My corgi Gus was just diagnosed with hip dysplasia. We had noticed he wasn't putting much weight on his right rear foot, and took him to get checked out. They took x-rays, and the vet just called with the bad news. Gus is only 4, and I feel so sad about this, espcially after just losing Sandy to a long, debilitating illness. Does anyone out there have tips on coping with this? They are going to put him on glucosamine, and an anti-inflamatory. Any food and/or supplement tips? Thanks so much.

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I've had HD with two of my big dogs. One did well without doing anything, the other had to have surgery on both hips. Other than that, I just monitored to make sure excercise wasn't overdone. Never gave them any meds, etc. Giving glucosamine won't hurt either. My Mavis, a corgi, has severe arthritis and has monthly injections of Adequon.
My 2 year old Chester just was diagnosed too with hip dysplasia particularly in his right hip with slight arthritis. Vet also put him on rymedal for a week and then Vit E and glucosomine supplements..hes seeming better after 2 weeks of rest but still seems to turn his rt leg out when walking and holds it up sometimes...guess we have a longer way to go in healing. One year later, how is your Corgi doing?
Just monitor his activities so he doesn't over do it. Regular excercise without a lot of jumping or high speed running is best.
Gus is doing about the same. The cool, rainy days lately have been a little tough for him, but generally warm weather is better than the winter. I still have him on Cosaquin DS, and have recently added HyaFlex (hyaluronic acid) which seems to help quite a bit. I will have to give the vitamin E a try. We are considering surgery, but are trying to wait awhile. I don't know if it's better to do it sooner, though, because there would be less arthritis. We need to go follow up with the vet soon. He will rarely put weight on one of his back feet, so that's not too good. Keep me posted about Chester-I'm sorry about the diagnosis.
Is your vet recommending surgery? I was just curious because our 9 month old Cardigan was diagnosed with hip dysplasia and the vet wants him on supplements and said from there we would do pain management and only down the road as a last resort would he suggest surgery but I have read that one of the procedures must be performed before the onset of arthritis but my vet didn't bring up an preventative surgery options so I wondered what yours said.

Another question, did Gus show signs of dysplasia other than not putting weight on the one side? Finn kicks his hind legs to one side when he runs and his back side sways a lot when he walks. This is what prompted us to have the x-rays done even though he's still very young .
The vet said the same thing to us-keep him on supplements and keep his weight down, and surgery down the road if things get worse, so that is what we are doing now. The not putting weight on his foot is what really prompted the x-rays, etc., but he always kind of did the "bunny hop" (kicks his legs to one side) thing when he ran, and I guess that is another sign. He does have some arthritis already in the hip and foot, which makes me wonder if we should consider the surgery, but we'll see how it goes. During the winter months I was thinking we'd definately need it, but with no snow and warmer weather things are better. Good luck with your dog-I hope the supplements help!
About 3 months has passed since we put Chester on the supplements and rimadel..has good days and bad but still doesnt put his full weight down (lost some with diet, under 30 lbs now) on his back right leg nor does he want to walk very far.. Tomorrow my breeder set up a 2nd opinion appt for us regarding surgery..then we'll follow up wiht our Vet to decide what we will do. I am worried about recovery from this, hes only 2 years old. And the great expense it will be no doubt.. Wish I knew someone who had this surgery on their Corgi and was successul and able to live full life after with activity.
Update--Chester is doing great! He hasnt limped for 6 months is on Duralactin (natural anti inflammatory) and Omega 3, Glucosomine vitamins. He is happy and energetic and we are thrilled to have him back to normal!
So happy for all of you!

I may be way off base but trying to figure out why my 1yr old female has what looks like bumps on both hips? At first it looks like her fur is ruffled and won't lay flat but in fact she has these noticeable bumps or protruding muscles.  I started to wonder what the visible signs of hip problems look like.  She is very active and not seemingly affected but she does not like when we touch her there.  Any ideas?


Is she skinny? It may just be her hip bones. In a fit or skinny dog you can feel the bumps of their pelvis where you would think of as the hips being. Does she walk normally and get up and down from naps easily? Usually when they get up from sleeping is the best time to notice lameness/hind end issues because they will have difficulty getting up.

Yes she is skinny and long.  She has no issues getting up or any lameness.  She does do alot of stretching though. She is very small in stature and full grown already at about 20 lbs.


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