Excited about potential new puppy, but has anyone made you feel bad about not adopting?

My boyfriend and I have been fans of corgis for a few years now, but the time was never right to get a dog until a few months ago.  We dived into doing our research on the breed, local breeders and rescues, and ultimately decided to go with a breeder because even though our previous dogs while growing up were rescues, we've never experienced the joys of raising a puppy.  We have shared our excitement with several people, and while most were very happy for us, a few basically made us feel guilty for not going the adoption route even though we explained that not all breeders are puppy mills, and yes, we are fully aware that there are tons of dogs that deserve a good home.  I'm a bit sensitive, so I really took it to heart and it's been a downer on our puppy acquiring experience.  Has anyone else dealt with this, and if so, what do you do and/or say back?  

On a side note, I just want to say how much I enjoy this site!   I've been stalking the forums and blogs for a couple of months now, and I'm so impressed with the wealth of knowledge and support here. Thanks, all!

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I also heard some complaints when I got Becca. I told people she was my first non-rescue dog. It was time to be able to make my own mistakes, not fix someone else's. As long as you do your research, there is no reason not to go with a breeder.

On the one occasion where someone actually gave me some grief, I told them I'd personally pulled three cats off the street and either kept or found homes for them, adopted a deaf cat from a shelter, and helped about a half-dozen dogs find their owners when they were lost.

I think I've done my bit.  If I want to raise a puppy, I get to raise a puppy.  :-)     

That shut the person up.  However, it should not be necessary to "prove your worth".   People truly just don't understand the numbers or haven't really thought about it.

I would also go with a pup...enjoy raising your own pup to be the best pup and well socialized then in the future if you decide to get a second corgi maybe consider a rescue...if that's what you want NOT what others think you should do. I wouldn't want to see anyone give up those special times with a baby corgi  as they are so wonderful...

I don't think that anyone has tried to make us feel bad, but I am very aware of the trend of only getting "rescue dogs".  Which always makes me chuckle.  I must be slow on the uptake.  The first time I heard "rescue dog" I thought they were referring to what their dog DID... not where it came from.  ha...  we are old-school and still call them pound puppies or mutts.   Not sure when the trend shifted to the word rescue, but it makes me smile.

I just say that we knew our chances of finding a rescue corgi were slim because people LOVE their corgis and never let them go!!

Yes, I've dealt with these kinds of people. Someone I knew (but wasn't great friends with) actually stopped speaking to me because I was "getting a dog from a breeder"! I got Ein as an adult, and she had 2 litters for the breeders I got her from. I've had some people react to the fact that's she's been bred as though she was rescued from a puppy mill, where she was forced to have litter after litter in inhumane conditions. 

You just have to tune it out, and don't let it get to you. You have nothing to feel guilty about. 

Ingrid.....I get the same thing with my Katie.  She's a Hersonway corgi...they only breed their females twice in 4 years. People acted like I got her from a puppy mill.   My Max is also a Hersonsway corgi.  He is a fluffy so he was pet quality, went to a good home as a puppy.  Couple divorced, husband got the dog and the kids.  New wife did not like Max (she must have been nuts), so according to the sales contract he returned Max to the breeder.  We just happened to be looking for an adult corgi at that time. We had lost our rescue corgi to cancer.  I was working full time so a puppy wasn't a good fit for us then.  We were so impressed with his personality that we called and asked if she was retiring any of her dogs.  Katie had just gotten pregnant with her last litter and would be available.  We said we would take her when she was ready.  Turns out she's Max's niece from one of his sisters.

Now that I am retired when the time comes to add another corgi to our life it will be a puppy.  And if we are still living in NY when that happens it will be another Heronsway corgi.

Maddie is a retired show dog who had one litter.  She was 4 when we got her.   I'd say it was about 50/50 between people who thought that was pretty neat, and people who were horrified.  A typical response was "They just didn't WANT her anymore so they GAVE HER AWAY???"    

I guess having grown up as a horse-nut who saw that horses regularly changed hands when they were outgrown or did not work out, and also growing up with field trial dogs who were started and then sold later in life, it just never occurred to me that people found it odd.   There was a couple month transition where she seemed a little confused about what happened to her life, but she's been a sweet, happy, wonderful addition to her family.  

She had a great life with her breeder, then had a few weeks of stress when she moved and now has a great life with us.  I don't see how it's a problem but some people think it's just like giving away a child whose 10 because he no longer fits into your lifestyle or something....

I can see where you are coming from re getting a puppy and getting a rescue!. Oscar my Corgi I got from a breeder as a 3 month old puppy I looked it as adoption for life!. Sam we got as a rescue dog though not from a shelter we removed him through legal channels from my Partner Paul's God Son's Home!. This kid should not have animals he can't even look after himself let alone a puppy like Sam. Paul got him from 12 months old he is now 5 years old Sam was abused mentally as a puppy and even though he is a big sook and loving he has traits that we have to watch him closely around people especially tradesman!. I'm of the opinion of getting a puppy from a breeder who has a track record with good blood lines my vet has said over the last 30 years that  a lot of rescue dogs have problems and issue's that not everybody can deal with and it is better to get a puppy that you can teach and can grow up with!. I've had 2 rescue dogs pure bred Labradors that at first have seemed to be okay with Oscar & Sam but after a few weeks issue's have started and after weighing up our options with our 2 dogs it is better to introduce a puppy into our household than a fully grown dog for those reasons!. Good luck with your search for a Corgi Puppy I have grown up with the breed my entire life and I'm 50 next year so I'm bias!.


Oscar & Sam's Dad Brian


Andrea.....I'm glad that things have changed regarding infants in this country and I am well aware of the cost of foreign adoption today.  When we adopted 30 years ago 98% of the foreign adoptions were from S. Korea, very few were from China or Central America and Russian really wasn't heard of.  Korean adoptions did not require us to go there, it was all handled thru the local adoption agency.  And the cost was a mere $5000 but that was a lot in 1983.  Bravo for your friends...they truly have extremely large hearts and much love to give.  They have given many kids a much better start in life because of that love.

I am sorry that I seem to have hijacked this thread.  I guess the comments of how some are treated because they are choosing to go thru a breeder rather than adopting a "pound puppy" still triggers feelings from all those years ago when it came to foreign adoption of children because people say the same stupid things.

It's totally understandable. I'm glad things have changed as well. My Dad's adoption wasn't done by the book, he has no legal papers. Now you can't do that. I get what you are saying though, and I'm so glad your daughter went to a loving home. Thats all that matters. That you loved her.

Zubi came from a ranch as a pup.  He was 8 weeks old.  It was not a puppy mill and he is everything we hoped.  Usi was a rescue at two years old.  She is an absolute joy. I love both so much.  I brought Zubi along to Usi's adoption.  They really hit if off and she is a great fit to our family.  Dogs are both eleven years old now.  However you find your pup, what matters is that it is the right pup for you.  If you want to raise it from a pup and know it's whole story that is good.  If you are willing to work with a rescue who needs a forever home that is good too.  Zubi is much more social than Usi.  She has never fully recovered from whatever abuse happened before she came to me. It's your home and family and you should do what fits.   Especially if you have children, you need to know how to handle a corgi and it's history.

Can you imagine what it's like to actually be the breeder in this atmosphere?  There's some flack to be had. 


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