Hello fellow Corgi lovers, when I joined this group about 8 years ago, it was my intention to be active and post pix and stories, but life got really busy.
Unfortunately, my 4-legged son Teddy,passed away at the age of 9 in March.
Don't have to tell you who have loved and lost how painful that is. Having someone who is ALWAYS happy to see you come home was so great and even four months later, I still shed a tear or two or a thousand every day. I hope to find another "trike" sometime soon. Although I should have earlier, I might post some of his pix over the years, unless you think this too much of an " after the fact" response. Teddy was a great dog...all corgis are...and when they are no longer here the emptiness is cavernous.Thanks for reading and I look forward to becoming an active member in the not too distant future...Andy

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So sorry for your loss of Teddy.   We lost one of ours a few weeks ago and I know how hard it is.    Please share your pictures and memories of him.   It's always the right time to do that.  Hugs.

Thanks,Beth,I will...many are on camera phones and old ones at that,but let's see what I can find...Andy

So sorry for your loss. Please post the pics and share the memories...

Is it possible that she picked something up like Guardia (not sure it's spelt like that) but they can get it by drinking bad water.

I am so sorry for your loss.  We lost our sweet Max in December and I still miss him every day.  We still have Katie and in October our breeder had one of her dogs come back and asked if we would be interested so for a couple of months we had 3 corgis.

Please post pictures of Teddy and share those happy memories.  It's always time to honor and remember those who have left us.

I lost my sweet Izzy in March also at age 9. It was such a shock because we did not know she was sick until too late to help her. They leave a huge hole when they go!!i feel your painand it does come and go. You never lose the memories but over time you start focusing and the sweet and funny ones. I was lucky to be able to get a puppy fairly soon after and we are enjoying making new memories. Hugs!

Im so sorry to hear of your corgis passing. :( our blue merle cardi went to the rainbow bridge 2 years ago at the age of 8 1/2 years old. Please post away with your pics, would love to see them.


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