Dez Hunter's Blog – July 2009 Archive (6)


We did it! We went to the Wash-N-Wag and donated 20.00 to the Peninsula SPCA and got some very nice volunteers to wash the pup. He was a little nervous at first but after he realized all the people touching him weren't going to hurt him he had a blast. Everyone gave him lots of hugs and kisses and he enjoyed sitting in the kiddie pools. :D Will post pics tonight.

Added by Dez Hunter on July 28, 2009 at 1:11pm — No Comments

No, Mommy- the duckie goes HERE!

This morning was Dexter's first crate experience with both my boyfriend and I not at home with him. I wanted to make sure he would be fine alone for the afternoon, and so I put his KONG in the cage with him, his Bully Stick, some other favorite chews and toys, and then went to grab his noisy duck plushy from the den. He followed me and gave me an odd look when I picked it up. I took it to the bedroom and set it in his crate. Immediately he darted inside, grabbed the duck and ran back to the den… Continue

Added by Dez Hunter on July 21, 2009 at 1:18pm — 7 Comments

:( Ouchies on the leg?

My boyfriend took the pup in yesterday for his third set of puppy shots, and by the time I got home he was acting funny. I noticed immediately when he woke from a nap and stepped out of his crate that he was limping and when I went to pick him up and put my hand on his bottom to support him he whimpered loudly. I touched his leg and he whimpered again. :( My poor baby. The BF said that the vet gave him his shots in that leg, and that was probably it. For the rest of the night he hobbled around… Continue

Added by Dez Hunter on July 14, 2009 at 9:12am — 2 Comments

The Parade was really a Mustang car show... but still fun!

Okay, so I got some bad information somewhere and the parade downtown was actually a "festival" on the street with a bunch of Mustangs from the local car club. Still fun. The weather was reasonably nice, but I kept forcing Dex to drink as much water as I could. I brought his bowl and a bottle of water in a tote, but it was cumbersome to carry around so I bought one of those spiffy bottled water attachments that turns into a portable makeshift pup bowl for outings.

I think he enjoyed… Continue

Added by Dez Hunter on July 13, 2009 at 11:43am — 1 Comment

Dexter's first puppy pop ended with a lesson.

Yesterday I made Dex a back of "puppy pops" with plain, unsweetened organic yogurt and peanut butter. I put them in small dixie cups and froze them, then gave him a small slice for good behavior (like for being well behaved on walks or outings, and for good work during a training session) He really likes it! I plan to only use these every now and then, and possibly after puppy training class when he starts. I also hope to reward him with one if he is good at the vet.

However, this… Continue

Added by Dez Hunter on July 10, 2009 at 11:30am — 6 Comments

Glass in the yard?

My boyfriend just told me that Dex cut his mouth on some glass found in our back yard. Apparently the kids have been throwing glass in the yard ever since we got him. He said he is going to go talk to their parents. Stupid kids...


Kid confessed and apologized. His mom wanted us to make him do work around our yard, but we decided against that. An apology and consideration to our pup was all we wanted. ^___^ Hopefully it doesn't happen again. Thanks for all the… Continue

Added by Dez Hunter on July 9, 2009 at 4:30pm — 10 Comments

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