Christy fry's Blog – July 2010 Archive (4)

The Softening of Time...

My heartdog Shuffle's has been gone for 2 yrs now...My sweet nerotic, fear biting, the sun rose and the moon set around his Mom, never anywhere but at my feet boy... I'm thankfull that this year time has allowed me to remember my boy with smile's and laughter...Mom Love's you Shuff's

Added by christy fry on July 28, 2010 at 2:19pm — 6 Comments

Brain? Corgi with the bad eye...

So today I accidently got Teagen in the eye oops =( but that got me thinking about the little corgi named Brian with the eye that was so swollen and bleeding....does anyone know what the outcome was with that little guy? Did he get to keep his eye? or did they remove it?

Thanks a bunch


Added by christy fry on July 25, 2010 at 5:52pm — 4 Comments

Reponse Etiqutte?

Earlier today I responded to a blog post with the best intentions(I feel I made Ms. Porter feel worse) and when I read her reponse...well I felt like doo-doo because that's not what I wanted to do. This really is the only site I come and interact with other's in a forum type situation(my work doesn't reguire any computer use either) and I find at time's that typing can be tricky because seeing what I type later in black and white words seems so different than how I felt when I typed it. I'm…


Added by christy fry on July 16, 2010 at 3:47pm — 10 Comments

To Many Live's Lost

The numbers are in for my area....6 kill shelter's, 40,000 released pets.....12,500 of then destroyed....These number's are still good comparetivly to the nation, but in a pet friendly area like the northwest they still are staggering...Please Spay and Nueter.

Added by christy fry on July 9, 2010 at 6:35pm — 3 Comments

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