well it has sure been a crazy week I started CNA classes and on top of it Valentine all of a sudden got so sick we had to take her to the vet yesterday after spending 3 hours there we found out that when we adopted her they failed to tell us that she has a disc in her neck that has collapsed :( she was in so much pain and crying my husband and I felt horrible for her. woulda been nice to have been informed so we could avoid any further trauma to her :( - makes me mad we adopted her from the vet as her former owner wanted her put to sleep , and we are now assuming it was because of her neck and they didnt want to pay for her to have any treatment - makes me so mad, I usually do not vent on here but I just needed someone to talk to ha ha or lots of someones, anyways 3 medications later and another xray not tomention the cost of it all, which is the least of my worries I just dont want her in pain anymore :( - I just hope she gets better soon - wish us luck :)

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Oh no, poor Valentine.  :(  What sort of treatment are they recommending?  Will they need to do surgery to replace or repair the disc or associated region of the spine?  I sure do hope they are able to help her!

no surgery thank goodnesss and she is on 3 medicines to help her feel better, today no crying so I am very happy shes not in pain today, she has to be on medicine for a month  

Poor Valentine. Other than the medication, is there any further treatment for the collapsed disc? Poor thing, no wonder she was crying. Glad she is feeling better today and not crying. Give her hugs from me and corgi kisses from Noodles.

Hope that she continues to do better and I have told Dino so everything will be better and let us know what happens

Poor baby! I hope Valentine gets better soon, and I hope if surgery is needed, it won't cost too much. You should bring it back to the vet you got it from to get the surgery; ask her for a big discount, because she basically gave you a dog that she KNEW had a health issue. 

If it were me I don't think I'd ever want to look at that vet again!  If they lied (lying by omission is still lying in my book!) about something as big as this than who knows what else they would do? Bottom line is I wouldn't trust them with my dog - especially back or neck surgery.

Thank aside I truly hope the meds do it and Valentine gets better. It sounds like you adopting her gave her the loving, caring home she needed! :)

Feel better soon Valetine:) Good luck...what a bummer.

Oh, Valentine...get well soon!!!!

Oh my gosh, Suzi! I hope she is OK. It's so hard when they are in pain or distress. Wil keep you in my thoughts & prayers.

thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers, I just love this site and how nice everyone is :) she is feeling better tonight thanks to the pain meds & so far so good no surgery needed :).

Oh no!!!  I'm so sorry, poor Valentine!  I don't know if it would be of any help, but I've had great luck with acupuncture on one of mine for her arthritic pain.  No sure if it'd help with pain from a disc, though.

It is so hard to see them in pain, they just look at you with this "help me" look.  Which is far worst than any begging stare. Our Tenby is on pain meds daily and the only thing I am sure of is, when they are hurting they get so much comfort in having their family with them.


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