So my little boy, OG, is 4 months old now. And I take him to the dog park quite frequently. He loves it! He plays so well with every dog ( usually will only play with small dogs) and he gets so excited to go. Up until now we have had great experiences. But today we were there and he was playing great with this small dog when all of a sudden this other small dog runs up and starts attacking my puppy! he was biting him and pinned him down. It went on for like ten seconds before I could pull the dog off OG and end it. But OG was screaming so loud it was horrible. He seemed fine like a minute after it happened though. We left the park and I went and played with him in the grass for a while. He has no wounds and he seems perfectly fine. But it scared ME so bad! Also I have yet to see a corgi at a dog park.... So I guess my question is... Do you all have any trouble at dog parks? Do you like dog parks?

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Im so sorry :(  Glad to hear that OG is ok!!  Im sure that was so scary, I am not a big fan of dog parks at all, I do not go to them.
Thank you. :) Yeah i will not be taking him for a while. It was so scary. I am going to schedule play dates from now on i think.
I do not go to the dog park much either. Unfortunately there are more owners that are irresponsible than I want to subject my crew to. I am glad your puppy is Ok. It is a shame that a few often spoil it for the rest of us.

I'm not a big fan of dog parks and rarely go.  Once a huge Malamute kept humping Jack, despite his obvious protests, and the owner kept laughing and saying "Oh, I really should get him fixed, he does this to everyone."  I had to keep hauling the dog off myself cuz she clearly wouldn't.  And once Maddie kept getting humped by a Great Dane whose owner was oblivious.  Again, up to me to step in.  On that same trip, someone's out-of-control bully mix kept mugging every dog there and stealing its toys.  It also ran right into other dogs and people.  The owner again just shrugged and said "He thinks he has to have what everyone else has."   So many rude dogs and clueless owners.


I'm glad your OG was not seriously hurt.  Usually the screaming is a puppy dramatization, their way of saying "Help! Help! I'm just a baby!!!"    Chances are he wasn't as traumatized as he seemed.  I'm not saying that to downplay the situation, just to reassure you that he's probably going to forget all about it.  


Setting up play dates is a better idea.  Get him out with other dogs again soon so he has more good memories!   Hope he's none the worse for wear.

It's definitely hit or miss at the dog park. I would say at his age I would be very careful. I don't think I brought my guys until they were at least 6 months old. Puppies are still learning the ropes on how to interact with other dogs, and some dogs just  won't put up with puppy antics. Maybe you could call around and find a puppy play group? Where I am my vet, daycare, and the humane society offer play groups.

I really hate dog parks and would be careful. Franklin USED to be the friendliest happiest dog with other dogs until he had a few bad experiences at the dog park and now he is very fearful of other dogs and takes a while to warm up and realize they aren't going to kill him. I used to take him to a park where I knew most of the dogs there, but it just takes one bad dog to ruin it forever. The first incident a pair of huskies decided Franklin was a rabbit and body slammed him, pinning him down, luckily their owners were really aware and quick to pull their dogs off so Frank was rescued quickly and with no physical injury, however he became a little more leery of big dogs after that. The second attack was by a great dane mix who mauled him and I couldn't get Franklin away and the owner was a total idiot and doing nothing. Even when I held Franklin over my head the dog was so tall it could reach him. Some other people at the park helped me escape. Franklin ended up with a broken foot from that incident. Luckily it wasn't more than that. He is too rough to play with the small dogs because he is so used to playing with the big ones, but when I do take him in with the small dogs he has been beat up on a few times. It is just so uncontrolled and there are just too many lazy owners who just take there dogs and don't pay any attention. I would only recommend taking your dog if there are only one or two other dogs at the park. Also, people are idiots and take their coughing goopy eyed dogs with diarrhea to the dog park and spread kennel cough, upper respiratory infections, and giardia and other parasites to all the unsuspecting dogs and owners. It would be an excellent place if it weren't for the few irresponsible people who ruin it for the rest of us.
Somewhere some professional trainer of police/guard/working dogs said he didn't like dog parks because it's a pack of unfamiliar dogs who haven't worked out the pack order.
That is totally true. The dog park is just a bunch of dogs figuring out there role in the pack, meaning some will end up at the bottom. We rarely go.
I'm glad that your puppy is ok!! I do not go to dog parks to many "unknowns" with owners,vaccinations, and actuall sociability of the other dogs in question. I however do provide my pups 1 day a week at a daycare where the benefits are the dogs are temperment tested, vacinated, and nuetered/spayed.
im glad your pup is ok! but i do have to say im not trying to scare u but just like Melissa i had a very bad experience that changed teddy. he got attacked by a pit and rottie at a dog park when he was little. it traumatized him so bad that it has taken me almost 5 monthes to get him to like other dogs again. you are better off taking to pet stores and socializing him there. or what i did was after going to the dog park i made friends there and just set up play dates with them.

I'm glad to hear that OG wasn't hurt! I really enjoy going to the dog park with Baxter. I used to take him to the small dog park in the weekends in the afternoons and have hit or miss experiences. One weekday I came out to the park very early, like before 7 am. I met a man there with a husky mix who told me that there was a group of people called "The Early Risers" who liked to come to the park on the weekends about 7 am and all left about 9 am, before the park got crowded. These people were responsible dog owners whose dogs got along well and didn't have any behavior problems. I would try to see if maybe you could change the time you go to the park to minimize the bad experiences. Based on my experience, people with poorly trained dogs aren't likely to be at the dog park early in the morning. You should see if there are any groups like that at your dog park by just getting there early one morning and checking out the crowd.


The other thing I learned about dog parks is that sometimes it's not the other dogs that can hurt your dog. A few weeks ago, Baxter was playing, chasing and running with some other dogs. He tripped into a small hole near a tree with some branches and sprained his right front paw. The vet called it a soft tissue injury. It will be a month this Sunday and he's still not completely better. The sad thing was he wasn't with any unfamilar dogs, he was just careless. I'm not sure if/when we'll be going back. =(

On this recommendation too, I have found (at least in my area) any time during working hours, 9-5ish, most of the dogs at the dog parks are taken by dog walkers. In my area many dog walkers will go pick up 4 or 5 dogs and take them to the park to run and play for an hour or so, so they aren't the owner and provide no discipline.



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