Hey guys,
This actually just happened not too long ago, and I've tried to find something on the internet to help but haven't seemed to get anything. So, my corgi is like most corgis and gets excited about loud noises, as well as many other things. In this case, it was bubble wrap stuff. I was popping out all the bubbles really fast so that I could throw it away and my corgi (as expected) got excited and started jumping at it. Now this is normal behavior for her, so I just told her no and kept going. But then I realized, she lost use of her back legs and was dragging them around behind her. It was almost as if she didn't notice at all, so I don't believe she was in pain. It scared the crap out of me though because I've never seen her do anything like this before! I immediately stopped what I was doing of course and tried to calm her down. Her legs were useless for a little while, maybe a minute or so and she then began regaining use of them. For a little bit, once again like maybe a minute or so, I tried to get her to walk toward me and the legs were kinda listing toward the side a little bit and not fully functional. She laid down for about five minutes and afterward was completely fine. Her legs are now back to normal and it's as if she barely even noticed it. I don't know if this is something I should go to the vet for or not because her legs are 100% fine now and it's never happened before. But I'm still really worried! Is this something that's happened to your corgi before? Does anyone know what it could be and if it's something serious that I need to go to the vet now for? Thanks!
Sounds like EIC (Exercise Induced Collapse). This is genetic and most commonly found in labs. However, Pems do also carry this gene. Essentially it's a condition that when excited and/or exercised too much can result in temporary paralysis. It doesn't cause any pain to the dog though. You can get them tested to see for sure if your pup does carry this gene. Even if it isn't EIC, I'd still take your pup to the vet to see if it was something like a seizure, stroke, or other neurological disorder.
@Andria. Very interesting information. Never heard of this condition before.
@Nicole. I would definitely want to check this out with a Vet to prevent further incidents, if possible. If you have an underlying problem or condition you will either be able to resolve it, or learn how to properly manage it. Most things are better when addressed early on. Do update us.
@Andria, Franklin actually has this disease, not EIC but the border collie version (border collie collapse) it carries a different genetic marker. This does not sound like EIC, in EIC/BCC the dog actually shows signs of severe hyperthermia/overheating before the collapse episodes and recovery takes much longer. This sounds much more like possibly a disc issue. I would be VERY careful with her for at least the next several weeks. You may have gotten very lucky with this very temporary paralysis but if she jumps up or down or runs around she may end up injuring her back again and causing a more permanent paralysis. I personally would go to the vet to have her checked out just in case it is a back issue, they can go very badly very quickly.
Wow I never knew this. It's nice to know there's a difference between EIC and actual Disc issues.
I would make a vet appointment and have her checked. I have never heard of EIC as Andrea suggested, interesting to know that. Beth also brought up several things that it could be. But it would be a good idea to make sure she doesn't have something starting to go with her spine. They are long dogs and can have a tendency for spine issues. I didn't understand what was going on with Max and his neck when he started acting odd. I took him in and they did xrays and found out he had a calcification in his neck. I can't afford the $10K plus for a surgery that might or might not correct it but we do acupuncture and he is like a new dog.
I would have her seen by a vet immediately. Paralysis isn't something I'd mess around with.
I would get a vet to check her over ASAP. Corgis can suffer from arthritis at any age, so check that it isn't the first sign of this. Mine had it in his front from less than 2yrs old, it has now spread to his rear legs and he still isn't even 4. Check for rear alignment spine issues also, these can be relieved by an animal chiropractor. Good luck, I'm sure she'll be just fine.
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