My friends dog is not doing very well. He is not sure what is going to happen. He had mentioned that if they need to put him to sleep, that he doesn't think he could be there when it happens. I told him about this story i had read about when the time comes please don't leave me alone. Its not the Rainbow Bridge poem, but a short story. Does anyone recall see it and can they tell me where to find it, so i can give it to him. Its a story about the dog having to go, and that i (the dog) was always by your side, sad times and good, so please don't leave me and be by my side when the times comes. It goes something like that. If you can help me find it, please.


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Maybe you were thinking of the 10 Canine Commandments? It's not really a short story, but #10 sounds kind of like what you're talking about, and it's sweet's a link:

Hope it helps!
Try not to judge your friend too harshly. Losing a loved pet and dealing with the grief is a very individual problem. I once drugged my dog with tranquillizers so I would not have to be there when he died. I am sorry now that I chickened out like that but at the time I was so down I did not feel I could handle it. Just encourage your friend to do the best he can.

I don't know where to find what your looking for but I would like to share my personal exeriences with you and your friend on this. Until I was about 35 I never went into the vet with my dogs/cats when they were "put to sleep" but I had an Irish setter rescue that we had for many years and she couldn't walk anymore and winter was coming and I knew it would be too hard on her. I went in with her and it was last thing I could do for my see her at peace was good.


Since then I have been with any animal we have had to "put to sleep" and I don't know if it's having closure or just seeing the animal calmly slipping away and not suffering that helps. I would highly recommend this to is the last loving act we can do for our companions...

Hi Jenna, yes thats it--thank you very much.

Hi Bev, thanks,oh i know, i wouldn't judge anyone harshly about this. They have to do it in their own way, that they feel is good for them. I just thought i could get the 10 commandents for him to read, it speaks volumes about our precious pets. Have a wonderful corgi day.

Hi Jane, thanks for responding. I;m with you on that. Unfortunatley when Gracie died i was at work, She died suddenly from a heart attack. I wasn;t there, but my 2 other corgies were there. And when i came home from work and found her, Nicky was laying right by her, he was whinning and so upset. Needless to say so was i, i just couldn;t beleive it, she was only 3yrs old.

Everyone have a wonderful corgi day and Enjoy!


So sorry about Gracie, Rebecca...glad she had her friends there with her:) Sometimes thing like this aren't in our control!



When we had our beloved cat Alice put to sleep last year, the vet told us her experience is the animals are generally much calmer when their people are there with them;  it can be alarming to the pet to be left in a scary place and see their owners walk away and some of them panic. 


I would say though that there might be some cases where it's better to leave.  If you have a very sensitive pet and you can't control your own grieving for those few minutes, your own apparent distress might be more stressful to the pet, especially if it's still alerty and aware. 


So I prefer that people try to be there as long as it does no harm. 

If your friend doesn't think he can go, maybe he can have someone else the dog knows to stay with the dog at that time.
Great idea!!!!

This is really a beautiful poem.  It's called "The Last Battle" I wonder if this would bring comfort to your friend.

 This was posted on 


If it should be that I grow frail and weak

And pain should keep me from sleep

Then will you do what needs to be done

For this, the Last Battle can't be won

You will be sad I understand

But don't let grief then stay your hand

For on this day more than the rest,

Your love and friendship must stand the test

We had so many happy years

You wouldn't want me to suffer so

When the times comes, please let me go

Take me to where my needs they'll tend

Only stay with me until the end

And hold me firm and speak to me

Until my eyes no longer see

I know in time you will agree

It is a kindness do to me

Although my tail it's last has waved

From pain and suffering I've been saved

Don't grieve that it must be you

Who has decided this thing to do

We've been so close we two for these years

Don't let your heart hold so many tears









Oh man.......
Oh my gosh, if that doesn't bring you to tears. So touching. Thank you so much for this.


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