Hey everyone....


So after visiting the Phoenix,AZ pet expo, I filled out an app to become a proud owner of a corgi from the cactus corgi rescue...if everything goes as planned and she is officially part of the family, my one question is, should I worry about cropping her tail, or let it go? She has a really long tail, which doesn't bother me, but everyone I've talked to says crop it, although since she's already 2 yrs old, I don't wanna put her through that if I don't have to...any opinions?

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Let it go.
Hopefully you didn't get a corgi because you love the way they look!  That's irresponsible and disrespectful to the dog and the rescue organization.  Corgis have a very strong personality which will only be made more clear by the presence of a tail.  Tail cropping is done at 2 days old-- after that and it's like amputating a limb she's grown to rely on and you would be hard-pressed to find a vet to do that for you without a medical reason.  I'm very envious that you will have a tailed corgi... I really wish Waffle had a tail!  The benefits to not having a tail are almost zero, so you're not missing much. The only benefit I know of is learning to look at the dog's face instead of its butt for emotional clues, and you don't need a tailless dog to learn that.

trust me, im not the type to buy a dog or any animal on looks alone or even looks as a main factor, I just didn't understand why people at the expo were saying crop her tail, it didn't seem right to me either, she seemed so happy wagging her tail and playing around......Thanks for the info  :0)   Hopefully she';; be in my home soon!

Alright, can never be too careful. I heard Corgis are becoming the new "hip" breed, so I gotta try my best to discourage people from getting one for dumb reasons!  :0  Nothing personal.  Keep that tail on that dog and you guys will have a fantastic life together.  Corgis are one of the best dogs if you have the right lifestyle for one! (That's not a biased opinion at all...)
Not at 2 years!
I have always heard it is ill advised to do it on an adult dog in that it is very painful and it doesn't heal properly because of lack of growth, etc.  If you don't care, why are you listening to everyone else?  Its your dog!  Put the smack down!  lol!
@ Preston - I can understand your confusion, being a first-time Corgi owner and getting a lot of conflicting and confusing information. I think it's admirable that you're adopting a Corgi and it's also admirable that you joined mycorgi to get clear information from experienced Corgi owners. Good luck and hope to see many photos!
I would let it go.  it's not something you have to do at all.  She's still a corgi full of corgi personality!
No reputable vet will crop a healthy tail from an adult dog.  Tails should be cropped within the first few days or not at all.  It's a painful surgery for an adult dog.  A tail is an appendage.
Actually docking is banned in most countries. I no longer dock tails and people love it except for a few. Leave it go (plus I would hope you would not ever find a vet who would consider doing this) you will love it and there's a group on here for undocked Pems:)
Thank you....I can't wait for the visit from the rescue center, they are supposed to come this week, I can't imagine not being able to get her, someone will always be home, we have a secure backyard but will keep her inside unless we are out w/ her anyway, we have a jack russell and im told the 2 breeds mesh well....can't wait! I wanted to take her home the day I seen her but I understand the reason behind the "process"...I wouldn't want to allow just anyone to adopt, u never know....but I will definately giver her a loving home
Good luck! Can't wait to hear more...


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