Stella's Super Sick! Is this related to her spay or something separate?

Hello Everyone,

Some of you might have seen my posts about my puppy, Stella, getting spayed last Friday afternoon. Since then, she has been doing welll. I take her on small walks and keep her crated to keep her from potentially ripping her stitches. So far, her stitches and the wound on her stomach look fine. Her tummy is light pink, there's absolutely no redness or swelling. That's the good news...

Now to the bad news. Yesterday morning I noticed that she seemed to have a little diarrea when I took her out. Since then, she had diarrea multiple times yesterday (6-7) into this morning, and at 2am the vomiting began. She has thrown up 4 times. I have been careful to keep giving her water. She's eating and playing with ice right now. But since the 6am vomit, will not go to the bowl and drink on her own. She just gets it from ice cubes or licking my hand after I dip it in water. She's still quite lively, she's jumping and playing with the ice. I'm really afraid of dehydration, since that brings a whole other set of problems.

Ok, so now to my question--has anyone experienced this before at this time (several days after the spay)? Do you think it's related? Reaction to medicine? (Rimadyl)--she took her last dose of 4 yesterday. I was also thinking infection--yet the wound seems fine.

Or do you think it's just something she ate? I didn't feed her anything different yesterday. My roommate said she fed her a dried chicken strip that's a new brand, and she had eaten one the day before. Her dog ate one yesterday, though and is fine.

I'm going to call the vet right now to see what they suggest. I'm so worried about her. I have to work today and don't want to leave her :(

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I would definitely call your vet!

I'm wondering why she was taking Rimadyl? It can be very hard on them, and requires a blood test before prescribing it. It is a pain and antiinflammatory med but I thought it was just for injuries. Soffie is taking it but she has a ligament injury. You need to be sure Stella isn't getting dehydrated.
My very sweet natured corgi, Buffy, developed colitis after her spay. Chances are that is what Stella has. I think the vet told me no food for 24 hours and then resume with small portions of boiled chicken and rice until her tummy settled down. Rimadyl is frequently used as a pain med. They did give Buffy some saline injections because she was dehydrated so do call the vet. Colitis can be caused by stress. Buffy was never one to let anyone know that she felt bad or was nervous. I think that personality is more prone to this type of problem.
I think Jack had Rimadyl after his neuter, but we hardly needed to use it. I seem to recall them saying it could cause stomach upset.

Definitely talk to the vet! Please keep us posted. Poor Stella.
I would call the vet too, I think it could be possible to pick up a different infection but don't really know. Good Luck and let us know!
Thanks for your replies, everyone. I called the vet and I'm taking her in around 12:30 during the break between my classes. She's been eating a lot of ice, and is REALLY hyper. My roommate is here until noon and will be able to watch her until I come back. I'll keep everyone posted on what happens.

Thanks again,

Oh good!! I hope it's nothing. But best to be safe than sorry! Get well real quick little Stella!!!
I think it might be the medicine. Sometimes it doesn't agree with the stomach. Please take her to the vet, and hopefully it was just an upset stomach. Take care, get well Stella!!! Keep us posted if you can.
I just came back from the vet. The good news is that she wasn't dehydrated (my staying up with her all night and giving her ice paid off!) and that she's alert---CORGI alert. I can't believe she's been so sick AND with her spay incision healing and she STILL wants to frap! She also has normal body temperature.

The bad news is that they are keeping her there to give her some meds to help her GI system get back to normal. I'm supposed to call back between 5-6 to see if I can pick her up today or (most likely) they'll keep her overnight. :( I'm going to miss her, but at the same time I need to go back to work right now and wouldn't be able to watch her.

I'm thinking it has to be the medication. Under normal circumstances, I would have thought she ate something weird, but I have been walking her short distances and watching her carefully outside, and inside she has been in her crate so that her incision can heal. Hopefully that's all it is and her system will be back to normal tomorrow.

I'll post new information later. I need to run back to work. Thanks everyone for your comments. I love this site!
Thanks for the update!! Rimadyl can be very hard on their system so I wouldn't be surprised if it did turn out to be the meds. We'll keep our fingers crossed that she'll be able to come home tonight!!
I'm glad you took her to the vet. Let us know what happens.

Several days after Finnigan was neutered, he had a similar issue. He threw up a few times and had constant diarrhea. There were so many things that happened prior to this, we weren't sure what could have caused it. We switched his food the week before surgery and started him on joint supplements, he was on pain meds for the surgery and due to fluid build up after surgery (he was a chryptorchid so they had to go into his abdomen) the vet put him on antibiotics. Could have been any one of these things. The vet had us withhold food for 24 hours then feed rice and chicken, this only made it worse. The vet gave us a probiotic powder which we fed for a month and he still had the diarrhea. Nothing abnormal showed up in his fecal test so the vet suggested that we try another food with a less common protein. We switched him to a duck and potato food and the problem went away. After months of dealing with this, turns out he had developed a chicken intolerance (his puppy food and the new food were chicken) which made sense why the rice and chicken made it worse. I don't know why it came on suddenly after getting him neutered, but it did.
I am glad you were on top of this! Hope Stella feels better soon.
It will be hard to have her away, but at least you can rest knowing she's in good hands. Hopefully her tummy will be better soon.


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