papers to show him. While I was doing that I decided to google his parents. Don't know why I didn't do it a long time ago.
His father is CH Highleigh Whatchamacallit from S. Africa. Now I know where he got his big boned look from. Other than the fact that Max…
ContinueAdded by Linda on June 23, 2013 at 11:00pm — 4 Comments
So this wont be until March(ish)
A couple friends and I are planning on a fun vacation down to Florida come March(ish) and of course Ace will be going with me.
We are going from Oregon to Florida and i was wondering how well Ace will hold up there..
He seemed to do wonderful in Oklahoma but there is that Chance that I dont want him getting heat exhaustion or anything.
If I could get some input it would be greatly appreciated.
(Ace is my Service dog so…
Added by Ace and Jen on June 23, 2013 at 4:35am — 2 Comments
WE WON! well, by "we," i of course mean machete and his adorableness!
(mr. fluffy floofy pants on the KONG bed he so loves & adores)
just got this e-mail:
ContinueCongratulations. You and Machete are the winner of this week’s KONG contest. We will send out your prize package ASAP, we just need to grab the…
Added by rae on June 21, 2013 at 7:31pm — 10 Comments
Having a dog is something I wanted for such long time. After long hours of research, talking to friends and a ton of Dogs 101 on YouTube I did narrow down my research to two choices: An Italian Greyhound or a Corgi. I just wanted a dog….and not being inclined to a breed helped me…….
I ended up going for a Corgi. After having put together a list of breeders in SoCal area, I chose one……..Never have I been as excited……the anticipation of picking him up, choosing a…
ContinueAdded by Tango on June 21, 2013 at 6:23pm — 8 Comments
We went over to my folks' place today for a swim. Princess Zoey mostly lounged on the top step. I couldn't keep Tucker out of the water.…
ContinueAdded by Jenny, Tucker, & Zoey on June 21, 2013 at 5:04pm — 2 Comments
Becca got her Rally Novice A title today! It was a very difficult venue, the pulling barn on a fairgrounds. There were horses on the track, swallows swooping, roof noises, and best of all horse manure mixed in the dirt. The judge was lenient and we scored a 94 and third place. We are entered again tomorrow. I need to decide whether to go, or scratch. She is not ready to move up to Advanced and it is an 80 min drive.
Added by Marcie on June 21, 2013 at 3:12pm — 6 Comments
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