Just curious about your dogs amount of poops a day. Mickey has become out of control! haha Since we dewormed him (he had worms :( ) his poop has gotten great, compared to the diarhea he was having on and off for months but it happens so often! Like 6 or 7 times a day! We are on vacation now so its ok cuz we are with him but I am terrified for when we get home and bakc to work. Is it normal for him to be going this often?? It all seems healthy! He eats half a cup twice a day with little treats here and there but nothing major! He is only small too so this all seems crazy!!

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When we first had Madoc, he seemed to go 6 or 7 times a day too. Before breakfast, after breakfast late morning, mid afternoon, after dinner and evening walk (maybe twice then!) I was afraid there weren't enough bags in the world to cope! But I find as he matures, he goes a lot less. We switched his food at 6 months as our breeder recommended to adult formula. It's mainly chicken and rice and NO CORN products. When he was small, my sister-in-law was visiting and she couldn't believe such a volume of poop was coming from a dog that size. So I think Mickey is perfectly normal (and adorable!) and it gets better in a couple of months.
Mine usually poop once or twice a day now...but I am lucky as they usually go out to the grove or far away to do this and that means no poop to pick up! Does his food have corn it? That will make a difference also...he will poop more.
Corn does have some fiber in it so can increase the volume of stools for some dogs.

Jack poops, usually, twice in the AM and twice in the PM (twice because he is too nosey to stay still and finish and tend to wander off before he's done).

HOWEVER, if we take him out at noon, he'll often poop then. If we take him out at 3pm, he'll go then. If not given the opportunity, he will happily not go between 7am and 6pm. If taken on a mid-day walk, he'll go. He seems to just think outside means poop time, and many dogs are like this.

So if he is going frequently when you are there and taking him out often, that does not mean he's incapable of holding it when home. Just keep him confined to a small area while at work so he is encouraged to wait and not go in a remote corner.
yes...my dogs go more than 1x...because they have to quit to play but return to the pooping shortly so I consider it 1 time...
They definitely poop more than twice a day if given the chance. I think that is pretty normal. Sometimes I wonder if they try to save some for the next walk. LOL. Fortunately that doberman doesn't poop as much because picking her's up is gross!
Both Soffie and Griffyn poo once in the morning and once at night. Griffyn is pretty much like clockwork, he does both on his first trip out in the morning. Soffie likes to pee first, come in, have breakfast then go out to poo!

Then after supper we take them for a walk (no walk for Soffie right now, she's recovering from a torn ligament) and they both do their second poo. Poor Soffie, it's another adjustment she's having to make since her injury. The vet did say it's okay to let her take a short walk if that's what she needs to get everything moving (if you know what I mean) so that's the extent of her walk for now.

Soffie is 3 1/2, Griffyn is 2 1/2 so their adult habits are pretty much formed. But I seem to remember that when they were puppies, they pooped and peed a little more frequently.
When Buffy was in such bad shape she could not walk far I got a stroller at a garage sale that would lay flat. When I would walk Sparty she would ride in the stroller. She loved it so much! Unfortunately her problems were much more severe than a torn ligament and she did not make it but she really loved the rides in the stroller! I don't know if Soffie would tolerate it but at least she would still get out. Buffy would sit up and sniff the air all around and the neighbor kids would pet her and generally make a fuss over her.
Tucker poops 2-3 times a day. Usually he pees first thing in the morning - comes back in for breakfast - then back out to poop. Same thing with dinner. Sometimes he will poop once more late before bed - like midnight - and sometimes not. He's finally on enough of a schedule that he goes in the backyard THEN I take him for a walk so I don't have to carry poop bags around the neighborhood.

If he gets a midday walk or we go to the dog park he will come up with additional poop for these special occasions.


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