My Corgi loves to lick hands, arms, & legs. Why do Corgi's (dogs) period live to lick?

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Actually Leo is not a licker. Randy is though.
My corgis seem to be getting worse...licking more...I think the ones that didn't lick have now decided that if the others do they should too...Wynn especially tries to lick the lotion off my legs...yuck! Why???? I don't know...
Freshly lotioned legs are Tucker's favorite for licking. ew.
Ginny is also a BIG TIME kisser... all the time, especially loves to lick "new" people and has a preference for ears...
Shiro used to try to lick my legs, especially after bath, but he doesn't do it anymore. He will lick the face though, if you're close enough.
Oh yes...the face...Livvy has like a lizard tongue that gives me a quick lick when I'm least expecting it ands then she's off doing something else.
Mine are not lickers! I really don't encourage it so maybe that's why... Sparty will lick if you put your face right in front of him and Misty and Izzy will always turn away.
Wrigley is a licker and it's kind of gross. My boyfriend encourages it because he thinks it's cute. When he gets home from work, Wrig jumps on him and licks him on the face for a good 5 minutes. He seems to know I don't like it, so he will lick my hands only.
Sometimes I will look over at Tucker and he will just be licking the leather couch. Weirdo.

I don't really like face licks so he restrains himself for the most part with that. He cannot resist ears though - if there is a human ear in his face he will get his tongue in there.
Sometimes Radar will lick my husbands pillow before he comes to bed...which he doesn't care for.
So I try to flip the pillow over before my husband comes to bed.
That is what I always thought that it was a sign of affection. Sometimes Radar gets so intense with the licking,
that he seems offended when I make him stop. ....and there are times I think he does it just to aggravate.
He's my Crazy Corgi and I love him!
Faye likes to kiss on the lips! It totally grosses my boyfriend out. I'll say "Faye, wanna make out?" and she comes running, hahaha. I think she knows not to do it to him but I don't mind so much, I just have to be sure to keep my mouth tightly closed.


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