Chloe is almost a year and a half old now. She sleeps in her crate and won't go in there, we let her out first thing in the morning. She gets breakfast around 10 and gets taken out again. Hubby works nights, so he puts her back in her crate around 1 when he goes to bed. When I get home at 5:30 she gets taken out, gets dinner around 7 and goes outside one more time. When we take her outside, she knows it's time to do her business. However, if she has to go in between that time, she goes in the hallway. She knows its bad, because if she gets caught, she either runs and hides, or puts herself in her crate as a time out. She doesn't seem to understand that she needs to tell us and we'll take her outside to go. Has anyone had this problem or does anyone have any suggestions? She's almost a year and a half old, that's way too old to be having such frequent accidents still. I'm so frustrated I don't know what to do anymore. Will she EVER be potty trained?

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Have you taught her a way to tell you she needs to go? Both of my dogs had to be taught because they didn't have any signs I that I know of. Some dogs do seem to instinctually know to go sit by a door, etc, but I think just as many dogs need to be taught what to do. Or perhaps they do have a sign, but its so subtle we don't pick up on it. I have had great luck with the bell ringing method. I especially like it because I don't have to keep an eye on the door to see if there is a dog sitting by it. Here is a site that gives some training tips and also sells bells (although, I made my own for MUCH cheaper than what they charge): Good luck!
The first thing to do is make sure she doesn't have an infection.
Have you taught her to speak? If so, you can have her speak each time before you go out. She will eventually use that as a way for her to request going out. Have you used a good cleaner like Urine Off to remove the smell? they can still smell after just a regular cleaning and it encourages them to use the same area. You really have to go back to square one to retrain her. That means taking her out more often and watching her whenever you are inside. The easiest way is to leash her inside and keep her with you. I would suggest taking her out every two hours the first few days. Don't forget to have her speak each time. It really should not take long to change her habit.
Speak is usually easy for a corgi. I taught mine by saying speak while holding a treat in front of them and not giving until a woof came out. If she doesn't get it you can woof a few times for her. LOL
It sounds like she is just confused right now. You can also desensitize the spot by feeding her in the hall.
Oh she knows how to speak. That's the weird thing. Before I take her out, I always ask if she has to go potty. She'll woof and run right to the door. That's what is so frustrating about it. But if I don't ask her or don't catch her then she finds a spot out of sight and goes potty in the house.
Try the leash in the house. I find it is the best way to change a behavior and be sure to ask her to speak before you take her out. It is really hard sometimes to figure out what is confusing them so I find it best to go back to square one. good luck!
Yeah, I think that's what we're going to have to do. We'll be giving the carpet a good steam cleaning with a Urine Eliminating treatment. Then I think we're going to invest in the Poochie-Bells, thanks Sky and Lyla, and start over from square one. The website with the bells offered a good training program. Cross your fingers for us!
Ha Ha, I tried the bell ringing with my corgi, Buffy, and she was so scared of the bells she peed herself when I tried to show her how to ring them! We have friends who's Westie uses the bells but she learned how to use them to get attention too. It is hard to play cards at their house because the dog keeps ringing the bell until they have to pick the bells up.LOL
Yes, just be careful with the bell. Potus came to us at 12 weeks already trained (he'd been an outside dog at the breeders, and only after 2 accidents learnt that outside was the place to go). However I'd ruled out the bell training had I needed to train him due to people's stories on the net- some people's dogs constantly rang the bell because they wanted to go out and play.

Po's own chosen method is to scratch the door. Our door now needs repainting/filling in some scratches but that's an easier job than constantly cleaning the carpet.
Try to catch her in the act and scream, then quickly take her out and praise and give treats.
Look for any signals. She might be getting restless whe she needs to go.
If she cries ar whines a little bit, take her outside until she goes. That way she will learn that whining means she gets to go potty.
I've caught her in the act, tried making noises, evening tried picking her up, but she'll just keep peeing away. I've even heard that if you push their tail (or nub) down they should stop mid stream- not my Chloe. Not only did I have carpet with pee on it- it was all over me! She never cried or whines, unless her ball is stuck under the table or she's in her crate for bedtime but wants to stay up with me and my husband. She really and truly gives no indication she needs to go potty unless she's asked. It's the darndest thing!
Not sure how your house is set up, but how about blocking off the hallway and sequestering her in the room with the door that she uses to go potty. For example, if the potty door is in the living room, try blocking her in the living room with you, then whenever she goes near the door take her out and tell her to go potty. Then maybe she'll learn that going near the door means go outside to potty?
Finnigan was very hard to potty train. He knew it was bad to go inside but he wouldn't tell us he needed to go outside. Same as your situation, if I asked "do you need to go potty?" he'd start whining and go to the door but he wouldn't do it without my asking. He hasn't had an accident inside for a few months now. He still won't give a clear signal that he needs to go out but I've noticed that if I'm on the couch and he standing up with his paws on the edge of the couch, staring at me, it usually means he wants out. This is tricky because he does this behavior at other times, but the key is if I tell him "off" and he keeps standing back up, he probably needs to go. I know how frustrating it is. I was beginning to wonder if he would ever be potty trained too and really Finnigan still isn't 100%. While he seems to have learned that our apartment is not a bathroom, he hasn't learned that other people's houses aren't either. When we take him to my Mom's or my brothers, he'll pee the whole time. I don't know the trick. Some dogs get it very quickly and people say they pretty much potty trained themselves. I wish that's how it was with Finn. We used special cleaners, crate training, praise when pottying outside, I even tried teaching speak but he just doesn’t want to speak. I think the bells are a good idea and considered trying that method. I know other people who used bells and said they work great, but sometimes the dog will just ring it because they want to go out and play. My Mom has Finn's half brother who is a year older and he was over a year old before he stopped pottying in the house and started telling her he needed to go out. He doesn't bark or whine either. He tells her by running to wherever she is and launching himself at her, using his front paws to bounce off. It looks funny but that's his way. Before that he not only peed inside but would go to an out of the way area rug and poop. He even peed twice in my apartment when visiting.


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