Gracie received her DHPP vaccine last night around 6pm.  By 7pm she was vomiting-- by 9.30 her face was so swollen you could barely see her eyes. She looked  like a sharpaie dog face. Was getting extremely worried at this point. Stayed up with her all night as she continued to vomit occasionally. Thinking this is a bad reaction to shot. She layed down about 4 and so did I and fell asleep. When i woke i immediately checked on her, her swelling in face looked like it had gone down quite a bit. At 7.30am called the vet explained what had taken place, she said to give some beneydral,so i did,she seemed ok. So i went to work which is only 5 min away in case something else took place. At 9am my daughter calls upset saying Gracies ears are all swollen very think and huge lumps and has diarrhea. So immediatley rushed home and off to the vet we went. They looked at her and said she need to stay--put her on iv fluids and somthing for the swelling.  Needless to say this is very upsetting--trying to protect your dog with the vaccine, but yet the vaccine is what was harmful to her. Hope she pulls thru, i have read now that dogs have died from this vaccine or later had complications.

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I am so sorry that you have had such a scary event.  I will be thinking about you and wishing for a good outcome.


Glad you guys are doing better!  I was pulling for you but unable to post anything!!
How is Gracie today?
Hi Bob n SparkPlug--Gracie is doing better, yesterday was the first day she seemed to be more chipper and back to herself. I just hope it hasn't left any damage. They said  a severe reaction like this can effect their eye sight. I sure hope not. Time will tell. Thanks so much for asking, eveyone is so great on here. My new struggle right now is making that aweful decision to put my sweet Wrangler to rest. His auto immune disease has taken a toll on his legs. He can no longer walk, have to carry him  out and in. It is very hard to get the courage to do this. Altho i sure do not want him to be in pain.
So happy to hear that Gracie is on the mend.  What a heartwrenching experience.  So sorry about Wrangler, poor guy...Such a difficult time.  I'm thinking of you all.
I'm sorry to hear about Wrangler and I pray you have peace about the decision. I have a friend who has the exact same decision to make. Her Tanner was her first child and he has been through everything with her. Tanner was there when she dated her now husband, was there when she got married and had all 4 kids. Such a tough decision to make and even harder when the kids will miss him as well. I'm glad Gracie is doing better and I'll keep her and you in my prayers. 
Glad Gracie is will know when it's time with Wrangler...those decisions are so hard  let your heart tell you when it's right for him to not suffer!
My Gracie no longer gets any shots. She had a severe reaction to her first rabies shot Her ears and nose crusted up and became infected. Ended up having to take her to the University of California Veterinary School for a diagnosis. Miss Gracie, was finally diagnosed as having an immune disorder as well as non-systemic lupus. I now have a letter from my vet stating any additional vaccinations could be fatal.

very interesting....Lance had gotten his rabies shot this year and shortly after, he had hematomas in his ears...he ended up being diagnosed with immune issues as well.  I wonder if the rabies shot brought on the immune reaction.  He no longer gets any more shots as well.


Tucker goes to the vet on Saturday for his rabies shot, and reading all this is making me nervous.  We adopted him six months ago, so I have no idea how he reacts to shots.   Hopefully all will go well!!


I was told by the UC Davis vet that the ear problem was most likely the result of the rabies shot. Apparently all dogs are given the same amount rather than the shot being based on the dogs weight like medications are for people.
Sorry to hear about the Lupus.  Just to clarify, though:  human vaccines are generally not done by weight, at least not in adults.  Many of them come in pre-filled syringes, one size fits all.  Many human medications are also not given according to weight.  There are different doses for children and adults, but not for different-sized adults.
Be sure you check, or have your vet check, on any laws if you travel. My vet said it's Federal Law that they be vaccinated against rabies. I'm not happy since Rocky too had a very bad reaction and it's recommended that he not be vaccinated. Out state vet college recommended that he not be vaccinated. We go to GA for a couple of months in the winter and there are lots of dogs and people there. We are concerned about him if he gets bitten or worse, if he bites someone. He's a sweetie but he's a dog! We are going to have him vaccinated only for rabies but are starting him on his prednisone before the shot and keeping him on it for a week after. We would sure hate to see anything happen to him if he bit someone or someone's dog and we didn't have proof of a rabies shot. Something to think about and work out with your vet.


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