So I applied for a dog 5 days ago at a rescue. The dog has been removed from petfinder a the owner has contacted me a few times but she has yet to give me any detailed info about the dog or if I have been approved to rescue. I am getting impatient and a bit annoyed with the vagueness of the responses she gives. Sh I am wondering, is there a normal protocol for rehoming adults? The only dogs I have rescued were always in person and when I got frank as a puppy the breeder was always available for questions and very straightforward. I'm just wondering if I could give up and move on or what my next step should be. The fact that she still keeps replying indicates to me that he has not been placed but I had sent her an application as well as several emails describing franklins personality and what I am looking for in a second dog so I guess I'm not understanding with the holdup is. Either he is a good match or not right? Any advice would be appreciated

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What a handsome boy!  Well, as a show dog I guess that goes without saying, hehe.  Hopefully we'll hear of a new addition soon!

Awesome! He really has unique coloration. I'm totally nosy and googled the name and it looks like he has a blue eye on the other side? I love that!

lol I googled everything about him I could find once the owner contacted me. I am nosy too and want to know EVERYTHING! Lol. Here is another picture (which was on their website) of him

He is so handsome!  Love him.  Hope it works.

Cats learn to adapt.  (Notice I said the cats).  Mine are dog savvy, get chased all the time, and play with the dogs the rest of the time.  They can jump to get away, and when they get sick of it, they stand their ground and the dogs back down. My cats have all their claws, so my dogs know when to stop.  

This dog is gorgeous!  I hope he works out with your cats.  Is it bad that I really want you to get him so I can see more pics of him--especially ones with him and Franklin together? Haha.  

Lol you're funny Rachael. I will definitely post TONS of pictures if it works out! :-)

Congratulations! I think if you take your time introducing and make sure they are seperated when you are gone/busy all will go fine. Do remember it will take at least a month for them to adjust.Eventually (2 weeks is my guess) Franklin will discover he has a new play mate and you will then realize how fun (and crazy) it's going to be. If you check out my videos you will see  Sage and Calvin playing and sage as a pup Calvin(now Joanna,Rainy and Calvin) he came from a cattle ranch and turned out to be a wonderful Cardi:) If he's good at obedience then "leave it" should work with the cats and keeping them away from him till he knows this.


Can't wait to hear more!!!!!!

Jane, that was another question I had. The owners offered to take him back if it didn't work out but I was wondering how long I should wait. Franklin adjusts to stuff pretty quickly, like 2 or 3 days at most, so I don't have a good dog to gauge what normal is. My current cats are both rescues, semi-feral to start, and a bit crazy and reactive. It took my newer cat almost 4 months to let me pet her without her trying to bite my hand off, so again, not very good to use to judge the norm. I figure I want to give HIM time to adjust, and see his reaction to my animals, and not the other way around because my animals tend to either adjust right away or take months and months. I was thinking of giving him 3-4 weeks? Unless he actually shows a very high prey drive and actively tries to kill my cats. 

I would give him at least a month to settle down and let his real personality come out. As long as you give your cats some spots where they can jump up to get away if needed, I really don't think you'll have an issue. It may take some training and time but I think you can do it. :)  It took my cat a year to start coming into the living room after we moved to a new house, but she's totally fine now. I made sure she had lots of comfy safe spots in the kitchen area and dining room in the mean time.

I think 4 weeks Melissa. First I have 4 ferral cats outside and 2 of them recently found a place in our attached garage instead of the shed and even come in to get a meal. They never were really bothered by my dogs(many) and if/when they didn't like it the cats let the dogs know. I agree if the prey drive were high that would be another story but I really doubt that this would be the case. I don't believe it will take long either for Franklin and your new one. If he is a show dog than he's used to other dogs but do proceed with caution and never leave them alone for the 1st month. You will probably see signs early if things aren't going to work.

I have mixed feelings on rescue organizations.  When Dillon died, I was so distraught that I only made it three months without getting another dog.  In that time period, I had multiple applications in at multiple rescue places, trying to adopt.  The responses were pretty vague, and I came with great references.  (My vet could probably build a new practice with all the money I've given him over the past 11 years).  In three months, I only heard back from two of the organizations, and then all they said was that they would be in touch.  In my state of mind, I couldn't wait, and found Seanna with a breeder, and bought her.  I feel bad that I didn't rescue a dog, but everything happens for a reason.

But, the good rescue organizations have the dogs best interest in mind.  They won't just give you a dog, they want to match one to you so that the dog hopefully will never be given up again.  It is a waiting process with them for when the right dog comes in.  If you are getting this from a private person that has just taken the dog in to find it a home rather than a real rescue place, then I'd be getting warning flags.  I'd just come straight out and ask her what the deal is.


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