I've been looking through the forums about food for corgis, and I have seen an alarming trend. I'm sure most people responding are trying to be helpful, but some of it seems like "guilting." When an owner says they feed Purina Puppy Chow, it's a little unfair to trash the food. Not everyone has the funds to feed the really high quality $40 a bag food, and no matter how much someone loves their corgi, they can only do what they can afford to do. Just want people to remember that. We all love our dogs, from the Purina to the Blue Buffalo feeders.
I am so glad someone else has noticed this!
I used to work for Purina Pet Foods and while I am no longer with that company I still feed my dog Purina and everyone, including the vet, compliments him on his health. When I see all the negative and rude comments on here that are food related I wonder how many them actually understand what goes into a product's creation and development or if they are just touting their personal food beliefs. As long as your dog is happy and healthy that is the most important thing.
Trust yourself, do your research, dot your Ts and Is the best you can, and just keep your head up. To draw a parallel, I think few of us here would necessarily feel "guilty" about spending 500-3k or more a year on our one or more pets vs like providing food for quite a bit more starving children in Africa, right? Plenty of those commercials on television. I trust my decisions. And the reality is that over 2000 years on earth and humans STILL do not know what is best for the fish or the dogs or cats.. virtually every species... or for themselves for that matter.
Check out the oldest dogs... one was vegetarian! And the other ate kangaroo meat and emu. So how many of us corgis eat that? I bet NONE of the corgis on here eat that every day..I say this jokingly --> what you can't afford kangaroo meat?! Shame on all of us because our corgis will likely go to the rainbow bridge before 28 years old! And if they don't, well you're just a sucky parent! Okay there it's settled.. no one is better for eating Wellness or Iams or Purina. ;)
It's not a perfect world. Just helping one little life at a time even if that life is only 12-15 years in length and doesn't build a company one day that makes billions.
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Eleanor Roosevelt
I do not judge or guilt anyone for what they decide to feed their dog(s). I do however, require the same respect back.
Our personal experience was Science Hill gave our dogs constant runs for months on end. We switched to a grain free, more expensive kibble and those problems were cured. We eventually made the switch to a raw diet which actually works out to less money than either of our previous diets. We also encounter mass *guilting* and judgement for feeding this way. Our dogs thrive on it and do very well so this is what we will stick to.
I think some people do think of dog food like a religion. If they can afford it, that is fine. I think it is important for everyone to put great thought into what our dogs consume, the same way I think it is important for people to do that. Just because a company that produces food says it is good does not make it that way. People need to research.
People should feed the best food they can afford for both themselves and their animal companions.
I grew up on a farm and we had all kinds of animals. You would be surprised how many different "Chows " Purina makes. All of our animals were healthy and happy, we never had major health problems. I took what my breeder said and looked at ingredients. I made my own decision and Poopdeck seems to agree, of course this comes from a Corgi that will eat "stuff" I never even get to see. (thank God) Good Luck!
Totally off topic, I'm sorry.....but I love the name Poopdeck!
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