My Lady Mollie What to do? Fine her a forever home or try some wat to stop her from attacking Olli.

Please I need help. I have this sweet wonderful tri-color female Corgi and my husband and i have been debating on what to do. Weather to fine her a loving forever home or for some one to help us try and get her to stop attacking Ollie. Its to the point now that she has drawn blood  on him. She is so jealous and i don't know why. We show both of them as much attention as we can. So if anyone out there has an answer please let me know. If not and someone would be able to give her a loving forever home with no other dogs please also let me knoe.

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What state do you live?  I live in Georgia.  I would to keep them together if possible, if not there are many people on this site that could help you including myself. Try basic training classes if that has not been done yet. Has she always been this way toward Ollie, or is it toward all other dogs?

We have taken her to a friend of ours who Ollie was train in basic training plus he got his good Citizen Ship Award. She work with her for awhile. This has been about a 1.5 years ago. She said that shh had never seen a dog as stuburn as her. That Mollie acted as she had the mind of a cat. And yes she alwayd been this way toward Ollie. Every sense we brought her home as a puppy. And as for other dogs We have a mix Great Prinese for give the spelling dog who is out doors but does come in when its really hot and she gets upset and wants to attack him. He's a gentle gaint. He plays with Ollie  all the time when he's in but Mollie won't have anything to do with him. Except try and attack him and growl  and show her teeth. All it would take is one big bite from him and thats all for Mollie, but he ignores her. So when he's in I have to crate her.

Sorry Steve forgot to tell you what state I live in. I live in Missouri.

Have you been to obedience classes? Also, google Nothing In Life Is Free and start following it. Meanwhile have her drag a leash or rope around the house so you can easily put an end to a fight. Are there specific times when this is happening? Training will help you relieve her of the stress she is feeling that is causing her to attack.

There are alot of times this happen when my Grand kids are here. Or even when we have company. Its like she's afraid that Ollie going to recieve all the attentio and she not. Everone that comes over try to love on both of them to let her know she not beem let out. But we also have a problem of when people do come over her and Ollie both start baring and go to the door and the minute there in the house they both start jumping on the guest  trying to get all there attention and we have to scold both of them.

Some dogs are genetically very dog aggressive, in other words, they come from dog aggressive lines and are born with that strong tendency.  Males can be sometimes toned down by neutering, but spaying does nothing to curb aggressiveness in females. Females that are fighters, in my experience, can be even harder to control than males and less responsive to training in this area.  Your female is fighting with males she's known from when she was a puppy and is initiating the fights, so I would put her  in that category.  Dog aggression and people aggression are two separate things. If your dog is fine with people, she can still make a great pet in a one dog only home that is aware of her issue.  In the situation you describe, with children and friends coming over often, I would find her a good loving home elsewhere.  The risk of her becoming more and more aggressive is very real and it is easy for an adult or child to get badly bitten in the attempt to interrupt a fight between dogs.  If a person gets bitten, even accidentally, it would then be near impossible to find her a home because you would be legally bound to disclose this and most people would not want to take a chance on adopting her.

I am sure this is very hard for you and your family, I hope you find the best outcome for all concerned.  She is not a bad dog, she is just not a right fit for your situation.

Anna, Thank you for your suggestion, that what my husband Mike and I were think we should do. But now we have the task of finding her a loving forever a home with no other dogs. I hope someone out there can help us do that. I love her so much and it breaks my heart but I know down deep she will better off and so will Ollie.

I might be able to help. But let me say this first...I dont want to think that I am tearing her away from her beautiful family. I do have experience with dogs and corgis ( as Dino will tell you ). I would like to talk to you first and another thing is airline travel is not an option. The things I have seen I would rather not tell anyone about. Heartbreaking. If you are seeking another house to take her I will gladly speak with you. Give me a couple of days say about Tuesday if that is ok with you.

Yes that would be ok. And I really don't want to put her on a plane. I've heard horable stories about what happen to dog on planes. I'll be looking for you to get back with me in a couple of days. And thank you. much apprcicated and I know that know that you wouldn't be trying to tear her away from her family. I just have to now think what is best for Mollie, and Ollie. I don't want either of them hurt or someone else trying to break them up when the fights get started.

Steve, have you decide where there is anyway that you can help me out with My Lady Mollie? I was waiting to here from you before I contact this other site I think Jane gave it to me. Its suppose to be a group in KS. that help out corgi's. So if you get some time please let me know your thoughts.

I will not get off work until Tuesday in the afternoon. Thank you for your understanding.

Good luck....I know how hard this can be! I have a female that isn't bad but that I do have to watch her and know the stress that comes along with always having to be "careful".


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