
We've had Pem (yes that's her actual name) for five days now and I already love her sooo much. She's already learned so much in these few days. First two nights were exhaaausting, but this nightt she only woke me once to go outside. She slept 7hrs without waking me, this is great right?
She has a parasite called giardia and she's being treated with antibiotics for another three days. She had blood in her stool and had diarrea. But she seems a lot better now.

Housebreaking is going fine, still pooing and peeing inside, but not as much as the first days. I take her outside every hour, after every nap, playtime, feeding, ... She has a crate and a playpen where I put newspapers on the floor. She seems to go there everytime she needs to go. When I catch her in the act, I take her outside and praise her if she goes. I was wondering though, is it a good idea to lay newspapers? Will she pee on paper that accidently falls on the floor in the future? Should i stop putting the papers?

She hates being in the pen when i shower, cook meals, she gets reaaaally angry. Is this normal? Is it ok to just ignore her? Or should I put her in her crate? I don't want it to be a negative place. After a while she falls asleep in her crate. I don't want to leave her alone to go shopping, but I have to right? I don't know she will be fine, I'll be worrying the whole time.

Another thing, she jumps against the couch because she want to sleep on my lap, to play, to watch the cats. I keep telling her no and SIT and praise her for sitting and play with her when her four paws touch the ground. But she bites real hard when I try to "punish" her. I say NO, BAD GIRL and put her on the ground firmly, is this ok? Because she growls and bites everytime.

I admit I underestimated raising a puppy, but I want to do it right. I mean it's supposed to be exhausting, right? It's not just me?

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Awwww...those puppy days! They are work but you are also forming habits that will last for her full lifetime.

Taking her out often is good and there will be accidents especially when she gets a bigger area of the house. Personally I like newspapers in a crate liner in a small area of the fence as she may have to go and then it's better than just anywhere in the pen. She also needs to learn to be away from you and have her nap time etc. Ignoring is the best. Otherwise when you do leave it will be harder than learning it right now. Puppies will try to bite and growl what I believe works the best is to say "OWWWWE" real loud and turn the other direction totally ignoring her for the bad  behavior. I fold my arms up and just stand there(and laugh to yourself) She will learn she doesn't get attention for a bad behavior.  Training is exhausting but watching her learn things is the fun part. As all pups there will be days that you wonder if you taught her anything...but you are. Remember what you can train her for now is much better than trying to train her after bad habits are made! Keep up the good work:)                     

The "owee" and looking away/up with my arms folded are doing wonders already. She stops biting and watches me with big eyes. Guess it will take awhile to learn her humans are not to chew on, but this was great advice. Thanks!

Any idea how to point out she shouldn't be jumping on the sofa?
And when I leave the house, should i put her in the crate or the pen?

I know it's so hard for me not to laugh when they look at you with those big puppy eyes...

For the sofa I would suggest picking out a word such as "off" or "down" and the gently lift her legs down and she will start "getting it. You MUST be consistent. I would pick about 5 words to start with and teach her them. Come,sit, very easy basic ones for now. When she gets older you can add maybe one a week. Start a list and then you can add words to it. Always just use a word not a sentence or she will get confused.

I like the crate for when I leave and my adults still go to their crates many times when I leave although they are open. I guess it's your preference but I would guess that when she gets older the fence will come down and she will always have her crate out.

Newspapers are great for when you need to be gone longer than puppy can hold it, but should not be left down while you are home to watch her. So if you are going to be gone for 3 hours, papers go down in her pen and she stays in the pen. If you are running to the store for an hour, take her outside then put her in her crate while you are gone. If you can't keep any eye on her when you are home, she goes in the pen AFTER a potty break but no papers. Make sense?
That does make sense, I will take away the newspapers tomorrow. Thanks alot!

You sound like you're doing everything really well!  Bravo!

Puppy hood was EXHAUSTING for me.  It was definitely way harder and way more constant than I expected, but we survived!  Consistency is key, as Jane said.  It sounds like you're doing great there.

Along those lines, I found that it also helped to explain to visitors some of the things we were working on.  Tell them to do the arms crossed thing if a puppy bites them.  Make sure they know that the puppy isn't allowed on the couch, etc.  Having visitors reinforce your training, gives you a few extra repetitions a day!

Good luck with your pup!  Sounds like you are on the right path already!

Good point about visitors Marina....also take her out to meet as many people and dogs as soon as she has enough shots. The time for socializing Corgis is short  (16 weeks)  and that includes introducing them to dogs, cats, people including kids/babies/teens, noises and everything inbetween. Really....door bells, car horns and all different things will help make her a more rounded and comfortable dog.

I already made some visits to friends and so she's been in a car for four times now, you can already see that she's getting used to it. A lot of people are stopping by to get a look at her and I will take her to my mom's dog. I don't know where I could introduce her to kids though.
i will take her to dog's training school once or perhaps twice a week, as soon as she's got all her shots ofcourse.

I'll work on the "off command", I admit I was saying a lot of things to prevent her from jumping on the couch (no no, sit, stay off, bad girl, ...). Visitors and my boyfriend say I'm over doing things and I should chill. "She won't remember if she can sit on the couch this once". And giving her way too much attention when she's in her playpen, feels like I'm raising everyone around here...

Lucky for me she sleeps a lot, so I get a break aswell. And thank you all, your advice has given me courage to hold on, haha.

One more thing though, is there something i REALLY have to do in this socializing period? Car drives, kids, busy streets, lot of friends passing by and visiting others... What else? I'd like her to be a dog I can take with me for a drink on a sunny day and is not whining al the time to go home or walk.
Thanks for the support and saying I'm doing okay, really means alot!

Most of this you can do just like you live your life as friends visit etc. Take her with if the weather is nice and you run to a couple stores for a few minute shopping trip. Have the kennel along and have her in there and soon she will be just hanging out while you're gone a few minutes. Mine LOVE to go with and are fine in the car... Do you have any pet stores near you can take her in with you? Parks where kids may be? (sometimes you have to watch the kid). To the vet.

The span is short but the introductions will become easier for her the more you do now. Some people get a dog and when they don't go anywhere the people wonder why is my dog so scared????? Well they never learned.

So it's not a major plan but just things that you will be doing so that she might be doing with you...hope that makes sense????

Above all...enjoy and have fun:)

I adopted an adult dog for one reason, and I am not proud of this, I am lazy. I was not ready for the constant care and attention required to train a puppy. I like to think I would manage the task successfully, but I would hate to actually test it out. Just by your willingness to post this request honestly, I am sure you are doing well under the circumstances. I do think it is "supposed" to be exhausting. As most new parents of children and animals lament, no one can prepare you for the reality of the care and sleeplessness of new parent and puppy hood. I suspect she will begin to see the crate as a safe and fun place if you use it calmly and happily as a safe place to get treats and relax. Later you can use the bed in the same way. When I go out I leave a treat in the bed and my dog runs to the bed to get her treats when I put my coat on. The puppy months/years sound like they pass slowly, but I am sure it goes by very quickly. The benefits of exhausting but consistent training do pay off sooner than you might expect.


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