How do I get my corgi to fetch a BALL instead of his TOYS?

Hi! My corgi Percy loves two of his stuffed animals. He won't play with any other toys. So I've gotten used to just playing with these two toys with him, whether it be tug or fetch or just running around him with them. But it has gotten to the point where I would really love to be able to play fetch with him with a tennis ball, and, he has fetched a tennis ball only once before, but he LOVES playing fetch with his toys over and over and over.

Is there a way to take his love for fetching his toys and transfer it into fetching the ball with as much love and enthusiasm? And if there is, how the heck do I do it?

Thanks for any help!

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Hmmm. Jack always loved tennis balls, so I never had that problem with him.

Maddie lacks great enthusiasm for regular old tennis balls, but take her outside with a Chuck-it and skip it along the ground and she goes wild for it. Same with a frisbee.

Have you tried the scented ones?

Is he good with other dogs? If so, you can try getting him out with a tennis-ball loving dog and the enthusiasm might catch.

Have you tried revving him up for the ball? You know, the old "What's this? What's this?" and wave it around in front of him a few times before throwing to get his attention?

When Jack was a puppy I taught him the names of toys and would only play if he brought the one I asked for, but I don't know if it would be so easy to teach that to an older dog as it is a puppy. Puppies are like sponges, while adults usually learn at a different pace.

Caitlin has a good idea that if you take away his other toys for a few days, he may transfer his enthusiasm to the tennis ball.
Twinkie is the same way! My husband jokes that she isn't any fun to play with but she fetch a stuffed toy time after time. I'm not sure its something we have the energy to change. It would be nice to be able to take a tennis ball to the park with us though.
I read online somewhere that if you want to teach your dog to fetch a ball that you cut a 1" line in the ball and put a treat in the ball. You have to make sure that the dog sees the treat go in the ball and then you throw it. The trick is that they have to bring it back to you to get the treat out. I would think that since most corgis are so food motivated that this should work really well. I still haven't try this with Jet, but I plan to try it in a few more weeks.
Ashley's idea worked GREAT. I cut a slit into the ball and put his treat in it just poking out and he went for the ball every single time! Even when I tricked him a bit and did not put one in there he went for it!

Now we just have to work on him bringing the ball back to me, because what he was doing was running after it really well, and then eating the treat while it was in there and not bringing it back to me. Out of maybe 20 throws he brought it halfway back twice.

I know that there is the trick of using two tennis balls to get them to bring it back, but I don't think that that would work in this situation. I made a really big deal when he did bring it back though, so I guess just more practice and we'll get it!

Thanks for all the great ideas, you guys are all geniuses!
Does Percy like toys that squeak??? I have several small rubber balls that squeak and my dogs love these...not only to chase but I sometimes squeak them outside if they don't want to come and they come running...I am also going to use this for agility as it really gets them excited!!! The ones I use are from jw pet company, they have a great selection!
One trick to remember is break your training into little steps. Throw a "party" if you make a short toss and he reaches for the ball. If he picks it up= a treat, try stepping back next and big treat and/or praise for picking up the ball and bringing it towards you. (it helps to have more than one ball) I have one natural retriever and two "why did you throw it if you still want it" corgis. Good luck, it is fun once they get it. If they bring the ball always give it back right away at first. If they run away with it turn your back and walk away!


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