well yet another alaskan winter has arrived, and this is kirby's first winter so far it has done two things: one, all the snow has covered all the holes he dug in the back yard. and two,installed a new challange of getting him to come inside. he loves all this white stuff!!!! he was outside when the first snowflakes were falling, before the ground was covered, and he was trying to catch the flakes in his mouth. now with the ground covered with powder he is doiing the bunny hop and wont come inside.... i love all the fun but i am scared he will freeze , any expirience with dogs who like winter a bit too much?

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Sidney is Southern Californian all the way. The weather gets a little cooler, which he loves. However, when rainy season hits (all of about a week) he hates it! This corgi will not get his feet wet, if he can help it. He'd find a way to levitate if he could. So getting him to go outside to potty is a major battle of wills. And we all know how stubborn corgwyn can be :)
He's equipped with his own antifreeze--that big thick fur coat! The biggest thing to worry about are his feet and paw pads, and I think he'll let you know when it's time to start worrying. He wants frostbitten corgi toes as much as you do. It's probably good to check on his feet periodically while he's out. If you notice they're starting to turn red or reddish purple, it's time to come inside.
thanks, thats what i was worried about mainly its not too cold..... yet his cute little feet were my main concern, he has dug himself a little burrow under the shed if he dosnt want the snow on his paws for a bit
How about corgi snow boots (or booties!)?
oh yeah thats on my list!!! alaska is the perfect place to buy them too, with all the dogsledding and skijorring and whatnot
Al & Gwynn have both gotten quite sore feet from loose sand and spring snow (running full-speed to keep up with me downhill on nordic skis). I don't think it's the cold as much as the abrasion -- it gets in between the callused pads and irritates the soft inside skin -- this was at moderate temperatures near or above freezing, on sandy desert roads, and at the seashore beach.
I've heard that different things can happen at colder temperatures -- the pads actually "sweat" moisture and so can stick to very cold snow or surfaces, make ice stick to paws. No experience with such temps.
I have used the Pawz(TM) medium-sized (blue) booties with some success. The small size might work too. They're just big tough balloons that go over the paws. I carry them as emergency gear when snow or sand is expected. In the photo below, Al climbed the mountain barefoot, I put the Pawz on at the summit, we lost one on the descent, one stayed on all the way back, and one filled with snow after a claw punctured it. So they might work OK as occasional emergency gear, but for routine use, I'm not so sure.
You might try Mushers' Secret. I've not tried that.

Pawz medium booties

Ginny LOVES the snow. Actually there are a lot of corgis that do. I think they'll romp around and come in when they're good and ready. Mine loves to roll in it (we call it "making corgi angels") and make little tunnels in it with her nose. If i'm so inclined, I'll put on my boots and go outside and kick the snow up at her. She loves this game and tries to bite the snow as it flies up at her. Luckily, the snow just slides off her back. If you're worried about her feet, there's a product called "Musher's Secret" that is a thick wax and offers a little protection from the snow.
Mine hates the winter. When it's cold (i live in houston, cold means anything below 65F here) she just stands in the yard and stares at me like, "I don't wanna pee... let me back in..."
My three dearly love snow - but, alas, here in Virginia it is a rarity. I have to be observant with Linus, my fluffers, because he will get icicles hanging from his fancy pants and skirt! It's hard to get them back into the house when there are snow piles to be investigated, snow trails to be blazed and the eternal question: Where did that snowball go to?
Mine love the snow! In Michigan our weather is about perfect for a corgi. But when the temps get in the single digits I do limit their outside time.
Jack loves the snow and cold and is not fond of the heat. As long as the temp is above about 15F, I let them play as long as I can tolerate being out there. If it's colder than that, I worry about frostbite and limit their outdoor time.

Corgis have excellent coats. If your dog's ears, nose, and paws all feel warm, then there is no problem. Check pads for iceballs when you bring him in, though.

Ah yes the irresistible snow!!!! Ed and Gem love it!! I had some concerns last winter about them being too cold here in Mn during one of the coldest Winters we've had in a few years, plus they were just puppies then. My vet said that he had actually practiced in Alaska and after seeing how great the dogs did in the harsh conditions he seldom worries with this breed anyway! I agree with the foot pad thing though and mine will actually start to lift their paws up when they have been out long enough to get cold(it takes a good while for that) Then we come in and get warmed up a bit and they are are ready to get back out into it again! The days it snows here I worry more about myself freezing cuz I'm either out in it or opening the door for them all day long!! I just love my SnowCorgis!!! Here is a pic of the corgis and our first snow here in Mn about 3weeks ago!! Enjoy!!!!


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