I am waiting to bring home my new pembroke welsh corgi from a breeder; he's currently 6 weeks old. The breeder sent me a picture and stated the gray/black fur on his face and nose will disappear. I was wondering if this is true and at what age will I see the change? Attached is a picture.

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I don't see the attachment but here is a link http://www.winddialfarm.com/corgi-coat-color-progression.html to a page on our website that shows the changes through to adult hood.  The changes can be very dramatic.

Oops! Here's the link: http://i47.tinypic.com/f9k0na.jpg

It will fade some but it may not disappear entirely. It really depends on the individual dog.

I think he will keep some of. Although he doesn't have the coloring on his head like a sable would my bet is that he will have a dark nose.

I would guess that most of it will fade from the main area of the face and be left with very dark eye liner and dark penciling around the muzzle.  They do all fade out to different degrees though but it will fade out for the most part.  

Lemmy was all white and tan when we got him  (12 weeks) but as he moved into the 1 year mark his back and tail got darker, almost black, but now he's 1.5 and it's just a deeper brown with a few flecks of black here and there.
Pretty certain its normal...

One of Linus's parents was red and the other was tri, Linus is mostly red and now that he's a year old he has some prominent black spots, a stripe down his back and tail and some black hairs on the back of his head.  It's really adorable.  Their colors do change a lot. 

He looks like he'll be red and white. The smudging on his nose may fade, BUT some red and white Corgis do keep the smudge. Like this:



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