I have a question for everyone, our corgi is six months old just turned on the 25th this month. His ears have been up for the past few months, and just recently one of his ears has started to get floppy again. It still perks up from time to time, but for the most part it's down, kind of folded in a way. I know that they can go up and down while they are teething, but I think he's done teething. So does anyone have a similar experience? Or have any recommendations as to if we should just keep an eye on it, or think about taping it? Any advice is greatly appericated! Thanks everyone.

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I personally would tape it. The longer the ear stays folded over the harder it is to get it to stand straight on its own.

Here is a recent discussion with some links to past discussions that have lots of good ideas. Good luck!!

I would definitely tape it. While there are some who think floppy ears (or just one) look cute on corgis, I am of the belief that the erect, slightly oversized ears really add to their silhouette and "look" in general.

Thank you for the advice everyone! I greatly appreciate it. I think we'll probably end up taping his ear, considering the fact that it has been this way for at least a week if not more.

I would also try increasing his calcium "just in case". Maybe a TBSP 2 times a day. I would read the label and find the highest calcium amount.


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