Anyone have a friend that your corgi likes more than YOU???

Yes, I have to admit, I'm a bit jealous of this! :)

I have a friend that comes to take care of my dogs on Wednesdays and Thursdays, the two days when I work two jobs and am gone for over 12 hours total.

Well, today she came over EARLY and spent the day at my house because my mom needed some help with stuff and she had the day off. So I get home, and Simon basically doesn't even CARE!!!! He's all over my friend, kissing her and snuggling her and sitting on her lap. I was gone for 6 hours, I just come home to eat and change then leave again, and I get NO corgi love cause he's decided he likes my friend BETTER!!!! I'm trying to call him and get him to come give me kisses, and he just looks at me like "And I should care because . . . . . why?"

I know, he's probably just happy to have another friend there to play with him, but geez -- some acknowledgement WOULD have been nice, given that I'm the one providing him with food, shelter, toys, and taking him fun places! :)

So -- anyone else get demoted to 'pond scum' level by your corgi when someone outside of the household comes to visit you?

At least my Josie loves me more! :)

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Gibson likes my MIL way more than he likes me, haha. He is obsessed with her! Follows her around, cries when she leaves, won't sleep unless he's right by her when she visits. It's nuts. She is like a nice version of me though (meaning, she never has yelled at him), so I can see why he loves her ;)
Jack is our independent, outgoing, confident boy. He will grin and wag and face-lick with all and sundry who come by the house, who we meet out on walks. He sees our next-door-neighbor driving up in her car and he practically turns himself inside out trying to get over to greet her. But I walk in the front door and... nothing! Well, if he's awake he'll bring me all his toys hoping to get me to play. Furthermore, he does not even like to be petted by us and when my husband or I go to pet him, he'll often back away and give us a look like "What the heck!" and go get a toy. Early in the morning or after a nap he does love a neck rub or to have his chin scratched. However, he is fiercely loyal and I am quite sure he would lay down his life for me. He likes to be near us when we are home, but is not a lap dog or a cuddler despite his exuberant greetings for everyone except us.

Our female and new addition, Maddie, is quite the opposite. She thinks the sun rises and sets over my husband, and to a lesser degree me. She nearly wags her butt off when we come home and gets visibly nervous if she can see one of us but not get to us (say she's on the deck and my husband is mowing the lawn). She likes other people well enough, but is fairly reserved with strangers.
Wow, I thought I was reading a description of Dax here! Petting? He wants nothing to do with that! Lean over to pet him and he backs away and grabs a toy. He'd much rather wrestle with my boyfriend (who he likes more than me, I just know it) or run around the living room in circles. Usually at night before we go to bed, we'll sit and watch tv, and he likes to jump up on the couch and cuddle with us, but mostly he just looks bored, like he's only up there because we won't play with him.

He goes CRAZY when anyone else comes in the house, but when we come home, he couldn't care less. If one of us is home and the other comes in the door, he'll go crazy barking and running around, and then we'll get a sniff and maybe a lick or two when he figures out who we are, followed promptly by a toy in the face and an excited "PLAY WITH ME!!!" look. But if no one is here, he doesn't bother barking. We'll come in and he'll be laying on his back, paws in the air, just waiting for us to come in and give him a belly rub.

He follows us around the house everywhere. If I were to get up from the table right now (by the way, he's laying at my feet...under the table) and walk the ten feet to the living room, he'd be right there following me, ready to find a place to sit near where I am. I wish he was more of a cuddler, but I guess boys will be boys...
Yumi is always extra excited when we go visit family members or even strangers that passes by...she wags her bunni tail like crazy and starts jumping all over them, so excited where she piddles, where its another problem we hope she will grow out of. My boyfriend and I do feel a bit jealous because shes never that excited around us at home, but a well behaved dog. I think its normal though because our doggies are so familiar and comfortable with us when they finally get to see someone who they rarely see or never see they take the chance to check them out, to see if they recognize any changes like whats new or the same, and see what they have to offer. *giggles* hehe yumi is next to me taking a nap and shes twitching and it looks funny.... but anyways at the end of the day our loyal companions are always going to be there for us to make us laugh, to comfort us to make us happy. Nothing is stronger then the bond between doggies and their owners. If kisses are what you want from him when you come home to him then maybe there is a way to get his attention. Perhaps food, a treat or his favorite toy. Give him a treat every time he does kisses you. He'll learn that kisses equals treats! practice makes perfect. Corgis will pick that right up.
Miranda likes or at least she kisses everyone more than me. I am the person who waits on her hand and paw. She loves me, but she shows it quietly. Like when I go to the bathroom I see her nose sticking out under the door. She gets horribly up set when I leave and she is not going with me. She LOVES to cuddle just the 2 of us. She will do tricks for anyone, and if you have food she is your new best freind. But she is stuck to me like fly paper.

But with freinds and visitors she basically ignores me until I move towards the door and then she is at my feet tripping me as I go. I think it is just her freindly personality, I would never take it personally.
hell yeah his bestest mate matt......... from day one they have wrestled and have this crazy we can do anything bond. He gave matt black eye when he was only a few months old becasue matt insists on blowing in his face. i could be standing covered in treats and Matt arrives and george runs right past me. Lucky htis guy is marrying another dear friend of mine and he is a sensational bloke. This couple are also my number one house and dog sitters.Sometimes they come over at night just so Matt can burn off some energy playng with george xxx
I totally understand this. Jackson loves my girlfriend more than me :(....

When she comes over, he is all over her. I don't exist anymore. I am quite jealous.

Actually, any females he sees he will go and flirt with them. When my male cousins came by, he did not like them so much. I am thinking this guy is a human womanizer....


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