Sparty has been more and more depressed lately and having trouble getting around so we made the decision to end his suffering tonight. He had a nice dinner with bacon on it and my wonderful vet came over so we could let Sparty go while looking out our front window (a favorite activity). He is buried in the woods behind our house. He loved walks in the woods! It leaves a huge hole in my life, he was so special to me but at 13 with progressive cancer Sparty really had a good life.

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Awww, I'm so sorry :( He lived a long happy life though!
What a beautiful way to send him off too... big hugs!

Blessings to you and family, sending our loved ones to the Rainbow Bridge is so hard, but Sparty must have been ready, they tell us so.  Sending prayers & corgi love from Nancy, Katie & Jack (Squirt too)

Harley and I are so sad to hear Sparty crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  We will be thinking of you!!


Bev, i am so sorry about Sparty, He had a great life with you, so much love. Cherish all the years of memories. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.


Bev, we are so sorry for your loss.  Sparty loved his life with you.  He was one lucky corgi. Our boys send you corgi kisses and the hair that goes with it!!!

We so sorry for your loss. Corgis can give you nothing but love for eternity :) We send our condolences to you and your family.

I am so sorry for your loss of Sparty, it is such a hard decision to make but I always try to remember what my vet has told me " that it is the kindest thing we can ever do for them". Sparty will always be with you in your heart and he will always be in your thoughts. Rejoice In Peace Sparty

I hope we can do as well for Gwynnie and Al someday.

I am so sorry for your loss, Bev.

***HUGS for your loss***

I am so sorry for your loss. but I am so proud of you for helping him go away from the pain.  He sounds like a great fellow and you will always have those loving memories.

How terrible. You made the right decision for him, but I know that doesn`t make it any easier.


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