I'm a first time corgi owner and my puppy has started biting my pants and leg when we go for walks. It is funny and sad because other people at the park where I walk her think that it is just so cute, but she is just not getting the physical activity that she needs when she does to me. I know that this behavior is "in their genes" because they are herding dogs, but I'm no cow! haha. Any advice would be great! Thanks! :)

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Advice: Say "owe" in a fairly loud voice and turn your back to her and ignore!
Gonzo didn't so much nip at our feet - he would turn quickly right in front of me, nearly tripping me. Just try to be consistent and scold her each time she does it. It will take some time but she will stop doing it eventually!
This is what we've been doing for Faye. It's been working pretty well. The only time she does this now is sometimes if I get her really excited by running/skipping etc and/or if i wear my fuzzy uggs (i guess they smell like sheep?)

Just ignore the puppy for bad behavior and stop walking when it happens. I usually cross my arms and look up towards the sky. Once she calms down I take a step forward. If she takes a couple steps without the behavior I praise her and sometimes give a treat. Soon she'll be walking like a pro sans-nipping. Good luck!
How old is your pup?

With a younger pup, the easiest way to stop leg-nipping is loose, in the house. Run and pup will chase you. Puppies love this game! The second she nips at you, immediately stop running, cross your arms in front of your chest and turn your back on her. Don't move even if she continues to jump. This works with young puppies because they have a very short attention span and quickly lose interest in an unmoving target. The second she walks away and ignores you, clap your hands and call her and start running again. Probably after a couple days with a few short sessions each, she will get the idea that when she nips you, the game is immediately over.

With an older puppy, they have a longer attention span and will continue to maul you even if you ignore them, so if this is the case you will need to correct her with a firm "Ah-ah!" whenever she does it. With a younger puppy, sharp vocalizations can sometimes excite them more and ignoring usually works better.

Either way, it's harder to correct on the leash than loose since you can't get the necessary space on the leash to turn around and ignore her, then reward her when she walks away. Once she gets the idea, a gentle reminder of "no" or "ah-ah" should do the trick on the walks. Worst-case scenario is you are far from home and she won't stop. In that case I'd pick her up and carry her just long enough to distract her, then put her back down. Most curious pups would rather be on the ground than carried, so unless yours is not that way she will probably see that as a punishment.
Wow, Beth! Is this natural on your part to know what to do? Or do you watch "It's Me or the Dog" with Victoria Stillwell? You sound just like her -- especially the "ah-ah"!
*blush* Gee, thanks. Actually my dad used to field-trial pointers when I was very small, and then we always had hunting dogs who were super well-trained, so I think I just grew up with it. I also watch various training shows. And if I run into a particular problem, I go online a lot. There are many trainers out there posting on line, and I read all the advice til I find a solution that makes sense for me and fits both my personality and my dogs'.

Plus, my male Jack is an excellent teacher. :-) Smart as could be, and bossy and stubborn. If you give him an inch, he'll take a mile but if you are too stern he outright rebels. LOL He keeps me on my toes and I could not love him more.
I have just used a firm no and the walking or running stops if they do it again. You have to practice this one and always stop it immediately. Some will get it right away and some take a little persistence on your part. This is a very important behavior to stop because it might be cute now but it won't be for long. Just be very consistent and she will get the idea soon.
I just wanted to add quickly that if your pup is nipping at the back of your calf and/or your ankles, then that is most likely herding behavior.

But if your puppy is grabbing your pants legs, socks, shoe laces, etc and growling, pulling, or shaking her head, then that is just puppy play behavior that is common to all breeds.

It is my experience that the herding behavior is actually easier to redirect than the biting/growling/tugging. The latter is something that they eventually outgrow, the former will continue through adulthood if not stopped. Regardless, the solution is similar.
Finnigan still grabs the leash and pulls when he wants to play. Usually if he’s only holding it (not pulling) I'll let him carry it as we walk. He'll drop it if I tell him to but as soon as I start walking again he'll pick it up so if I ever want to get back home I have to let him hold the leash (I know this is probably encouraging the behavior but I don’t always have the time to fight him). On rare occasions, he will grab the leash and pull and if I scold him he will start to growl; if I reach down to take it from him he'll mouth my arm. He sounds vicious when he does it and probably looks like he's biting me. I know he just wants to play and is being stubborn but other people must think he's the most ferocious Corgi in the world!
Wynn is a great leash holder but never pulls or chews unless it's attached to another dog! I have always let him do this as I figured it doesn't hurt except I don't let him if it's attached to another dog as he then thinks he's in charge. It's really funny but he never pulls he just walks!
Caleb is a crazy leash holder. We've been working on breaking it as he's a future obedience dog but he'll argue with you like crazy.
Yeah, Jack is a leash-grabber too. We went through a couple months when he was a pup where walking him was an exercise in frustration. Now he mostly does it if he realizes we are turning towards home and he's not ready to go back yet. He'll "leave it" when I tell him but sometimes it takes a couple times to get him to stop grabbing it again!


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